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Office of the Chancellor

Office of the Chancellor

Role of Chancellor

The Chancellor is the ceremonial head of the University of the Fraser Valley, presiding over Convocation and conferring UFV credentials (degrees, diplomas, and certificates). As a representative of the public interest at the university, the Chancellor also acts as an ambassador for UFV and is called upon to represent the institution at major events both on and off campus. The role of Chancellor is voluntary and is held for a three-year term.

The Chancellor is appointed by the UFV Board of Governors upon the recommendation of the Alumni Association and consultation with the UFV Senate. The Chancellor serves as a member of the Board of Governors and the UFV Senate.

Q’um Q’um Xiiem Dr. Jo-ann Archibald installed as UFV chancellor

Dr. Jo-ann Archibald, Chancellor

Dr. Jo-ann Archibald is the University of the Fraser Valley's fourth Chancellor.

Also known as Q'um Q'um Xiiem, OC, Dr. Archibald is an esteemed scholar, member of the Soowahlie First Nation, Professor Emeritus of Educational Studies at UBC, and a recipient of an Honorary Degree from UFV (2022). In 2018, she was appointed as an officer of the Order of Canada for her substantial work in Indigenous education.

She is well known as a leading Indigenous education scholar who played a key role in weaving Indigenous content and ways of knowing into the curriculum at the K-12 and university levels. Her deep roots with UFV trace back 50 years to its inception as Fraser Valley College in 1974.

I've always valued the commitment and care of the university in the ways that it addressed Indigenous education for Stó:lō people and Indigenous people more broadly.

I've witnessed UFV's remarkable growth over the past five decades, yet at the same time I feel it's important that the university continues to address the needs of the region.

Dr. Archibald began her career teaching elementary school, before attending graduate school and joining the faculty at UBC. Later, she was the first Associate Dean of Indigenous Education in a Canadian university. In this role, she substantially increased the numbers of Indigenous undergraduate/graduate students and faculty members, expanded Indigenous course and program offerings, and established Indigenous Ph.D. scholarship funding.

In 1983, she became the coordinator for the Chilliwack cohort of UBC's Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP), which was based at Fraser Valley College (now UFV). This program allowed Indigenous students to learn in a cohort and stay near their home communities for the first two years before moving to UBC.

With all her academic experience, Archibald feels one key component stands above all else — the place we call home.

Think of the land itself.

Stó:lō people have cared for this land since time immemorial, so that many generations could live well. Now, as a Canadian society we're facing crises, which relate to climate, social, and economic issues. UFV can continue to be proactive in addressing these issues through the programming it offers. Stó:lō Elders have taught us that the environment and the land have to thrive in order for people to thrive. I believe that the university can play an even greater role in realizing this teaching.

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