Accessible British Columbia Act Steering Committee
The Accessible British Columbia Act Steering Committee (ABCASC or the “Steering Committee”) provides advice to the Provost to help UFV become a more accessible community and fulfill its obligations under the Accessible British Columbia Act.
Role of the steering committee
- Implement the goals of UFV's Accessibility Plan, phase 1 priorities for 2023-2024/25 to ensure a solid foundation on which to build and enact change. This includes:
- Launch the Accessibility Committee
- Establish a baseline for UFV's accessibility work
- Develop a community consultation and engagement framework
- Develop a communications plan for capacity building
- Develop phase 2 of the Accessibility Plan to further identify, remove and prevent barriers to individuals in or interacting with” UFV
- Recommend a process for consulting with:
- The Accessibility Committee
- the Accessibility Advisory Committee
- the UFV community
- Members of the public
on the accessibility plan and barriers to individuals interacting with the organization.
- Share information on best practices and innovations on accessibility issues
- Act as a resource and provide advice and recommendations to PAC on the implementation of the accessibility plan.
Composition of the steering committee
The ABCA Steering Committee will include:
- Vice-Provost
- Vice-President Students
- Vice-President Administration and CFO (or designate)
- Vice-President Community Engagement (or designate)
- Director, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning
- Executive Director, Student Affairs
- A representative from Human Resources
- At least one member of the Accessibility in Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee
- Additional members, as recommended by the ABCABC, may be appointed to the Committee by the Chair
- One or more individuals with lived experience related to accessibility
- One member of the Student Union Society Executive