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Accessible UFV

Steering Committee

Accessible British Columbia Act Steering Committee

The Accessible British Columbia Act Steering Committee (ABCASC or the “Steering Committee”) provides advice to the Provost to help UFV become a more accessible community and fulfill its obligations under the Accessible British Columbia Act.

Role of the steering committee

  1. Implement the goals of UFV's Accessibility Plan, phase 1 priorities for 2023-2024/25 to ensure a solid foundation on which to build and enact change. This includes:
    1. Launch the Accessibility Committee
    2. Establish a baseline for UFV's accessibility work
    3. Develop a community consultation and engagement framework
    4. Develop a communications plan for capacity building
  2. Develop phase 2 of the Accessibility Plan to further identify, remove and prevent barriers to individuals in or interacting with” UFV
  3. Recommend a process for consulting with:
    1. The Accessibility Committee
    2. the Accessibility Advisory Committee
    3. the UFV community
    4. Members of the public

on the accessibility plan and barriers to individuals interacting with the organization.

  1. Share information on best practices and innovations on accessibility issues
  2. Act as a resource and provide advice and recommendations to PAC on the implementation of the accessibility plan.

Composition of the steering committee

The ABCA Steering Committee will include:

  • Vice-Provost
  • Vice-President Students
  • Vice-President Administration and CFO (or designate)
  • Vice-President Community Engagement (or designate)
  • Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning
  • Executive Director, Student Affairs
  • A representative from Human Resources
  • At least one member of the Accessibility in Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee
  • Additional members, as recommended by the ABCABC, may be appointed to the Committee by the Chair
  • One or more individuals with lived experience related to accessibility
  • One member of the Student Union Society Executive


Steering committee chair

Dr. Alisa Webb


Vice President, Students

Vice President, Students

Abbotsford campus

Phone: 604-854-4518

email Alisa

Committee members

Dr. Kyle Baillie


Associate Vice President, Students

Abbotsford campus, B214h

Phone: 604-557-4092

email Kyle

Jackie Hogan

Chief Financial Officer and Vice-President Administration

VP Administration and CFO

Abbotsford campus, A271a

Phone: 604-864-4676

email Jackie

Susan Mide Kiss

Vice-President, Community Engagement

Abbotsford campus

email Susan

Sundeep Hans

Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic

Abbotsford campus, A267

Phone: 604-864-4690

email Sundeep

Laurie Coreau

Advisor, Health & Disability Management

Human Resources

Abbotsford campus, A288p

Phone: 604-557-4014

email Laurie

Dr. Awneet Sivia

Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning

Abbotsford campus, G104c

Phone: 604-504-7441, ext. 4627

email Awneet

Fizza Haider

Learning Designer

Abbotsford campus, G104

Phone: 604-864-4652

email Fizza

Dr. Maureen Wideman

Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning

Abbotsford campus, G104c

Phone: 604-468-4627 or 604-504-7441, ext. 4627

email Maureen

Dr. Tracy Ryder Glass

Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic

Vice-Provost's office

Abbotsford campus, B314c

Phone: 604-864-4602

Toll Free: 1-888-504-7441 ext. 4602

email Tracy