RAN Logo


“The goals of RAN include raising the profile of race-related issues at UFV and beyond, addressing issues of racism, and developing theoretical and practical strategies and tools of anti-racism”.

  • Raise awareness about racism and race-related (gender, sexuality, religious, class, dis/ability) issues at UFV, the Fraser Valley, and society at large,
  • Organize events for members of UFV related to race and anti-racism.
  • Bring together individuals and communities at UFV and beyond working on anti-racism, decolonization, and anti-colonial projects. 
  • Provide a space for people of colour, Indigenous peoples and allies to work on issues of related to race and acolonial politics.
  • Resources pending, respond to local, regional, national, and international events and issues relevant to RAN.
  • Facilitate dialogues and discussions within UFV among staff, faculty, administrators and students.
  • Advocate for changes within UFV that are consistent with the above objectives.



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