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Accessible UFV

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we asking for feedback on accessibility?

Barriers make it difficult for people with disabilities to experience full and equal participation at UFV, negatively impacting their feeling of inclusion and belonging. The lived experiences of our community inform decisions and actions to addressing barriers people face. 

What do you mean by “accessibility”, “disability” and “barrier”?

Please see the definitions section. 

How will I know if my feedback has been addressed?

Upon receiving feedback, the relevant department is notified of the identified barrier.

In accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act, UFV will also publish an Annual Report which describes the actions taken in the previous fiscal year to implement the Act. Part of this report will include how feedback is being addressed. 

Who can provide feedback?

We want to hear from students, employees, and visitors the specific barriers people face when they:

  • Experiences a barrier
  • Witnesses someone experiencing a barrier
  • What kind of feedback can I provide?

We want to know the specific barriers people face when they are trying to:

  • Access a program, location or information we offer
  • Receive a service or support
  • Apply for employment at UFV 

We’re seeking:

  • Descriptions of experiences and how they impact you
  • Recommendations for how barriers can be removed

Some examples of barriers you could report:

  • Problems with physical access 
  • A person that uses language that is degrading, harmful or inconsiderate of your disability 
  • Forms, materials, course content, etc. that are not available in an accessible different format
  • Videos without captioning or ASL alternatives

How will my privacy be protected?

The contact information in the feedback survey is optional. If you do not share your name and contact information, your identity will be not known by the people who access the online form. You can share as much or as little as you want. What you share will never be held against you.

Any personal details you share will be kept safe as required under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions about the collection, use and disclosure of your information, please contact