Summer 2020 Timetable

This timetable has been updated with changes made up to and including:
May 14, 2020

Changes are in RED; additions are in BLUE.

                                     FULL semester - May 4 – Aug 1     à Exam period à Aug 4 - 12 includes Saturday August 8
                                     EARLY semester - May 4 – Jun 20
à Exam period à June 23 -26
                                     LATE semester - Jul 2 – Aug 17    
à Exam period à Aug 19 - 22 includes Saturday Aug 22

Adult Education
Art History
Business Administration
Child Youth & Family Studies
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Criminal Justice

Critical Analysis & Study Methods

Dental Assisting
Early Childhood Education

English for Academic Prep
Geography and the Environment
Graphic Design
Human Services

Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge

Library and Information Technology
Media & Communication Studies
Media Arts
Mindful Teaching and Learning



Political Science

Social Work
University Studies
Visual Arts

 HYBRID format -  Some of the classroom instruction time has been moved to online. For example, one class in four will
take place online, or in-class time is significantly reduced and replaced with online activities. 
                 Online components can be accessed at or

 ONLINE -        Online courses open on May 4. Students are expected to login soon after that.
                 Students MUST login by noon May 6 for EARLY and FULL sessions or risk losing their spot in the course.
                 For LATE session online courses open on July 2. Students must login by noon July 6 or risk
                 losing their spot in the course.
-- Start the online course at or --

Subj Crse#  Course Title                        Credit      Fee      Requisites

 ---- -----  ------------------------------------ --------  ------------------------------------------------------------

      CRN   Sec Instructor                            Bldg   Room       UMTWRFS Begin End       Start Date   End Date           Max

      ----- --- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- ------- ----- ----  ----------- ----------- ------

                                                                                                Major                          Resv

                                                                                               ------------------------------ ----

 Adult Education

 ADED 320   ADULT LEARNING                   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-
                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education
                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education
                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30
                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult
                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.

      50187 ON1 Janice Johnson                 
ONLINE UFV                           04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
ONLINE UFV              S 1330  1630 20-JUN-2020 20-JUN-2020
ONLINE UFV              S 1330  1630 09-MAY-2020 09-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV              S 1300  1630 30-MAY-2020 30-MAY-2020
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                             MAJOR:Adult Education                  20
            Although this course is primarily conducted online, it does require participation synchronously through Blackboard
            Collaborate from 130-430pm on Saturday, May 9, May 30 and June 20
 ADED 330T  PROJECT-BASED LEARNING           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-
                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education
                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education
                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30
                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult
                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.

      50188 ON1 Chris Campbell,                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
                Sheryl MacMath                  ONLINE UFV          T     1730  2020  12-MAY-2020 19-MAY-2020     
                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1730  2020  09-JUN-2020 09-JUN-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV          T     1730  2020  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                             MAJOR:Adult Education                  10
            Although this course is primarily conducted online, it does require participation synchronously through Blackboard
            Collaborate from 530-830pm every Thursday, and from 530-830pm on
Tuesday May 12, May 19 and June 9.
 ADED 415   FACILITATING E-LEARNING          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.
                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): ADED 325.

      50189 ON1 Douglas Mauger                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
                                                ONLINE UFV          T     1730  2020  05-MAY-2020 05-MAY-2020
                                                ONLINE UFV          T     1730  2020  26-MAY-2020 26-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV          T     1730  2020  16-JUN-2020 16-JUN-2020
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                             MAJOR:Adult Education                  15
            Although this course is primarily conducted online, it does require participation synchronously through Blackboard
            Collaborate from 530-820pm on Tuesday, May 5, May 26 and June 16.

 ADED 421   ADVANCED STUDIES OF MBCT         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-
                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education
                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education
                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30
                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult
                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.

      50002 ON1 Seonaigh MacPherson             ONLINE UFV         M      1700  2000  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     25
                Melissa Nigrini                 ONLINE UFV              S 0830  1210  09-MAY-2020 09-MAY-2020
                                                ONLINE UFV              S 0830  1210  30-MAY-2020 30-MAY-2020
                                                ONLINE UFV              S 0830  1210  20-JUN-2020 20-JUN-2020
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                              MAJOR:Adult Education                  15
            Although this course is primarily conducted online, it does require participation synchronously through Blackboard
            Collaborate from 5pm-8pm Mondays as well as 830-1210pm on Saturday, May 9, May 30 and June 20.

 ADED 446   COMMUNITY-BASED ADED METHODS     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-
                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education
                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education
                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30
                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult
                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.

      50190 ON1 Amea Wilbur                     ONLINE UFV                             04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
                                                ONLINE UFV           W    1730  2020   06-MAY-2020 06-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV           W    1730  2020   20-MAY-2020 10-JUN-2020
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                             MAJOR:Adult Education                  15
            Although this course is primarily conducted online, it does require participation synchronously through Blackboard
            Collaborate from 530pm-820pm on
Wednesday May 6, May 20, May 27, June 3 and June 10.

 ANTH 102   CULTURE AND SOCIETY              3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50003 ON1 Kamal Arora                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       15
 ANTH 111   FIRST NATNS-BC TRAD'TL CULTURE   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50004 ON1 Sarah Beaulieu                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE -- please see explanation above.                               Int'l Students                       15

      50531 ON2 Sarah Beaulieu                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE -- please see explanation above.                               Int'l Students                       15

      50549 ON3 Christine Elsey                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 ANTH 130   RELIGIONS AND CULTURES           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50005 ON1 Kamal Arora                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE -- please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       15
 Art History

 AH   102   ART & CUL IN WEST 1400 TO PRES   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50191 ON1 Jill Bain                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12

      50512 ON2 Jill Bain                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12
 AH   330   MUSEUM PRINCIPLES & PRACTICES    4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 3 credits of 100- or 200-level Art
                                                             History or 45 university-level credits.

      50192 ON1 Aleksandra Idzior               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     50
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 ARTS 299   ARTS PORTFOLIO                   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 9 university-level credits.

      50193 ON1 Michelle Johnston               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      50194 ON2 Linda Pardy                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation


         50546 ON3 Chelsey Laird                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 BIO  093   PROVINCIAL-LEVEL BIOLOGY         3.0     $62.97  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (Biology 12 with a
                                                             C- or better) or (BIO 083 or BIO 11 with a C+ or better).
                                                             Note: Chemistry 11 or CHEM 083, and/or Principles of
                                                             Mathematics 11, Applications of Mathematics 11,
                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH
                                                             085 are highly recommended.

      50431 ON1 Barnabe Assogba                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class


         50568 ON2 Barnabe Assogba                 ONLINE UFV                             04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020      24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class
 BIO  105   HUMAN BIOLOGY                    4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): None

      50006 ON1 Bassam Nyaeme                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     60
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       20

            Exams will take place on the Abbotsford campus or by proctor.


      50554 ON2 Gregory Schmaltz, Jesper        ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     30


            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      50555 ON3 Justin Lee, Alida Janmaat       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     30

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 BIO  111   INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY I           5.0    $828.45  Prerequisite(s): One of Biology 11 or BIO 083 with a C+
                                                             or better and one of Chemistry 12, CHEM 093, or CHEM 110
                                                             with a C or better; or one of Biology 12 or BIO 093 with
                                                             a C+ or better and one of Chemistry 11, Chemistry 12,
                                                             CHEM 083, CHEM 093, or CHEM 110 with a C or better.

      50009 CH1 Carlos Leon Guevara             CEPA   1354         T     1000  1210  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
                                                CEPA   1354           R   1000  1120 
  Choose one of the following labs:
      50007 C#A Jesper Johansen                 CEPA   2111         T     1300  1550  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18
      50008 C#B Jesper Johansen                 CEPA   2111          W    1000  1250  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18
 BIO  112   INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY II          5.0    $828.45  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111

      50012 ON1 Alan Reid/Jesper Johansen/Jennifer Barrett   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

  Choose one of the following labs:
      50010 C#A Jennifer Barrett,               CEPA   2111           R   1000  1250  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18

                Jesper Johansen               
      50011 C#B Jesper Johansen,                CEPA   2111           R   1430  1720  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18

                Jennifer Barrett
 BIO  210   INTRODUCTION TO ECOLOGY          4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (BIO 112 and CHEM
                                                             114, both with a C+ or better) or (BIO 111, [CHEM 110 or
                                                             CHEM 113], and [two of the following: AGRI 123, AGRI 124,
                                                             AGRI 129, AGRI 163, AGRI 203, AGRI 204, or AGRI 220], all
                                                             with a C+ or better).

      50013 ON1 Alan Reid                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                     
                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3
                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2
                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17
 BIO  220   GENETICS                         4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (BIO 112 and CHEM
                                                             114, both with a C+ or better) or (BIO 111, [CHEM 110 or
                                                             CHEM 113], and [two of the following: AGRI 123, AGRI 124,
                                                             AGRI 129, AGRI 163, AGRI 203, AGRI 204, or AGRI 220], all
                                                             with a C+ or better).

      50195 ON1 Nathan Bialas                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above 
                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3
                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2
                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17
 BIO  320   BIOCHEMISTRY                     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BIO 201 and CHEM 213

      50196 AB1 David Fenske                    ABA    252          T R   1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4
                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3
                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24


      50498 ON1 David Fenske                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24

 BIO  383   HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BIO 201 and BIO 202.


      50488 ON1 Gregory Schmaltz                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24

            Exams will take place on the Abbotsford campus or by proctor


 BIO  408   DIRECTED STUDIES IN BIOLOGY I    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): B+ or better in BIO 202, 210, and 220,
                                                             and instructor's permission.

      50014 IS1 Sharon Gillies                                                          04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1
 BIO  409A  DIRECTED STUD BIOL II - PART A   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, 210, 220, and
                                                             permission of instructor

      50015 IS1 TBA                                                                   04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1
 BIO  409B  DIRECTED STUD BIOL II - PART B   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, 210, 220, and
                                                             permission of instructor

      50016 IS1 Sharon Gillies                                                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      3

      50463 IS2 Lucy Lee                                                              04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1

      50464 IS3 Sharon Gillies                                                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1

 BIO  420II METHODS IN SCIENCE CMNS          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Any three BIO courses numbered 200 or

                                                             above, or instructor¿s permission.


      50571 ON1 Carin Bodnar                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.



 BIO  421E  CLAYOQUOT BIOSPHERE FIELD SCHL   4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200 or above

      50017 CB1 Sandra Gillespie                ABA    360             F  1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            Note: Reserved for Clayoquot Biosphere Field School.
            Involves off campus activity. Study Tour Dates: May 9-25, 2020.
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
 BIO  421HH CLAYOQUOT BIOS FIELD SCHOOL II   4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200 or above

      50018 CB1 Sandra Gillespie                                                      04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            Note: Reserved for Clayoquot Biosphere Field School.
            Involves off campus activity. Study Tour Dates: May 9-25, 2020.
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
 BIO  421JJ ADV TOPICS NATURAL HISTORY I     4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200 or above

      50019 TN1 Sharon Gillies/Gregory Schmaltz  ABK    153             F  1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above.
            Note: Reserved for  NY & Washington DC Study Tour. Involves off campus activities.
            Study Tour Dates: June 28-July 13, 2020.
 BIO  421KK ADV TOPICS NATURAL HISTORY II    4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Any three biology courses numbered 200 or above

      50020 TN1 Sharon Gillies                                                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above.
            Note: Reserved for NY & Washington DC Study Tour. Involves off campus activities.
            Study Tour Dates: June 28-July 13, 2020.
 BIO  477   TRAD ECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGES       4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including 6
                                                             credits of IPK or FNST. Biology students can contact the
                                                             instructor for permission to register.

      50197 AB1 Sharon Gillies
                                                        04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28

                                                ABK    158         M      0910  1200  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020

                                                ABK    158         M      1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      50497 ON1 Sharon Gillies                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            This course is offered as IPK 477 and BIO 477. Students may only take one of these for credit.
 BIO  499A  DIR STUD IN HONOURS BIOL PT I    4.5    $745.61  Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Biology honours degree
                                                             program and completion of at least 10 upper-level Biologycredits.

      50021 IS1 Sharon Gillies                                                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1
 BIO  499B  DIR STUD IN HONOURS BIOL PT II   4.5    $745.61  Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Biology honours degree
                                                             program and completion of at least 10 upper-level Biology credits.

      50022 IS1 Gregory Schmaltz                                                      04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1
 Business Administration

 BUS  100   INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50198 ON1
Suzan Beattie                             ONLINE UFV          T  F  0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       12
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance 
      50199 ON2
Rod Hayward                            ONLINE UFV          T  F  1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       12
 BUS  120   ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 or AGRI 142.

      50200 ON1 Richard Simon                  
ONLINE UFV          M  R   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       10
 BUS  143   INTRO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the prerequisites for MATH 141.

      50201 ON1 Don Dixon                      
ONLINE UFV          M  R   1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  144   INTRO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING II    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143.

      50202 ON1
Jillene Marlowe                 ONLINE UFV          M  R   1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24

      50203 ON2 Robert Anderson                 ONLINE UFV          T  F  0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  160   COMPUTERIZED BUS APPLICATIONS    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None. It is recommended that students
                                                             are competent in computer skills.

      50204 ON2 Trish Blondin                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                School of Business                    18

      50205 ON3 Kevin Renso                     
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                School of Business                    18

      50023 ON4 Malaka Walpola                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                School of Business                    18

      50206 ON1
Bob McAuliffe                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                School of Business                    18
 BUS  201   HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 203.

ON1 Kishore Anand                   ONLINE UFV          M  R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24

      50458 ON2 Kirsten Robertson               ONLINE UFV          T  F  1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  203   ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 or 30 credits of Criminology.

      50208 ON1 Marie Low                       ONLINE UFV          M  R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24

      50514 ON2 Marie Low                       ONLINE UFV          T  F  1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to             School of Business Int'l Students      8

            online classroom attendance.                                         School of Business                    24
 BUS  221   PROFESSIONAL SELLING             3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120.

ON1 Mark Breedveld                  ONLINE UFV          M  R   1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  226   ECONOMIC & BUSINESS STATISTICS   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of
                                                             MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115).

ON1 Amanpreet Kang                  ONLINE UFV          T  F  0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     34
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226              School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    26
 BUS  227   NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, (BUS 160 or CIS 110), (BUS 144
                                                             or BUS 145), BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162), and CMNS 125.

ON1 Kishore Anand                   ONLINE UFV          M  R   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  247   INTRO MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 144 or BUS 145.

ON1 Raymond Leung                   ONLINE UFV          T  F  1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  249   INTRODUCTION TO FINANCE          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the prerequisites for MATH 141.

ON1 Don Dixon                       ONLINE UFV          M  R   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  261   BUSINESS LAW                     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100.

ON1 Vincent Keramat                 ONLINE UFV          M W    1730  2020  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24

ON2 Gerald Palmer                   ONLINE UFV          T R   1730  2020  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 BUS  320   BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120 and BUS 226/ECON 226 (formerly
                                                             BUS 301/ECON 301).

ON1 Ronnie Gao                      ONLINE UFV           W    1130  1420   04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business                    19
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      6
 BUS  344   INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 343

ON1 Keith Lownie                    ONLINE UFV           M  R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        8
 BUS  346   INCOME TAX II                    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 345

ON1 Keith Lownie                    ONLINE UFV           M  R   1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        8
 BUS  349   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143, BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301), and
                                                             BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162).

ON1 Don Dixon                       ONLINE UFV           T  F  1730  2020  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349              School of Business Int'l Students      6
                                                                                 School of Business                    18
 BUS  390M  BUSINESS IN EUROPE               3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 30 university-level credits.

      50460 EU1 Jillene Marlowe                                                       04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     30
            Registration is restricted to participants of the Business in Europe Study Tour.
            Instructor permission required.
 BUS  403   STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT             3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349/ECON 349.

ON1 Saeed Rahman                    ONLINE UFV           M  R   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      6
                                                                                 School of Business                    19
 BUS  404   MANAGEMENT SCIENCE               3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including STAT 106.

ON1 Joe Ilsever                      ONLINE UFV           M  R   1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      6
                                                                                 School of Business                    19
 BUS  405   STRATEGIC MGMT SIMULATION        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Business
                                                             Administration degree or Bachelor of Business
                                                             Administration (Aviation) degree.
                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): BUS 403.

ON1 Lorne Mackenzie                 ONLINE UFV           T  F  1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      6
                                                                                 School of Business                    19
 BUS  478   WORKSPACES, BUILT PLACES         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 75 university-level credits.

ON1 Don Miskiman                    ONLINE UFV           T      1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
ONLINE UFV             F
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        8

ON2 Don Miskiman                    ONLINE UFV           T      1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
ONLINE UFV             F
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        8


 BUS  493C  ENACTUS I                        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Business

                                                             Administration and 75 university-level credits.


      50503 IS1 Saeed Rahman                                                          04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      6

            Instructor permission required. Contact for more information.


 CHEM 083   ADVANCED-LEVEL CHEMISTRY         3.0     $62.97  Prerequisite(s): Science 10. Note: One of Principles of
                                                             Mathematics 11, Applications of Mathematics 11,
                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH
                                                             085 is highly recommended.

      50432 ON1 Raji Balagopal                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class
 CHEM 113   PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY I        5.0    $828.45  Prerequisite(s): (Chemistry 12 or CHEM 110) and (one of
                                                             the following: Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus
                                                             12, MATH 093, MATH 095, MATH 096, or MATH 110).

      50225 ON1 Golfam Ghafourifar             
ONLINE UFV           W    1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
ONLINE UFV         MT R   1130  1250  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

  Choose one of the following labs:
      50223 O#A Jane Webb              
ONLINE UFV         M W    1300  1550  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       18
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50224 O#B Jane Webb                      
ONLINE UFV          T R   1300  1550  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       18
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 CHEM 114   PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY II       5.0    $828.45  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 113.

      50362 ON1 Vinay Choytun                  
ONLINE UFV         MTWRF  0830  0950  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

  Choose one of the following labs:
      50360 O#A Vinay Choytun                  
ONLINE UFV         M W    1300  1550  02-JUL-20   17-AUG-20       18
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50361 O#B Vinay Choytun                
ONLINE UFV          T R   1300  1550  02-JUL-20   17-AUG-20       18
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 CHEM 213   ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I              4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 114

      50229 ON1 Ben Hui                        
ONLINE UFV         MTWR   1000  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer                   BSC                                21

            to online classroom attendance.
 CHEM 214   ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II             4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 213.

      50230 AB1 Jason Thomas                    ABA    264         MTWR   1000  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
                                                ABA    388         M W    1300  1640  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020
                                                                                    BSC                                21
 Child & Youth Care

 CYC  275   WELLNESS AND MINDFULNESS         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in
                                                             Child and Youth Care and C+ or better in each of (CYC 100
                                                             or ECE 100), CYC 101, (CYC 120 or ECE 120), CYC 125, CYC
                                                             167, and CYC 168.

      50073 AB1 Christine Slavik                                                      04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24

                                                ABD    138              S 0900  1200  23-MAY-2020 04-JUL-2020

                                                ABF    125              S 0900  1500  11-JUL-2020 11-JUL-2020
                                                ABD    138              S 0900  1200  18-JUL-2020 25-JUL-2020
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
 CYC  310   SUPERVISED PRACTICUM             6.0    $994.14  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in
                                                             Child and Youth Care, CYC 202, CYC 203, CYC
                                                             220, CYC 275, CYC 210, CYC 280, and CYC 296.

                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): CYC 320, CYC 340, CYC 367, and CYC 368.

      50074 PR1 Mark Littlefield                ABD    137           W    1700  1850  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      8
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above. Cross-listed with CYC 410
 CYC  330   TRAUMA-INFORMED PRACTICE         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in
                                                             Child and Youth Care and C+ or better in each of (CYC 100
                                                             or ECE 100), CYC 101, (CYC 120 or ECE 120), CYC 125, CYC
                                                             167, CYC 168, CYC 202, CYC 210, CYC 220, CYC 203, CYC
                                                             275, CYC 280, and CYC 296.

      50253 AB1 Cindy Rammage                   ABD    138         M W    1600  1850  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
 CYC  360S  ANIMAL ASSIST THERAPY & EQUINE   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CYC degree program or
                                                             permission of department head.

      50401 AB1 Kirsten Hargreaves                                                     25-APR-2020 20-JUN-2020     16

                                                                      S U 0900  1700   25-APR-2020 26-APR-2020
                                                                      S U 0900  1700   02-MAY-2020 03-MAY-2020
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
            Course meets Apr 25-26 from 9-5 and May 2-3 from 9-5.
            Students will be contacted by their UFV email regarding instructions
 CYC  360U  UNIVERSAL DESIGN                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CYC degree program or
                                                             permission of department head.

      50254 AB1 Alex Thompson                                                         04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24

                                                ABK    149             F  0930  1700  08-MAY-2020 08-MAY-2020

                                                ABK    149            R   0930  1700  14-MAY-2020 14-MAY-2020
                                                ABK    149            R   0930  1700  21-MAY-2020 21-MAY-2020
                                                ABK    149             F  0930  1700  29-MAY-2020 29-MAY-2020
                                                ABK    149             F  0930  1700  05-JUN-2020 05-JUN-2020
                                                ABK    149             F  0930  1700  12-JUN-2020 12-JUN-2020
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
            Field trips will be required

 CYC  380   CHILD PROTECTION PRACTICE        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in each of CYC 202, CYC

                                                             210, CYC 220, CYC 203, CYC 275, CYC 280, and CYC 296.


      50501 ON1 Karlan Modeste                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CYC  410   ADVANCED PRACTICE IN CYC         6.0    $994.14  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in
                                                             Child and Youth Care and C+ or better in each of the
                                                             following: CYC  310, CYC 320, and CYC 340.

                                                             Note: As of January 2020, prerequisites will change to:
                                                             Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care
                                                             and C+ or better in each of the following: CYC 310, CYC
                                                             320, CYC 340, CYC 367, and CYC 368.

                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): CYC 402 and CYC 469.

      50075 PR1 Mark Littlefield                ABD    137           W    1700  1850  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      8
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above. Crosslisted with CYC 310


 CMNS 125   PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C+ or better in
                                                             English 12, CPT score of 48, or evidence of any test
                                                             score or course grade listed under the Degree/diploma-
                                                             level English language proficiency standards in the UFV
                                                             academic calendar at

      50032 ON3 Linda Howell                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50238 ON4 Adam Vincent                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50239 ON5 Kim Norman                      ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

      50364 ON6 Lisa Allen                      ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        11

      50033 ON7 Susan Francis                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50034 ON8 Paul Fontaine                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50035 ON9 Linda Howell                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50240 ONA Jeffrey Orr                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50036 ONB Nicole Stewart                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50241 ONC Mai Anh Doan                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50365 OND John Bermingham                 ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50037 ON1 Rita Atake                      ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

      50038 ON2 Rita Atake                      ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50534 ONE Linda Howell                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12


      50535 ONF John Bermingham                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12

 CMNS 180   INTRO TO INTERCULTURAL COMM      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None


      50536 ON1 Marcella LaFever                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

                                                                                MINOR:Communications                    5

 CMNS 235   PUBLIC SPEAKING                  3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50039 ON1 Hannah Celinski                
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9
                                                                                MINOR:Communications                    3

      50040 ON2 Hannah Celinski                
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9
                                                                                MINOR:Communications                    3

      50041 ON3 Christopher Towler             
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9
                                                                                MINOR:Communications                    3

      50042 ON4 Christopher Towler             
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9
                                                                                MINOR:Communications                    3

      50537 ON5 Ranbir Banwait                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9
MINOR:Communications                    3
 CMNS 251   PROFESSIONAL REPORT WRITING      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of CMNS 115, CMNS 125, CMNS 145,
                                                             CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105.

      50043 ON5 Linda Howell              ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

      50242 ON6 Mai Anh Doan                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50243 ON7 Samantha Pattridge              ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

      50244 ON8 Lynn Kirkland-Harvey            ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12

      50366 ON9 Lisa Allen                      ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

      50044 ON1 Peter Clayton                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

      50045 ON2 Sam Schechter                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9

      50506 ON3 Samuel Schechter                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        9


      50507 ON4 Peter Clayton                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12

      50532 ONA Lynn Kirkland-Harvey            ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12


      50533 ONB Samantha Pattridge              ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12


      50547 ONC Adam Vincent                    ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 CMNS 351   PROF FORMAL RSRCH RPT WRITING    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): CMNS 251

      50367 AB1 David Thomson                   ABD    134          T R   1000  1250  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     25
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
                                                                                MINOR:Communications                   15


      50504 ON1 David Thomson                   ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

                                                                                MINOR:Communications                   15
 CMNS 399D  INFORMATIONAL GRAPHICS           4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including
                                                             CMNS 251 and one CMNS course 300-level and above.

      50245 ON1 Rashad Mammadov                
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 
            Students will be required to use their own computer/laptop. Software will be provided.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        5
                                                                                MINOR:Communications                   15

 CMNS 399E  CMNS THRU PANDEMICS & EMERG      4.0    $662.76


      50539 ON1 Mai Anh Doan                    ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     28

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                              MINOR:Communications                    5


 CMNS 465   GRANT AND PROPOSAL WRITING       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including
                                                             one of the following: CMNS 212, CMNS 251, or CMNS 312.

      50046 ON1 Paul Fontaine                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
                                                                                MINOR:Communications                   15
 Computer Information Systems

 CIS  100   COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.
                                                             Corequisite(s): None

      50231 ON1 Mandeep Pannu                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18
 CIS  110   COMPUTERIZED BUS APPLICATIONS    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None. It is recommended that students
                                                             are competent in computer skills.

ON2 Trish Blondin                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     10
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                

ON3  Kevin Renso                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     10
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                

ON4 Malaka Walpola                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     10
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                

      50234 ON1 Bob McAuliffe                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     15
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 CIS  145   WEB PUBLISHING                   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Competent in computer skills - see `CIS
                                                             Required Skills section on the CIS department website for details.

ON1 Malaka Walpola                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    15
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        2
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          15

ON3 Nelson Eng                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    15
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            2
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          15
 CIS  190   SYSTEM HARDWARE CONCEPTS         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one
                                                             of Principles of Mathematics 11, Foundations of
                                                             Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH 085; or one of
                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics
                                                             12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094.

ON1 Jerry Ang                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems Int'l    20
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          15
 CIS  192   INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKING       4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): CIS 190, or eight credits of CIS and/or COMP.

ON1 Chris Wiebe                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    20
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          15
 CIS  285   END USER TRAINING & SUPPORT      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): CIS 190 and CIS 192; one of COMP 150,
                                                             COMP 125, or COMP 152; and one of ENGL 105 or any 100-
                                                             level CMNS course (CMNS 125 is recommended).

ON1 Jerry Ang                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                

 CIS  496K  IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Computer

                                                             Information Systems and 9 credits of 300-level and above

                                                             CIS or COMP. Note: Students accepted to a CIS or

                                                             Computing Science minor may register with permission of

                                                             the department.


      50545 ON1 Mandeep Pannu                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.



 CIS  497G  CLOUD & WEB SERVER SECURITY      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the CIS degree program and
                                                             CIS 221 and CIS 341 with C+ or better.

                                                             (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor

                                                             may register with permission of the department). Other

                                                             prerequisites determined by instructor and topic.


      50472 ON1 Talia Q                         ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                

 Computer Science

 COMP 125   PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTING          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in
                                                             one of Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11,
                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11, or MATH 085) or (one of
                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics
                                                             12, Pre-calculus 12, MATH 092, or MATH 094).

ON1 Malaka Walpola                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    15
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        5
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          10
                                                                                    BSC                                 5

ON2 Jerry Ang                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    15
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        5
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          10
                                                                                    BSC                                 5
 COMP 150   INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING      4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in
                                                             one of Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11,
                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11, or MATH 085) or (one of
                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics
                                                             12, Pre-calculus 12, MATH 092, or MATH 094).

ON1 Simon Luke                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    15
                                                                                  Int'l Students  BSC                   5
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            5
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems           5
                                                                                    BSC                                 5
 COMP 155   OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING      4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): COMP 150 or COMP 152 with a grade of C+ or better.

ON1 David Wang                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    15
                                                                                  Int'l Students  BSC                   5
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          10
                                                                                    BSC                                 5

      50050 ON2 Qussay Salih                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    15
                                                                                  Int'l Students  BSC                   5
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          10
                                                                                    BSC                                 5

 COMP 251   DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS     4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): COMP 125, COMP 155, and MATH 125.

      50249 ON1
Frank Zhang                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    20
                                                                                MAJOR:Computing Science                 5
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          10

      50502 ON2 David Wang                      ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Computer Information Systems Int'l    20

                                                                                MAJOR:Computing Science                 5

                                                                                 Computer Information Systems          10

 COMP 381   MACHINE LEARNING                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): (COMP 251 and one of the following:
                                                             [STAT 106 or STAT 270]) or admission to the Data Analysis
                                                             Post-degree certificate. Note: Students who do not have
                                                             the required courses but have been admitted to the Data
                                                             Analysis Post-degree certificate will need to contact the
                                                             department assistant for permission to register.

ON1 Qussay Salih                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert               25

 COMP 386   CODING BEST PRACTICES            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Coding Skills associate

                                                             certificate, COMP 359, and COMP 370.


      50470 ON1 Opeyemi Adesina/Carl Janzen     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     35
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                

Criminal Justice

CRIM 100   INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50051 ON1 Amy Prevost                    
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       11

      50052 ON2 Amy Prevost                    
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       11
 CRIM 103   INTRO TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50053 ON2 Jennifer Armstrong              
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       11

      50473 ON1 Jennifer Armstrong              ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12
 CRIM 104   SOC EXPLAN OF CRIM & DEV BEHAV   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50055 ON1 Richard Konarski               
ONLINE UFV                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       11
 CRIM 105   PSYC EXPLAN OF CRIM & DEV BEHV   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50056 ON1 Zina Lee                       
ONLINE UFV                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       11
 CRIM 135   INTRO CDN LAW AND LEGAL INST     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50057 ON2 Camia Weaver                   
ONLINE UFV                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       11

      50058 ON1 Vincent Kermat                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       11
 CRIM 210   YOUTH CRIME & YOUTH JUSTICE SY   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50059 ON1 Amanda McCormick                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     72
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       22
 CRIM 213   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Director and the Dean of Arts.

      50060 IS1 Zina Lee                                                               04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1
 CRIM 220   RESEARCH MTDS IN CRIM            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): CRIM 100 and one of: CRIM 104, CRIM 105,
                                                             PSYC 101 or SOC 101

      50468 ON1 Amanda McCormick                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl            10
                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             20
 CRIM 230   CRIMINAL LAW                     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50061 ON1 Simon Thomson                  
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     108
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       48
 CRIM 251   LAW ENFORCEMENT IN CANADA        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50062 ON1 Charnpal Kingra                
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     72
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       24

      50063 ON2 Dilvur Dub                     
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     72
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       22

 CRIM 252   CORRECTIONS IN CANADA            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50505 ON1 Erin Osterberg                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       11


 CRIM 330   CRIMINAL PROCEDURE & EVIDENCE    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including
                                                             CRIM 103, CRIM 230, and 3 additional credits of 100- or 200-level CRIM.

      50064 ON1 Kevin Cyr                      
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     27
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             20


      50558 ON2 Simon Thomson                   ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     27

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 CRIM 339   PROFESSIONAL ETHICS              3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including
                                                             CRIM 100, CRIM 103, and 3 additional credits of 100- or 200-level CRIM.

      50065 ON1 Richard Konarski               
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     27
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               
 CRIM 410N  CRIME ANALYSIS                   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including
                                                             CRIM 100, CRIM 103, and 3 additional credits of 100- or 200-level CRIM.

      50456 ON1 Timothy Croisdale               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     27
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 CRIM 411   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Permission of the director and the dean.

      50067 IS1 Zina Lee                                                              04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1
 CRIM 416   MEDIA, CRIME AND CRIMINAL JUST   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including
                                                             CRIM 100, CRIM 103, and 3 additional credits of 100- or 200-level CRIM.

      50068 ON1 Stephanie Ashton               
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     54
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               
 CRIM 710   CHANGE MANAGEMENT CJS            3.0   $1765.47  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Arts(Criminal Justice).

      50408 ON1 Robert Rich                                                      07-MAY-2020 08-AUG-2020      9
                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 1300  1600     07-MAY-2020 09-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 1300  1600     04-JUN-2020 06-JUN-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 1300  1600     09-JUL-2020 11-JUL-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 1300  1600     06-AUG-2020 08-AUG-2020
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 CRIM 755F  MENTAL HLTH: LAW, POLIC, PRACT   3.0   $1765.47  Prerequisite(s): This course critically reviews topics in
                                                             advanced theory, methods, and research in criminal
                                                             justice.  Topics will vary with instructor.

      50409 ON1 Amanda McCormick                                                  07-MAY-2020 08-AUG-2020      9

                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 0900  1200      07-MAY-2020 09-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 0900  1200      04-JUN-2020 06-JUN-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 0900  1200      09-JUL-2020 11-JUL-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV    RFS 0900  1200      06-AUG-2020 08-AUG-2020
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 Critical Analysis & Study Methods

 CSM  104   INTEGRATED ACAD. LEARN. SKILLS   3.0    $497.07  Pre- or corequisite(s): One of CMNS 099, ENGL 099, ENGL
                                                             091, ENGL 081 or ESL WG84 or equivalent

      50069 ON1 Susan Francis                  
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50070 ON2 Lara Jongedijk                 
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50071 ON3 Ken Harmel                     
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50072 ON4 Adam Vincent                   
ONLINE UFV                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 Dental Assisting

 DENT 141   COMMUNITY DENTAL HEALTH          1.5    $248.54  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CDA program

      50395 CH1 Karen Klenk                                                           05-MAY-2020 25-MAY-2020     24

                                                CEPA   2215         T R   1210  1550  05-MAY-2020 07-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2215        M      0830  1120  11-MAY-2020 25-MAY-2020
                                                CEPA   2215         T R   1210  1550  14-MAY-2020 21-MAY-2020
            Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 DENT 143   PATIENT CARE PROCEDURES          1.5    $248.54  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CDA program

      50396 CH1 Karen Klenk                                                           01-APR-2020 20-APR-2020     24

                                                CEPA   0020        M W    0830  1120  01-APR-2020 15-APR-2020

                                                CEPA   2201           R   1210  1550  02-APR-2020 02-APR-2020

                                                CEPA   2201            F  0830  1120  03-APR-2020 03-APR-2020

                                                CEPA   1426            F  1210  1550  17-APR-2020 17-APR-2020
                                                CEPA   1354        M      0830  1120  20-APR-2020 20-APR-2020
            Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 DENT 144   APPLIED DENT SCIENCES            1.5    $248.54  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CDA program

      50397 CH1 Karen Klenk                                                           09-APR-2020 15-MAY-2020     24

                                                CEPA   1426           R   1210  1550  09-APR-2020 23-APR-2020

                                                CEPA   1426         T     1210  1550  09-APR-2020 30-APR-2020

                                                CEPA   1426            F  0830  1120  24-APR-2020 24-APR-2020

                                                CEPA   1426            F  1210  1550  24-APR-2020 15-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2201        M W    0830  1120  27-APR-2020 04-MAY-2020
                                                CEPA   2201           R   1210  1550  30-APR-2020 30-APR-2020
                                                CEPA   2201         T     1210  1550  12-MAY-2020 12-MAY-2020
            Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 DENT 148   DENTAL PRACTICUM II              3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CDA program

      50398 PR1 Karen Klenk                     CEPA   2215          W    0830  1120  06-MAY-2020 20-MAY-2020     24
                                                                                      27-MAY-2020 18-JUN-2020

            Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 DENT 149   DENT EXAM II                     0.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CDA program

      50399 CH1 Karen Klenk                     CEPA   2203         T     0830  1120  26-MAY-2020 26-MAY-2020     24
            Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 DENT 162   CLINICAL PATIENT CARE            3.5    $712.42  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the CDA program

      50400 CH1 Karen Klenk                                                           01-APR-2020 26-MAY-2020     24

                                                CEPA   2204        M W    1210  1520  01-APR-2020 25-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2204         T R   0830  1120  02-APR-2020 21-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2204            F  1210  1520  03-APR-2020 03-APR-2020
                                                CEPA   2204            F  0830  1120  01-MAY-2020 22-MAY-2020
                                                CEPA   2204         T     1210  1520  26-MAY-2020 26-MAY-2020
            Course cost includes materials fee of $132.50
Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 Early Childhood Education

 ECE  242   PRACTICUM: SPECIAL NEEDS         6.0    $994.14  Prerequisite(s): ECE 213, ECE 260, and admission to the
                                                             Early Childhood Education diploma; or department head's permission.

      50255 PR1 Elizabeth McWilliams-Hewitt     ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020      8
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            CROSS LISTED WITH ECE 243
 ECE  243   PRACTICUM: INFANCY               6.0    $994.14  Prerequisite(s): ECE 213, ECE 269, and admission to Early
                                                             Childhood Education diploma; or department head's permission.

      50256 PR1 Elizabeth McWilliams-Hewitt     ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020      8
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            CROSS LISTED WITH ECE 242
 ECE  281   PROGRAMMING FOR SPECIAL NEEDS    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): ECE 213, ECE 260, and admission to the
                                                             Early Childhood Education diploma; or department head's permission.

      50257 ON1 Kiran Sidhu                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      8
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            CROSS LISTED WITH ECE 282
 ECE  282   PROGRAMMING FOR INFANCY          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): ECE 213, ECE 269, and admission to the
                                                             Early Childhood Education diploma; or department head's permission.

      50258 ON1 Kiran Sidhu                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      8
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            CROSS LISTED WITH ECE 281

 ECON 100   PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50259 ON1 Sheila Fagnan                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     72
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       36

      50076 ON2 Nancy Stewart                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18
 ECON 101   PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50260 ON1 Mike Solyom                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     72
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       36
 ECON 226   ECONOMIC & BUSINESS STATISTICS   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of
                                                             MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115).

ON1 Amanpreet Kang                  ONLINE UFV       T  F  0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      1
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above            
            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226             MAJOR:Economics                         1
 ECON 307   MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS             3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including
                                                             ECON 100, and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141.

      50262 ON1 Mike Solyom                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 
 ECON 349   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143, BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301), and
                                                             BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162).

ON1 Don Dixon                       ONLINE UFV          T  F  1730  2020  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      1
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349             MAJOR:Economics                         1

 EDUC 441   ONLINE TEACHING AND LEARNING     1.0    $199.92  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Education program.

      50416 ON1 Deirdre DeGagne                                                       19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     34
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 EDUC 442   CLASSROOM RESEARCH               1.0    $199.92  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Education program.

      50417 ON1 Sara Davidson                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     33
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50418 ON2 Sara Davidson                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50419 ON3 Sara Davidson                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     34
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 EDUC 453   LITERACY                         1.0    $199.92  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Education program.

      50420 ON1 Sandra Murray                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     33
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50421 ON2 Sandra Murray                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 EDUC 454   SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS           1.0    $199.92  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Education program.

      50422 ON1 Nancy Norman                                                          19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     33
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50423 ON2 Nancy Norman                                                          19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50424 ON3 Nancy Norman                                                          19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     34
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 EDUC 460   GOVERNANCE AND REFORM            2.0    $399.84  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Education program.

      50425 ON1 Chuck Charles                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     33
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50426 ON2 Chuck Charles                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50427 ON3 Chuck Charles                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     34
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 EDUC 495C  REFLECTIVE PRACTICE III          1.0    $199.92  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Education program.

      50428 ON1 Vandy Britton                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     33
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50429 ON2 Vandy Britton                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50430 ON3 Vandy Britton                                                         19-MAY-2020 26-JUN-2020     34
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 EDUC 703   POLICY, IDENTITY AND CONTEXT     5.0   $2942.45  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Education,
                                                             EDUC 700, EDUC 701, and EDUC 702.

      50077 AB1 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    137         MTWRF  0900  1500  29-JUN-2020 24-JUL-2020     24

 ENGL 081   ADVANCED ENGLISH                 3.0     $62.97  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 071,
                                                             English 10 with a C+ or better, English 11 with a C or
                                                             better, English 12 with a C or better, Communications 12
                                                             with a B or better, LPI essay score of 24 or higher
                                                             (level 4), CPT score of 41 or better, or ESL WG 74 with a
                                                             C+ or better.

      50439 ON1 Mark Friesen                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above           
The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class

      50440 CH1 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415        MTWR   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class
 ENGL 091   PROVINCIAL ENGLISH               3.0     $62.97  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 081,
                                                             English 11 with a C or better, English 12 with a C- or
                                                             better, English 099, LPI essay score of 24 or higher
                                                             (level 4), CPT score of 41 or better, or UUP department
                                                             permission (assessment may be required).

      50441 CH1 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415        MTWR   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class

      50433 ON1 Anna Wauthy                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


     50577 ON2 Anna Wauthy                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 ENGL 099   PRE-UNIVERSITY COMPOSITION       1.5     $31.49  Prerequisite(s): One of the following:
                                                             English 12 or English Literature 12 with a grade of C- or
                                                             better; UFV ENGL 081 or 091 with a grade of C or better;
                                                             UFV ESL WG74 with a grade of C+ or better;
                                                             CPT score of 41 or better;
                                                             LPI minimum score of 24-26 or level 4 in the essay section.

      50434 ON1 Anna Wauthy                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     20
            ONLINE - please see explanation above
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class
 ENGL 105   ACADEMIC WRITING                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): (C+ or better in English 12 or English
                                                             Literature 12) or (CPT score of 48 or better) or
                                                             (evidence of any test score or course grade listed under
                                                             the Degree/diploma-level English language proficiency
                                                             standards in the UFV academic calendar at

      50078 ON3 Jacqueline Taylor               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50079 ON4 Jacqueline Taylor               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50368 ON5 Lorette Clement-Smith           ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50369 ON6 Angela Froese                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     22
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Reserved for Rick Hansen cohort

      50264 ON7 Alex Wetmore                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50080 ON9 Jacqueline Taylor               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50081 ONA Elisabeth MacDonald-Murray      ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50370 ON8 Angela Froese                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     22
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Reserved for Rick Hansen cohort

      50467 ONB John Carroll                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50082 ON1 Sanja Garic-Komnenic            ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

      50083 ON2 Sanja Garic-Komnenic            ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     26
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4
 ENGL 108   INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 12 or
                                                             English Literature 12 with a final grade of B or better;
                                                             CMNS 099 or ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; ENGL
                                                             081 or ENGL 091 with a grade of C+ or better; ESL WG84
                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 48 or better;
                                                             LPI minimum score of 30/40 or level 5 in the essay
                                                             section; a minimum of C- in a university-level English or
                                                             Communications course; or TOEFL (Test of English as a
                                                             Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or 230 if
                                                             computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (Essay) score
                                                             of 4.0 or TOEFL IBT score of 88, with no section below 20.

      50265 ON2 Heather McAlpine                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50084 ON3 Prabhjot Parmar                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50085 ON1 Karen Selesky                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 ENGL 170   LITERATURE IN CONTEXT            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 12 or
                                                             English Literature 12 with a final grade of B or better;
                                                             CMNS 099 or ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; ENGL
                                                             081 or ENGL 091 with a grade of C+ or better; ESL WG84
                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 48 or better;
                                                             LPI minimum score of 30/40 or level 5 in the essay
                                                             section; a minimum of C- in a university-level English or
                                                             Communications course; or TOEFL (Test of English as a
                                                             Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or 230 if
                                                             computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (Essay) score
                                                             of 4.0 or TOEFL IBT score of 88, with no section below 20.

      50086 ON1 Jacky Bolding                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 ENGL 203C  CANADA IMAGINED IN FILM          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Any two 100-level English courses
                                                             numbered ENGL 105 or higher), or (B or better in any 100-
                                                             level ENGL class numbered ENGL 105 or higher), or (one
                                                             100-level English course numbered ENGL 105 or higher and
                                                             one of [MACS 110 or MACS 130]).

      50266 AB1 Michelle La Flamme              ABC    1425        M W    1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
Literature and Film: Canada Imagined in Film       

 ENGL 212   CREATIVE WRITING: FICTION        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level

                                                             ENGL courses) or (B or better in any 100-level ENGL

                                                             course numbered 104 or higher).


      50544 ON1 John Carroll                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


ENGL 228   TOPICS IN INDIGENOUS LIT.        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level
                                                             English courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher) or (B or
                                                             better in one of the following: ENGL 108, 115, 120, 130, 150, or 170).

      50267 ON1 Hannah Coderre                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 ENGL 234   PERFORMANCE HISTORY II           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 15 university-level credits.

      50268 ON1 Claire Carolan                  
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     18
            Credit cannot be obtained for both THEA 204 and ENGL 234.             Int'l Students                        4
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 ENGL 270D  GOTHIC FICTION                   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Any two 100-level English courses - ENGL 105 or higher

      50371 ON1 Tim Haner                       ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 ENGL 280   CHILDREN'S LITERATURE            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level
                                                             English courses numbered 105 or higher) or (B or better
                                                             in one of the following: ENGL 108, 115, 120, 130, 150, or 170).

      50269 ON1 Karen Selesky                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 ENGL 309   TPCS IN RENAISSANCE LITERATURE   4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses.

      50087 ON1 Tim Herron                      ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     50

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 ENGL 325   BRITISH ROMANTICISM, 1780-1830   4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses

      50088 ON1 Hilary Turner                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     50

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 English for Academic Prep

 EAP  064   ADVANCED WRITING                 6.0     $63.00  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 054 (formerly
                                                             ESL WG 054), or placement by ESL assessment, or (one of
                                                             the following test scores: IELTS [Academic] score of 5.0
                                                             with no band below 4.5; TOEFL iBT score of 52 or higher
                                                             with no section below 14; EIKEN Grade 2A; or CLBPT
                                                             Overall 7 with no skill less than 6). Submission of other
                                                             test scores will be considered.

      50403 ON1 Maria Bos-Chan                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class
 EAP  070   UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION READING    3.0     $31.50  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 068 (formerly
                                                             ESL RV68), or (ESL R60 and ESL V63), or placement by ESL
                                                             assessment, or (one of the following test scores: ELTS
                                                             [Academic] score of 5.5 or higher with a minimum band
                                                             score of 5.0; TOEFL iBT score of 71 or higher with no
                                                             section below 16; EIKEN Grade 2A with CSE Total Score
                                                             2400 or with Stage 1 total score result 65; PTE score of
                                                             46 with 44 in writing; LPI essay score of 18 [level 3];
                                                             or CLBPT 7 overall with no skill less than 7). Submission
                                                             of other test scores will be considered.

      50404 ON1 Helen Butner                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students                       15
            last week of class
 EAP  074   UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION WRITING    6.0     $63.00  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 064 (formerly
                                                             ESL WG64), or placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the
                                                             following test scores: ELTS [Academic] score of 5.5 or
                                                             higher with a minimum band score of 5.0; TOEFL iBT score
                                                             of 71 or higher with no section below 16; EIKEN Grade 2A
                                                             with CSE Total Score 2400 or with Stage 1 total score
                                                             result 65; PTE score of 46 with 44 in writing; LPI essay
                                                             score of 18 [level 3]; or CLBPT 7 overall with no skill
                                                             less than 7). Submission of other test scores will be

      50405 AB1 TBA                             ABK    140         MT R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     20
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students                       15
            last week of class

      50482 ON2 Helen Butner                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students                       15
            last week of class
 EAP  084   UNIVERSITY BRIDGE WRITING        6.0     $63.00  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 074 (formerly
                                                             ESL WG74), or placement by ESL assessment, or evidence of
                                                             any test score or course grade listed under the Entry-
                                                             level post-secondary English language proficiency
                                                             standards in the UFV academic calendar at

      50406 AB1 TBA                             ABK    151         MT R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     20
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students                       20
            last week of class

      50407 ON2 Bob McGregor                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students                       20
            last week of class

      50402 AB3 TBA                             ABK    162         M W    1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 12-AUG-2020     20
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students                       20
            last week of class

 FREN 101   FRENCH LANGUAGE I                3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50272 ON1 Renee Hamilton Clark           
ONLINE UFV          M W    1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

  Choose one of the following seminars:
      50270 O#A Helene Lee                     
ONLINE UFV          M      1300  1450  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       14
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50271 O#B Helene Lee                     
ONLINE UFV            W    1300  1450  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       14
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

 GEOG 103   THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT         4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50276 AB1 Jennifer Hetherington           ABA    354         M W    1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       18
  Choose one of the following labs:
      50274 A#A Jennifer Hetherington           ABA    413         M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       18
                                                                                      Int'l Students                    9
      50275 A#B Kathy Peet                      ABA    354         M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       18
                                                                                      Int'l Students                    9

      50094 AB2 Scott Shupe                     ABA    254          T R   0830  0950  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       18
  Choose one of the following labs:
      50092 A#C Mariano Mapili                  ABA    413          T     1000  1250  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18
                                                                                      Int'l Students                    9
      50093 A#D Jennifer Hetherington           ABA    413            R   1000  1250  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18
                                                                                      Int'l Students                    9
 GEOG 105   NATURAL HAZARDS AND HOLLYWOOD    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50095 ON1 Jennifer Hetherington           ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18

      50493 ON2 Scott Schupe                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18

      50519 ON3 Jennifer Hetherington           ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18
 GEOG 111   ENVIRON. ISSUES & STRATEGIES     3.0    $517.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50277 AB1 Stefania Pizzirani              ABD    119          T  F  1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     22
            Course cost includes $20 field trip fee                               Int'l Students                       11

      50494 ON1 Stefania Pizzirani              ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     22
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       11
 GEOG 130   GEOGRAPHY OF CANADA              3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50278 ON2 Stefania Pizzirani              ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18

      50096 ON1 Terah Sportel                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18
 GEOG 140   HUMAN GEOGRAPHY                  3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50279 AB1 Rachel Chapman                  ABA    352          T R   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18

      50495 ON1 Rachel Chapman                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18
 GEOG 240   WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50280 ON1 Terah Sportel                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     72
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       36

 GEOG 241   SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY, URBAN          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.


      50496 ON1 Cherie Enns                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       18

 GEOG 253   INTRODUCTION TO GIS              4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50281 AB1 TBA                             ABA    259         M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       12


 GEOG 300R  GEOG OF HEALTH AND DISEASE       4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.


      50492 ON1 Michelle Rhodes                 ONLINE UFV                            01-JUN-2020 01-AUG-2020     42

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12

            Classes begin June 1 and end August 1
 GEOG 464E  URBAN DESIGN PLANNING STUDIO     4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.

      50097 ON1 Cherie Enns                           ONLINE  UFV                     04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
                                Int'l Students                       4
            This course is offered as GEOG 464E and GD 464E. Students may only take one for credit.  

 GEOG 464F  PANDEMICS & URBAN DESIGN         4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.


      50542 ON1 Cherie Enns                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

            This course is offered as GEOG 464F and GD 464F.

            Students may only take one for credit.


GEOG 470N  ADV FLD STUDY: UNITED STATES     5.0    $828.45  Prerequisite(s): 60 credits including GEOG 250 or 253,
                                                             and at least 4 credits of upper-level Geography;
                                                             application to an acceptance in study tour or field school.

      50461 TN1 Gregory Schmaltz                                                      04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
 GEOG 483   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Written consent of supervising faculty
                                                             member and department head.

      50462 TN1 Gregory Schmaltz                                                      04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
 Graphic Design

 GD   101   FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN           3.0    $765.15  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50089 ON1 Shayne Letain                  
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 
            Tuition includes $38.64 materials fee.                                Int'l Students                       10
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4

      50538 ON2 Andrew McKinley                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               Int'l Students                       10

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4
 GD   157   DIGITAL DESIGN MEDIA I           3.0    $765.15  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50090 ON1 Shayne Letain                  
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            Tuition includes $38.64 materials fee.                                Int'l Students                        6
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            8
 GD   159   DIGITAL DESIGN MEDIA II          3.0    $765.15  Prerequisite(s): None

      50273 ON1 Rashad Mammadov                
ONLINE UFV                          04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            Students will be required to use their own computer/laptop. Software will be provided.  
            Tuition includes $38.64 materials fee.                                Int'l Students                       10
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4
 GD   464E  URBAN DESIGN PLANNING STUDIO     4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.

      50091 ON1 Cherie Enns                           ONLINE  UFV                     04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
                                 Int'l Students                       4
            This course is offered as GEOG 464E and GD 464E. Students may only take one for credit.

 GD   464F  PANDEMICS & URBAN DESIGN         4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.


      50543 ON1 Cherie Enns                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        4

            This course is offered as GEOG 464F and GD 464F.

            Students may only take one for credit.



 HALQ 102   HALQ'EMEYLEM LANGUAGE II         3.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): HALQ 101

      50099 SI1 Mary Stewart                                         W    1700  2000  22-APR-2020 17-JUN-2020     26
                                                                        S             09-MAY-2020 09-MAY-2020
                                                                        S             06-JUN-2020 06-JUN-2020
            Reserved for the Seabird Island Community cohort.
            In addition to Wednesdays, this course will meet for 3 hours on Saturday, May 9th and 6 hours on Saturday, June 6th

  Choose one of the following seminars:
      50098 S#A Dianna Kay                                           W    1600  1650  22-APR-20   17-JUN-20       26
 HALQ 202   INTERMEDIATE HALQ'EMEYLEM II     3.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): HALQ 201

      50102 SI1 Mary Stewart                                                          04-MAY-2020 25-JUN-2020     26

                                                                   M      1550  1830  04-MAY-2020 25-MAY-2020

                                                                    T     1550  1830  12-MAY-2020 19-MAY-2020

                                                                   M      0830  1630  01-JUN-2020 01-JUN-2020
                                                                   M      1550  1830  08-JUN-2020 15-JUN-2020
                                                                    T     1550  1830  09-JUN-2020 25-JUN-2020

            Reserved for the Seabird Island Community cohort. No class May 18th

  Choose one of the following seminars:
      50100 S#A Dianna Kay                                            R   1515  1645  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       26

 HIST 101   CANADA BEFORE CONFEDERATION      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50282 ON2 Robin Anderson                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       10

      50103 ON1 John Belshaw                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       10
 HIST 102   CANADA: 1867 TO PRESENT          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50283 ON1 Sharanjit Sandhra               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       10
 HIST 120   EUROPE 500-1600                  3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50104 ON1 Aleksandar Jovanovic            ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 HIST 121   EUROPE 1600-1850                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50105 ON1 Sebastian Huebel                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 HIST 236   MODERN JAPAN                     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50372 AB1 Daniel Kwan                     ABD    104         M W    1300  1550  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36
HIST 264   HISTORY OF INDIA                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None


      50525 ON1 David Milobar                   ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                                Int'l Students                       18

 HIST 369   US CIVIL WAR & RECONSTRUCTION    4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 9 credits of lower-level history or 45

                                                             university-level credits.


      50471 ON1 Ian Rocksborough-Smith          ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     54
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                

 HIST 396O  RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS IN CANADA    4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or
                                                             45 university-level credits.

      50284 AB1 TBA                             ABC    1424        M W    0830  1210  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     30
            Department permission required - email
Field trips may be required

HIST 396Q  POPULISM IN AMERICA              4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits.


      50526 ON1 Ian Rocksborough-Smith          ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.


 HIST 397R  SPY GAME: MODERN INTELLIGENCE    4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Nine credi
ts of lower-level history or
                                                             45 university-level credits.

      50285 ON1 Larissa Horne                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     30
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                
 HIST 399G  BIOGRAPHY: PERSONAL PASTS        4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or
                                                             45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic
                                                             skills of historical inquiry is expected.

      50286 ON1 Barbara Messamore               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     45
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 HIST 420   WORLD WAR II                     4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history and
                                                             any 300-level history course.

      50287 ON1 Christopher Leach               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                
 Human Services

 HSER 120   INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50106 ON1 Patrick Storey                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above   
                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     2
                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    2
                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              4

      50107 ON2 Christina Henderson             ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     2
                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    2
                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              2
                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     2
 HSER 160   WORKING WITH OLDER ADULTS        3.0    $497.07  Pre- or corequisite(s): CMNS 125 or ENGL 105.

      50288 ON1 Jeffrey Wood                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     10
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            This course is combined with HSER 160 CT1.
 Indigenous Peoples Knowledge

 IPK  477   TRAD ECOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGES       4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including 6
                                                             credits of IPK or FNST. Biology students can contact the
                                                             instructor for permission to register.

      50290 ON1 Sharon Gillies                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            This course is offered as IPK 477 and BIO 477. Students may only take one of these for credit.
            Students are to register in both time blocks for each day. Field trips may be required.

 JRNL 235   INTRO TO JOURNALISM IN CANADA    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50291 ON1 Eric Spalding                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14
            This course is offered as JRNL 235 and MACS 235.                      Int'l Students                        7
            Only one may be taken for credit.
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 KIN  103   CONCEPTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50292 ON1 Emilio Landolfi                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     54
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50518 ON2 Sean Conner                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 KIN  160   CONTEMPORARY HEALTH ISSUES       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50293 ON1 David Harper                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 KIN  161   INTRODUCTION TO KINESIOLOGY      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50108 ON1 Aaron Pauls                     ONLINE UFV          T R   1000  1120  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 KIN  170   BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY              4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50113 ON2 Aaron Pauls                     ONLINE UFV          T R   1130  1250  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50114 ON1 Leslie Horita                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     54
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


Choose one of the following labs:
      50109 O#A Aaron Pauls                     ONLINE UFV          T     1300  1550  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18
      50110 O#B Leslie Horita                   ONLINE UFV           W    1000  1250  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       36
      50111 O#C Leslie Horita                   ONLINE UFV           W    1300  1550  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18
      50112 O#D Aaron Pauls                     ONLINE UFV            R   1300  1550  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18

      Note: Lab courses are offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 KIN  260   TOPICS IN HUMAN NUTRITION        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50115 ON1 Avleen Oberoi                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50515 ON2 Avleen Oberoi                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                             MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree               36

      50517 ON3 David Harper                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 KIN  266   EXERCISE AND SPORT PSYCHOLOGY    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 30 university-level credits.


      50553 ON1 Roger Friesen                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36


 KIN  268   MOTOR LEARNING AND CONTROL       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 30 university-level credits.

      50294 ON1 Christopher Bertram             ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     72
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 KIN  322   TEACHING DANCE AND GYMNASTICS    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including
                                                             KIN 121 (formerly KPE 121).

      50295 ON1 Lauren Couture/Tara Plantinga   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This class will take place at McMillan Elementary, 34830 Oakhill Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2S 7R3
ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 KIN  365   GROWTH & MOTOR DEVELOPMENT       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 or KIN 170 (formerly KPE 170).
                                                             Note: As of January 2019, prerequisites will change to:
                                                             BIO 111 or (C+ or better in KIN 170 [formerly KPE 170]).

      50296 ON1 Alison Pritchard-Orr            ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     54
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 KIN  399   INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Kinesiology
                                                             degree program and 45 university-level credits.

      50116 IS1 Joanna Sheppard                                                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     6
            Instructor permission required

 KIN  435   ERGONOMICS/OCCUPATION BIOMECH    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): KIN 215 (formerly KPE 215).


      50552 ON1 Bassam Nyaeme                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

            This course must have a minimum enrolment of 20 to run.

 KIN  463   ADV. EXERCISE THERAPY            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): KIN 362 (formerly KPE 362).


      50516 ON1 Iris Lesser                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

            This course must have a minimum enrolment of 20 to run.


 KIN  499D 
ANTIGUA: EDUC DELIV COMPARISON   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits or
                                                             instructor's permission. Certain topics of study may
                                                             require additional prerequisites.

      50117 IS1 Joanna Sheppard                                                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     6
            Instructor permission required
 KIN  499E  ANTIGUA: CULT SENSITIVE CURRIC   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits or
                                                             instructor's permission. Certain topics of study may
                                                             require additional prerequisites.

      50118 IS1 Joanna Sheppard                                                       04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     6
            Instructor permission required
 KIN  499I  POST REHABILITATION TECHNIQUES   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits or
                                                             instructor's permission. Certain topics of study may
                                                             require additional prerequisites.

      50119 AB1 Brian Justin                    ABD    122          T     1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
 Library & Information Tech

 LIBT 145   INTERNET INFORMATION RETRIEVAL   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50297 ON1 Kenneth Gariepy                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                  MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       27          
 LIBT 230   INFO SERVICES FOR CHILDREN       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50298 ON1 Jen Pride                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                  MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       25
 LIBT 250   RECORDS MANAGEMENT               3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50299 ON1 Kenneth Gariepy                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                  MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       27

 LING 101   AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50120 ON1 Marcela Jonas                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:TESL cert (25 credits)            2

 MATH 052   FUNDAMENTAL MATH I               1.5     $31.49  Prerequisite(s): UUP Department permission (assessment may be required).

      50442 ON1 Darlene Carson                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


             50589 ON2 Beverly Jones                    ONLINE UFV                           04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020      24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.


      50443 CH1 Beverly Jones                   CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
 MATH 053   FUNDAMENTAL MATH II              1.5     $31.49  Prerequisite(s): UUP Department permission (assessment may be required).

      50444 ON1 Darlene Carson                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      50590 ON2 Beverly Jones                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020      24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

      50445 CH1 Beverly Jones                   CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
 MATH 062   FUNDAMENTAL MATH III             1.5     $31.49  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 051, MATH
                                                             053, or Upgrading and University Preparation department
                                                             permission (assessment may be required).

      50446 ON1 Darlene Carson                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


               50591 ON2 Beverly Jones                  ONLINE UFV                           04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020      24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

      50447 CH1 Beverly Jones                   CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
 MATH 063   FUNDAMENTAL MATH IV              1.5     $31.49  Prerequisite(s): MATH 062 or Upgrading and University
                                                             Preparation department permission (assessment may be required).

      50448 ON1 Darlene Carson                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


              50592  ON2 Beverly Jones                   ONLINE UFV                          04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020      24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

      50449 CH1 Beverly Jones                   CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
 MATH 075   INTERMEDIATE MATH I              1.5     $31.49  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 061, MATH
                                                             063, or UUP department permission (assessment may be required).

      50450 ON1 Darlene Carson                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


        50593 ON2 Beverly Jones                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020      24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

      50451 CH1 Beverly Jones                   CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
 MATH 076   INTERMEDIATE MATH II             1.5     $31.49  Prerequisite(s): MATH 075 or UUP Department permission
                                                             (assessment may be required)

      50452 ON1 Darlene Carson                 
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      50594 ON2 Beverly Jones                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020      24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.

      50453 CH1 Beverly Jones                   CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 22-JUN-2020     24
 MATH 085   INTERM ALGEBRA & TRIGONOMETRY    3.0     $62.97  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 084,
                                                             (Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10 with at
                                                             least a B), (one of Principles of Mathematics 11,
                                                             Applications of Mathematics 11, Foundations of
                                                             Mathematics 11, or Pre-calculus 11 with at least a C),
                                                             (one of Foundations of Mathematics 12 or Pre-Calculus 12
                                                             with at least a C-), or UUP department permission
                                                             (assessment may be required).

      50435 ON1 Aydan Bekirov                   
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     30
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50436 ON2 Greg St Hilaire                
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class

      50437 CH1 Aydan Bekirov                   CEPA   1415        MT R   1730  2020  04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class
 MATH 096   ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY         3.0     $62.97  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in
                                                             MATH 085), (B- or better in one of Principles of Math 11
                                                             or Pre-calculus 11), (C or better in one of Principles of
                                                             Math 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094), or Upgrading and
                                                             University Preparation assessment.

      50438 ON1 Anna Kuczynska                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 09-JUL-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class 

 MATH 111   CALCULUS I                       4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (B or better in
                                                             one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12,
                                                             MATH 095, or MATH 096) or (B or better in both MATH 092
                                                             and MATH 093) or (C+ or better in MATH 110) or (at least
                                                             70% on the MDPT).

      50123 ON1 Joseph Yu                       ONLINE UFV          T R   1300  1510  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 MATH 112   CALCULUS II                      4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): MATH 111 with a C or better

      50124 ON1 Shaun Sun                      ONLINE UFV         M W    1300  1510  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 MATH 125   INTRODUCTION TO DISCRETE MATH    4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in
                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12) or (C or better in one of
                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, MATH 092,
                                                             MATH 096, or MATH 124) or (C or better in both MATH 094
                                                             and MATH 095) or (B or better in Applications of
                                                             Mathematics 12) or (MATH 110) or (a score of 17/25 or
                                                             better on Part B of the MSAT together with a score of
                                                             34/50 on Parts A and B combined).

      50125 ON1 Mandev Singh                    ONLINE UFV          T R   1730  1940  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       18
 MATH 140   ALGEBRA & FUNCTIONS FOR BUS      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in
                                                             Pre-calculus 11) or (C or better in one of Principles of
                                                             Mathematics 11, or Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 085) or (one
                                                             of Principles of Mathematics 12, MATH 092, or MATH 096)
                                                             or (a score of 17/25 or better on Part A of the MSAT).

      50374 ON1 Robin Endelman                  ONLINE UFV         M      0855  1120  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36
                                                ONLINE UFV           W F  0855  1120
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                MAJOR:Economics                         2
                                                                                 School of Business                    24
 MATH 141   CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in
                                                             one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12,
                                                             MATH 096, or MATH 110) or (C+ or better in both MATH 094
                                                             and 095) or (C or better in MATH 092 or MATH 140) or (a
                                                             score of 17/25 or better on Part B of the MSAT together
                                                             with a score of 34/50 or better on Parts A and B

      50126 ON1 Joseph Yu                       ONLINE UFV          T R   0930  1120  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                MAJOR:Economics                         2
                                                                                 School of Business                    18

 MATH 481G  SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS           1.0    $165.69  Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and at least 6

                                                             credits in MATH 211 or higher. Certain topics of study

                                                             may require additional prerequisites.


      50474 IS1 Kseniya Garaschuk                                                     04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      1

            Title: Applied quantitative methods in agriculture

 Media & Cmns Studies

 MACS 110   INTRO TO COMMUNICATION STUDIES   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50121 ON1 David Christopher               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                                Int'l Students                       15


      50541 ON2 David Christopher               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 MACS 130   MASS COMMUNICATION IN CANADA     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50122 ON1 Brett Pardy                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                                Int'l Students                       15
 MACS 201   POPULAR MUSIC AND SOCIETY        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50301 ON1 Eric Spalding                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     23
            This course is offered as MACS 201 and MUSC 201.                      Int'l Students                        8
            Students may take only one of these for credit.                     MINOR:Media & Comm Studies extended     4
            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                              MINOR:Media & Communication Studies     4
 MACS 235   INTRO TO JOURNALISM IN CANADA    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50302 ON1 Eric Spalding                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     22
            This course is offered as MACS 235 and JRNL 235.                      Int'l Students                        8
            Only one may be taken for credit.                                   MINOR:Media & Comm Studies extended     4
            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                              MINOR:Media & Communication Studies     4
 MACS 299E  MEDIA IMAGES & THE BODY          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None. MACS 110 or MACS 130 recommended.

      50303 ON1 Alicia Horton                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     17
            Note: This course is offered as MACS 299E and SOC 299M.               Int'l Students                        4
            Students may take only one of these for credit.                     MINOR:Media & Comm Studies extended     4
            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                              MINOR:Media & Communication Studies     3
 MACS 299H  SUPERHEROES: MASS MEDIA & REP    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None. MACS 110 or MACS 130 recommended.

      50304 ON1 Brett Pardy                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     72
            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                              Int'l Students                       30
 MACS 385   TV & SOC VALUE:THE SIMPSONS      4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least six
                                                             credits of SOC and/or MACS

      50305 ON1 Darren Blakeborough             ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     11
            This course is offered as MACS 385 and SOC 385.                     MINOR:Media & Comm Studies extended     3
            Students may take only one of these for credit.                     MINOR:Media & Communication Studies     2
            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                              

 MACS 399J  PANDEMICS AND DISASTERS          4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             at least three credits in MACS.


      50511 ON1 Michael Corman                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     11

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MINOR:Media & Comm Studies extended     3

            This course is offered as SOC 399Q and MACS 399J.                     MINOR:Media & Communication Studies     2
            Students may take only one of these for credit.                    

 Media Arts

 MEDA 100   INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA ARTS       3.0    $829.56  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50307 AB1 William Maher                   ABC    1120         T R   1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       12
 MEDA 260   EXPLORING CREATIVITY             3.0    $829.56  Prerequisite(s): 15 university-level credits.

      50308 ON1 Miranda Ting                   
ONLINE UFV        M  W    1730  2020  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     72
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       24
 Mindfulness Based Teaching and Learning

 MBTL 710   MINDFUL PRACTICE                 3.0   $1303.26  Prerequisite(s): Completion of an eight-week mindfulness
                                                             program and a five-day silent retreat and department permission.

10 ON1 Seonaigh MacPherson             ONLINE UFV                              04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      36

                                                ONLINE UFV        U       0830  1630    24-MAY-2020 24-MAY-2020
                                                ONLINE UFV        U       0830  1630    14-JUN-2020 14-JUN-2020
                                                ONLINE UFV
        U     S 0830  1630    27-JUN-2020 28-JUN-2020     

                                ONLINE - Please see explanation above 

            This course requires participation synchronously through Blackboard Collaborate from 8:30-4:30pm PST on:
            May 24, June 14, June 27 and June 28
 MBTL 721   MINDFUL RESEARCH & PRACTICE      3.0   $1303.26  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Graduate certificate in
                                                             Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning or department permission.

      50306 ON1 Seonaigh MacPherson            
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

                                                ONLINE UFV           W    1730  2030  13-MAY-2020 13-MAY-2020
                                                ONLINE UFV           W    1830  2030  17-JUN-2020 17-JUN-2020 
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.
            Although this course is primarily conducted online, it does require participation synchronously through Blackboard
            Collaborate from 530-830pm on Wednesday, May 13 and 630-830pm on Wednesday, June 17.


 MUSC 201   POPULAR MUSIC AND SOCIETY        3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50309 ON1 Eric Spalding                  
ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     13
            This course is offered as MUSC 201 and MACS 201.                      Int'l Students                        7
            Students may take only one of these for credit.
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.         

 NURS 300   PROF NURSING: RESEARCH           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Science in
                                                             Nursing program and NURS 204, NURS 205, and NURS 206.
                                                             Corequisite(s): NURS 301 and NURS 303.

      50411 CH1 Samantha Hampton                                                      07-MAY-2020 10-AUG-2020     16

                                                CEPA   2203           R   1300  1550  07-MAY-2020 07-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203        M      0830  1120  11-MAY-2020 11-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203            F  0830  1120  22-MAY-2020 22-MAY-2020
                                                CEPA   2203        M      0830  1120  25-MAY-2020 01-JUN-2020
                                                CEPA   2203        M      0830  1120  15-JUN-2020 22-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2203           R   1300  1550  02-JUL-2020 02-JUL-2020
                                                CEPA   2215        M      0830  1120  06-JUL-2020 06-JUL-2020
                                                CEPA   2203        M      0830  1120  20-JUL-2020 10-AUG-2020
           Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 NURS 301   MATERNAL/CHILD                   4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Science in
                                                             Nursing program, NURS 204, NURS 205, and NURS 206.
                                                             Corequisite(s): NURS 300 and NURS 303.

      50412 CH1 Samantha Hampton                                                      05-MAY-2020 11-AUG-2020     16

                                                CEPA   2203         T     1300  1550  05-MAY-2020 05-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203          W    0830  1250  06-MAY-2020 06-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203          W    1300  1550  06-MAY-2020 06-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203            F  1300  1550  22-MAY-2020 22-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203        M      1300  1550  25-MAY-2020 15-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2203        M      0830  1120  08-JUN-2020 08-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2203          W    0830  1120  24-JUN-2020 24-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2203        M      1300  1550  06-JUL-2020 27-JUL-2020

                                                CEPA   2203        M      0830  1120  13-JUL-2020 13-JUL-2020

                                                CEPA   2203           R   0830  1120  06-AUG-2020 06-AUG-2020
                                                CEPA   2203         T     0830  1120  11-AUG-2020 11-AUG-2020
           Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 NURS 303   NURSING PRACTICE                 6.0    $994.14  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Nursing
                                                             Science program and NURS 204, NURS 205, and NURS 206.
                                                             Corequisite(s): NURS 300 and NURS 301.

      50413 CH1 Samantha Hampton                                                      07-MAY-2020 12-AUG-2020     16

                                                CEPA   2325           R   0830  1200  07-MAY-2020 14-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2327           R   0830  1200  07-MAY-2020 14-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2308        M      1300  1550  11-MAY-2020 11-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203        M      1300  1550  11-MAY-2020 11-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2314         T     0830  1550  12-MAY-2020 12-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2203         T     0830  1550  12-MAY-2020 12-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2308         T     0830  1550  12-MAY-2020 12-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2308        M      0830  1550  29-JUN-2020 29-JUN-2020     

                                                CEPA   2203        M      0830  1550  29-JUN-2020 29-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2314        M      0830  1550  29-JUN-2020 29-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2201           R   1300  1550  14-MAY-2020 14-MAY-2020

                                                CEPA   2215           R   0830  1120  18-JUN-2020 18-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2325           R   0830  1200  25-JUN-2020 02-JUL-2020

                                                CEPA   2327           R   0830  1200  25-JUN-2020 02-JUL-2020

                                                CEPA   2308         T     0830  1120  30-JUN-2020 30-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2203         T     0830  1120  30-JUN-2020 30-JUN-2020

                                                CEPA   2325           R   0830  1120  09-JUL-2020 09-JUL-2020

                                                CEPA   2215          W    0830  1120  12-AUG-2020 12-AUG-2020
           Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course

 NURS 406   PRECEPTORSHIP                   15.0   $2485.35  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Science in
                                                             Nursing degree, NURS 401, NURS 402, NURS 403, and one of
                                                             STAT 104 or STAT 106.

      50414 CH1 Samantha Hampton                                                      29-APR-2020 21-AUG-2020     24

                                                ONLINE UFV           W    1300  1550  29-APR-2020 29-APR-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV           W    1300  1550  29-APR-2020 29-APR-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV           WRF  0830  1250  29-APR-2020 01-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1300  1550  30-APR-2020 01-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV         M      0830  1250  04-MAY-2020 04-MAY-2020    

                                                ONLINE UFV         M      1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 04-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV             F  1000  1120  21-AUG-2020 21-AUG-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV             F  1000  1550  21-AUG-2020 21-AUG-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV             F  1000  1550  21-AUG-2020 21-AUG-2020

            Students off campus May 5 to August 20
Contact for information relating to the delivery of this course
 NURS 491D  INTERNATIONAL NURSING            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): NURS 206.

      50415 CH1 Samantha Hampton                CEPA   1424        MTWRF  0830  1250  04-MAY-2020 31-MAY-2020     10
            Students meet on campus May 4-8. Study tour takes place May 15-31. Permission required.

 PRLG 115   EVIDENCE                         3.0    $752.19  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal diploma program

      50132 ON1 Cristina Phillips               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20 
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            Class meets on campus May 6, 13, 27, June 10, 17, 24 and July 8, 15
 PRLG 125   CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURES I      3.0    $752.19  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate
                                                             or diploma program.

      50133 ON1 Sabrina Ngo                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 PRLG 130   INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW        3.0    $752.19  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate
                                                             or diploma program.

      50134 ON1 Sabrina Ngo                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 PRLG 135   WILLS & PROBATE ADMINISTRATION   3.0    $752.19  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate
                                                             or diploma program.

      50135 ON1 Terry Becker                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 PHIL 100   REASONING: INTRO CRIT THINKING   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50127 ON1 Ethan Davis                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     28
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        6

      50128 ON2 Ethan Davis                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     28
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        6

      50310 ON3 Irwin Chan                      ONLINE UFV         M W    1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.     Int'l             6

      50311 ON4 Carl Hildebrand                 ONLINE UFV          T R   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.     Int'l             6

      50375 ON5 Anna Cook                       ONLINE UFV         M W    1000  1250  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     28
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.     Int'l             6

      50376 ON6 Anna Cook                       ONLINE UFV         M W    1430  1720  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     28
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.     Int'l             6

      50521 ON7 Jeffrey Morgan                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     28
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        6

 PHYS 112   ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM        5.0    $828.45  Prerequisite(s): MATH 111 and one of (PHYS 111, PHYS 105
                                                             with a B, or PHYS 101 with a B+).
                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): One of MATH 112 or MATH 118.
                                                             Note: The Physics department will waive this requirement
                                                             for students with an A in PHYS 111.

      50131 AB1 TBA                             ABA    351             F  1130  1250  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
                                                ABA    351          T R   1300  1420
  Choose one of the following labs:
      50129 A#A Norm Taylor                     ABA    359          T     1430  1720  04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       18
            Note: Depending on enrolment, a second lab section may be added during the registration period.
 Political Science

 POSC 100   INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS         3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50377 ON1 Tyler Chamberlain               ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
 POSC 110   INTRO TO CANADIAN POLITICS       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50317 ON1 Hamish Telford                  ONLINE UFV          T R   1430  1720  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        8
 POSC 120   IDEOLOGY AND POLITICS            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50318 ON1 Ron Dart                        ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8

 PORT 398   PORTFOLIO I                      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.

      50312 ON1 Lucki Kang                      ONLINE UFV                           04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            Students with credit for ARTS 299 or ADED 472 cannot take PORT 398 for further credit.

      50313 ON2 Lucki Kang                      ONLINE UFV                           04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            Students with credit for ARTS 299 or ADED 472 cannot take PORT 398 for further credit.

 PORT 399   PORTFOLIO II                     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 90 university-level credits, including
                                                             one of the following: PORT 398, ARTS 401, or ADED 305.

      50314 ON2 Stephanie Gould                 ONLINE UFV                           04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

      50316 ON1 Stephanie Gould                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020    36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 PSYC 101   INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY I     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Same as for ENGL 105; see ENGL 105 for details.

      50319 ON2 Kim Striebel                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

      50136 ON3 TBA                             ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

      50137 ON4 Andrea Albonico                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

      50320 ON5 Andrea Albonico                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     12
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        2

      50138 ON6 Kim Striebel                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

      50322 ON1 Kim Striebel                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
 PSYC 102   INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY II    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Same as for ENGL 105; see ENGL 105 for details.

      50139 ON2 Zoe Dennison                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
            This course uses a FREE online text. Students should NOT buy

            the textbook available in the bookstore.

      50140 ON3 Zoe Dennison                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
            This course uses a FREE online text. Students should NOT buy

            the textbook available in the bookstore.

      50141 ON4 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

      50142 ON1 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE- Please see explanation above                                  Int'l Students                        5
 PSYC 110   APPLIED STAT. ANALYSIS IN PSYC   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: Essentials of
                                                             Mathematics 11, Principles of Mathematics 11,
                                                             Applications of Mathematics 11, Pre-Calculus 11,
                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, Apprenticeship and
                                                             Workplace Mathematics 11, MATH 084 with D grade or
                                                             better, MATH 085 with D grade or better, or MSAT with
                                                             15/25 (60%) or better on Part A.

      50143 ON1 Dianne Crisp                    ONLINE UFV       W  0830  1120        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

      50144 ON2 Dianne Crisp                    ONLINE UFV       W  1130  1420        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
 PSYC 202   RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY   4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102
                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): One of the following: PSYC 110,
                                                             STAT 104 (formerly MATH 104), or STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106).

      50146 ON1 Kim Striebel                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        3
            Students must have access to Excel from home in order to register

  Choose one of the following labs:
      50145 O#A Melissa Hoeppner                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-20   01-AUG-20       36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                
            Students must have access to Excel from home in order to register 
 PSYC 221   INTRO TO COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102

      50147 ON1 Richard Legrand                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
 PSYC 250   INTRO TO DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102

      50323 ON1 Lesley Jessiman                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5

      50527 ON2 Lesley Jessiman                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 PSYC 280   INTRO TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102

      50148 ON1 Kim Striebel                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
 PSYC 325   MEMORY                           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 202 (formerly PSYC 210) and PSYC 221.

      50149 ON1 Richard Legrand                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                3
                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       12
                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5
 PSYC 351   CHILD PSYCHOLOGY                 3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 250, and one of PSYC 202, CRIM 220,
                                                             KPE 301, KPE 400, SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (formerly
                                                             SCMS 255); or PSYC 210 and PSYC 220

      50150 ON1 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     37
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                3
                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       10
                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5
 PSYC 355   ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 250, and one of PSYC 202, CRIM 220,
                                                             KPE 301, KPE 400, SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (formerly
                                                             SCMS 255); or PSYC 210 and PSYC 220

      50151 ON1 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     38
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                3
                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       12
                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5
 PSYC 360   SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY                3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including
                                                             PSYC 101 and PSYC 102.

      50152 ON1 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE- Please see explanation above                                  Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                3
                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       10
                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

      50528 ON2 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
 PSYC 371   CURRENT ISSUES IN PERSONALITY    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 101) and (PSYC 102) and (one of
                                                             PSYC 202 (formerly PSYC 210), CRIM 220, KPE 301, KPE 400,
                                                             or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (formerly SCMS 255)).

      50324 AB1 Candace Taylor                  ABD    119          T R   1130  1420  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                3
                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       10
                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5
 PSYC 408   HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY            3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 202 (formerly PSYC 210) and 15
                                                             credits of upper-level psychology

      50154 ON1 Donna Jahangir-Tafreshi         ONLINE UFV           W   1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above. Students must be available from 10-1250 on Wednesdays.                                


 PUNJ 210   INTERMEDIATE PUNJABI I           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: Punjabi 12, PUNJ
                                                             102, PUNJ 209, or department permission.

      50378 ON1 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ONLINE UFV          T R   1000  1250  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     26
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.


       50499 ON2 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ONLINE UFV          T R   1730  2020  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     26
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 PUNJ 211   INTERMEDIATE PUNJABI II          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): PUNJ 210 or department permission.

      50379 ON1 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ONLINE UFV          T R   1430  1720  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     26
This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
 Social Work

 SOWK 110   INTRO TO SOCIAL WK & HUMAN SER   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50331 ON1 Lisa Moy                        ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     2
                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              4
                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     2
 SOWK 210   INTRO TO SOCIAL WELFARE          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 110

      50381 ON1 Meena Dhillon                   ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              8
                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     2
 SOWK 297   MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE USE    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Social Services
                                                             diploma, HSER 120, and one of (CMNS 125 or ENGL 105).

      50469 ON1 Patrick Storey                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             32
 SOWK 301   SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE W/GROUPS    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): One of (Admission to the BSW program, or
                                                             45 credits in Human Services or Arts Program); or
                                                             (Admission to the MSW program).

      50332 ON1 Brianna Strumm                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Social Work                       8
 SOWK 404   RESEARCH METHODS & EVALUATION    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 330 or admission to the MSW program.

      50161 ON1 Darrell Fox                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               

 SOWK 410   SOCIAL POLICY ANALYSIS           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the BSW program and SOWK

                                                             330 and SOWK 392, or permission of the School of Social

                                                             Work and Human Services.


      50333 ON1 Robert Harding                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     32

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 SOWK 430   BSW PRACTICUM II                 9.0   $1491.21  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 312, SOWK 320, SOWK 330, SOWK 392,
                                                             SOWK 404, and SOWK 410.

                                                             Note: Students in the Child Welfare Specialization must
                                                             have the following additional prerequisites: SOWK 412,
                                                             SOWK 483, and SOWK 491.

                                                             Note: Students should take this course in the final
                                                             semester of their program.

      50163 PR1 Munir Velji                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      3
ONLINE UFV            F   0910  1200  29-MAY-2020 29-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV            F   0910  1200  19-JUN-2020 19-JUN-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV            F   0910  1200  17-JUL-2020 17-JUL-2020
           ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                          

           Students will participate synchronously through Blackboard Collaborate on Friday, May 29 and June 19
           and July 17 from 910-1200. Combined with SOWK 431 PR1
 SOWK 431   MSW FOUNDATION YEAR PRACTICUM    9.0   $1491.21  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Social Work - Non-BSW.
                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): SOWK 300, SOWK 311, SOWK 312,
                                                             SOWK 320, SOWK 392, SOWK 404, SOWK 410, and two of the
                                                             following: (SOWK 301, SOWK 380, SOWK 394, SOWK 412, SOWK
                                                             450, SOWK 483, SOWK 490. SOWK 491, SOWK 493, SOWK 496, or SOWK 497).

      50164 PR1 Munir Velji                                                          04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      9
ONLINE UFV           F   0910  1200  29-MAY-2020 29-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV           F   0910  1200  19-JUN-2020 19-JUN-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV           F   0910  1200  17-JUL-2020 17-JUL-2020
           ONLINE - Please see explanation above   
           Students will participate synchronously through Blackboard Collaborate on Friday, May 29 and June 19
           and July 17 from 910-1200. Combined with SOWK 430 PR1
 SOWK 431B  MSW FOUND YEAR PRACT: PART II    4.5    $745.61  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Master of Social Work - Non-BSW.
                                                             Pre- or corequisite(s): SOWK 300, SOWK 311, SOWK 312,
                                                             SOWK 320, SOWK 392, SOWK 404, SOWK 410, and two of the
                                                             following: (SOWK 301, SOWK 380, SOWK 394, SOWK 412, SOWK
                                                             450, SOWK 483, SOWK 490. SOWK 491, SOWK 493, SOWK 496, or SOWK 497).

      50165 IS1 Laurie Schulz                                                        04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020      6
ONLINE UFV        M      0910  1120  04-MAY-2020 04-MAY-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV        M      0910  1120  15-JUN-2020 15-JUN-2020

                                                ONLINE UFV        M      0910  1120  13-JUL-2020 13-JUL-2020
           ONLINE - Please see explanation above  
           Students will participate synchronously through Blackboard Collaborate on Monday, May 4 and June 15
           and July 13 from 910-1120.                             
 SOWK 450   SOCIAL WORK IN HEALTH CARE       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 330

      50334 ON1 Jeff Wood                       ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               
 SOWK 490   GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIAL WORK       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BSW program; or
                                                             admission to the MSW program. (Students in other degree
                                                             programs, with a minimum of 45 credits, may be able to
                                                             obtain instructor's permission at the first class.
                                                             However, they should check with their program head to see
                                                             whether they can apply this course to their degree.)

      50382 ON1 Jeffrey Wood                    ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               
 SOWK 493   FEMINIST SOCIAL WORK             3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Bachelor of Social
                                                             Work program; or admission to the MSW program. (Students
                                                             with a minimum of 45 credits in other degree programs may
                                                             be able to obtain instructor's permission at the first
                                                             class. However, they should check with their program head
                                                             to see whether they can apply this course to their degree.)

      50335 ON1 TBA                             ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     32
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               
 SOWK 730B  PRACT & ADV DIR PRAC SEM PT II   4.5    $0.00    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program and (SOWK
                                                             700, 704, 710, 711, and 720) and (one of the following:
                                                             SOWK 750, 783, or 797).

      50168 PR1 Timothy Dueck                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      8
                                                                        S 1300  1550  23-MAY-2020 23-MAY-2020
                                                                        S 1300  1550  13-JUN-2020 13-JUN-2020
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               
            Students will participate synchronously through Blackboard Collaborate on Saturday, May 23 and June 13 from 1300-1550.
            Restricted to MSW NVIT students

      50169 PR2 Usrula Katic                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      8
                                                                        S 1300  1550  23-MAY-2020 23-MAY-2020
                                                                        S 1300  1550  13-JUN-2020 13-JUN-2020
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               
            Students will participate synchronously through Blackboard Collaborate on Saturday, May 23 and June 13 from 1300-1550.
            Restricted to MSW NVIT students
 SOWK 799   MAJOR PAPER/PROJECT DNU          3.0   $1765.47  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program and (SOWK
                                                             700, 704, 710, 711, and 720) and (one of the following:
                                                             SOWK 750, 783, or 797).

      50171 IS2 TBA                                                                   04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     10

 SOC  101   INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50325 ON2 Leah Bishop                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                                Int'l Students                       15

      50326 ON3 Spencer Huesken                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                                Int'l Students                       15

      50155 ON4 Michael Corman                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                                Int'l Students                       15

      50156 ON1 Graham Cook                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                                Int'l Students                       15
 SOC  201   KEY IDEAS IN SOCIOLOGY           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101

      50157 ON1 Alicia Horton                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       15
                                                                                MAJOR:Sociology                         4
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology                         4
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology Extended                4

      50529 ON2 Martha Dow                      ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       15

                                                                                MAJOR:Sociology                         4

                                                                                MINOR:Sociology                         4

                                                                                MINOR:Sociology Extended                4

 SOC  210   SOCL PROBLEMS-CANADIAN SOCIETY   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101

      50327 ON1 Alicia Horton                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                              Int'l Students                       15
                                                                                MAJOR:Sociology                         6
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology Extended                5
 SOC  265   SOCIAL INEQUALITY                3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101

      50328 ON1 Leah Bishop                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                              Int'l Students                       15
                                                                                MAJOR:Sociology                         6
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology Extended                5
 SOC  299M  MEDIA IMAGES & THE BODY          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101

      50329 ON1 Alicia Horton                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     19
            This course is offered as SOC 299M and MACS 299E.                     Int'l Students                        4
            Students may take only one of these for credit.                     MAJOR:Sociology                         3
            ONLINE - please see explanation above                               MINOR:Sociology                         2
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology Extended                3
 SOC  331   SOCIOLOGY OF FAMILIES            4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least six
                                                             credits sociology

      50158 ON1 Elizabeth Dennis                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Sociology/Anthropology            2
                                                                                MAJOR:Sociology                         5
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology                         3
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology Extended                5


      50540 ON2 Elizabeth Dennis                ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

 SOC  385   TV & SOC VALUE:THE SIMPSONS      4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least six
                                                             credits of SOC and/or MACS

      50330 ON1 Darren Blakeborough             ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14
            This course is offered as SOC 385 and MACS 385.                     MAJOR:Sociology                         3
            Students may take only one of these for credit.                     MINOR:Sociology                         2
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above.                              MINOR:Sociology Extended                3
 SOC  399K  WORK AND OCCUPATIONS             4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits to include at least 6 credits of Sociology

      50159 ON1 Graham Cook                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     50
            ONLINE - see explanation above.                                     MAJOR:Sociology                         3
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology                         1
                                                                                MINOR:Sociology Extended                2

 SOC  399Q  PANDEMICS AND DISASTERS          4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits to include at least 6 credits

                                                             of Sociology.

      50510 ON1 Michael Corman                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     14

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Sociology                         3

            This course is offered as SOC 399Q and MACS 399J                    MINOR:Sociology                         2

            Students may only take one for credit                               MINOR:Sociology Extended                1


 SPAN 101   SPANISH LANGUAGE I               3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50338 AB1 Teresa Arroliga-Piper           ABC    1424         T R   1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     26

  Choose one of the following seminars:
      50336 A#A Gloria Villamil                 ABD    238          T     1300  1450  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       13
      50337 A#B Gloria Villamil                 ABD    238            R   1300  1450  04-MAY-20   20-JUN-20       13

 STAT 104   INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS          4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in
                                                             one of Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 11,
                                                             MATH 085, Foundations of Mathematics 11, or Pre-calculus
                                                             11) or (B or better in Apprenticeship and Workplace
                                                             Mathematics 12) or (one of Foundations of Mathematics 12,
                                                             Pre-calculus 12, Principles of Math 12, or Applications
                                                             of Math 12) or (any UFV MATH course numbered 092 or
                                                             higher) or (a score of 17/25 or better on Part A of the
                                                             MSAT) or (45 university-level credits with department permission).

      50339 ON1 Gillian Mimmack                 ONLINE UFV         M W    0830  0950  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
                                                ONLINE UFV             F  0830  1120
                                                ONLINE UFV         M W    1000  1120
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50172 ON2 Ruwan Karunanayaka              ONLINE UFV          T R   1000  1120  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1130  1250
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50173 ON3 Ken Li                          ONLINE UFV          T     1730  1940  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1730  1940
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50340 ON4 Longlong Huang                  ONLINE UFV         M      1000  1250  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
ONLINE UFV           W F  1000  1120
ONLINE UFV           W F  1130  1250
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

 STAT 106   STATISTICS I                     4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in
                                                             one of Pre-calculus 11, Applications of Mathematics 12,
                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, MATH 092,
                                                             MATH 096, MATH 110, MATH 124, or MATH 140) or (C or
                                                             better in both MATH 094 and MATH 095) or (B or better in
                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 12) or (a score of 17/25 or
                                                             better on Part B of the MSAT together with a score of
                                                             34/50 or better on Parts A and B combined).

      50341 ON1 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ONLINE UFV         M W F   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     22
            Note: Reserved for Rick Hansen cohort students
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50342 ON2 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ONLINE UFV         M W F  1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     22
            Note: Reserved for Rick Hansen cohort students
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50343 ON3 Shaun Sun                       ONLINE UFV          T     1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1300  1420
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1430  1550
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50344 ON4 Shaun Sun                       ONLINE UFV          T     1640  1930  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020      0
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1640  1800
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1810  1930
            WAITLIST ONLY: must have 24 to run
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50383 ON5 Nooshin Lary                    ONLINE UFV          T     1000  1250  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1000  1120
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1130  1250
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                  Int'l Students                       16
                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert               16

      50384 ON6 Ken Li                          ONLINE UFV          T     1300  1550  02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     36
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1300  1420
                                                ONLINE UFV            RF  1430  1550
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.
                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert               10
                                                                                 Computer Information Systems           6
                                                                                 School of Business                    10

      50475 ON7 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ONLINE UFV         M W F   0830  1120  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14
            Note: Combined with STAT 106 ON1 CRN 50341
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

      50476 ON8 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ONLINE UFV         M W F   1300  1550  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     14
            Note: Combined with STAT 106 ON2 CRN 50342
            This course is offered online. The listed times refer to online classroom attendance.

 THEA 101   INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50345 ON1 Parjad Sharifi                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     36
            Fees include $245.00 trip fees. 4 mandatory field trips               Int'l Students                       12
            scheduled Mon/Wed from 17:30-22:20 (approx.) - check                MAJOR:Theatre                           8
   for details.
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above
            No textbook required for THEA 101.
 THEA 111   ACT SKILLS FOR WORK AND LIFE     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50174 ON1 Claire Carolan                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                Int'l Students                       12
 THEA 112   ESSENTIALS OF ACTING             3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50346 ON1 Shelley Liebembuk               ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       12
                                                                                MAJOR:Theatre                           8
 THEA 204   PERFORMANCE HISTORY II           3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 15 university-level credits.

      50347 ON1 Claire Carolan                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     18
            Credit cannot be obtained for both THEA 204 and ENGL 234.             Int'l Students                        4
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Theatre                           8
 THEA 306   HISTORY OF MUSICAL THEATRE       4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: THEA 201, THEA
                                                             202, or 45 university-level credits.

      50348 ON1 Claire Carolan                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                              
            One mandatory field trip scheduled during class time.                 Int'l Students                        8
            May require early arrival or late return from scheduled             MAJOR:Theatre                           8
            class time - check for details.
            Additional fee is approximately $45-$100 per student.
 THEA 307   INTERCULTURAL PERFORMANCE        4.0    $662.76  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: THEA 203, THEA
                                                             204, THEA 205, THEA 206, or 45 university-level credits.

      50349 ON1 Parjad Sharifi                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
                                                                                MAJOR:Theatre                           8
 University Studies

 UNIV 101   UNIVERSITY 101                   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): Fewer than 18 university-level credits.

      50175 ON1 TBA                             ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       30

      50177 ON3 Kathryn Garcia                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       30

      50180 ON6 Julia Shuker                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     36
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       30
 Visual Arts

 VA   113   INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50350 ON1 Qahraman Yousif                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50182 ON2 Dennis Greer                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
            This section is replaced by VA 113 ON5 50524                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50351 ON3 Joel Fullerton                  ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     50
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        24
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             24
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            9
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               9

      50385 ON4 Dennis Greer                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
            This section is replaced by VA 113 ON5 50524                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50524 ON5 Dennis Greer                    ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     50

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       16

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            16

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            6

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               6

 VA   115   INTRO STUDIO I                   3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None

      50183 ON1 Qahraman Yousif                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
            This section is replaced by VA 115 ON5 50522                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50352 ON2 Qahraman Yousif                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
            This section is replaced by VA 115 ON5 50522                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50386 ON3 Qahraman Yousif                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020    25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
            This section is replaced by VA 115 ON5 50522                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50353 ON3 Qahraman Yousif                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        8
            This section is replaced by VA 115 ON5 50522                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3


      50522 ON5 Qahraman Yousif                 ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020    50

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                       16

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            16

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts           6

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma              6
 VA   180   DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY              3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50354 ON1 Graeme Wahn                     O
NLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
            This section is replaced by VA 180 ON3 50523                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            5
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50387 ON2 Graeme Wahn                     O
NLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     24
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        5
            This section is replaced by VA 180 ON3 50523                        MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            5
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50523 ON3 Graeme Wahn                     ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     48

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                
            Students must have their own digital camera, capable of photographing in manual mode; tripod; and computer
            equipped with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. A DSLR or a Mirrorless camera is recommended. 
            Camera types will be covered in the first class.

                                                                                Int'l Students                       10

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            16

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts           10

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               6
 VA   221   DRAWING II                       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): VA 101 or VA 113.

      50355 ON1 Toni Latour                     O
NLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     50
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    16
                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              6
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               6
 VA   222   FIGURE PAINTING                  3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): VA 101 or VA 223.

      50356 ON1 Shelley Stefan                  O
NLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     50
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        12
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             16
                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              6
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               6
 VA   223   PAINTING I                       3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50184 ON1 Randall Steeves                 O
NLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     50
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        6
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8
                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

      50513 ON2 Chris Friesen                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                 Int'l Students                        6

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              3

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3

 VA   251   PRINT MEDIA I                    3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None.

      50357 AB1 Joel Fullerton                  ABC    1127        M W    1300  1650  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     17
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             6
                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3
 VA   280   DIGITAL PHOTOG: ADV IMAGING      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): VA 180

      50388 ON1 Graeme Wahn                     ONLINE UFV                            02-JUL-2020 17-AUG-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                
            Students must have their own digital camera, capable of photographing in manual mode; tripod; and computer
            equipped with Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. A DSLR or a Mirrorless camera is recommended. 
            Camera types will be covered in the first class.

Int'l Students                        3
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             6
                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3
 VA   283   INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY      3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): None. One of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116
                                                             is strongly recommended.

      50358 AB1 Grace Tsurumaru                 ABC    1113         T R   1300  1650  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     17
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        2
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    6
                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Media Arts            3
                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              3
                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3
 VA   322   PAINTING/DRAWING IV              3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): VA 321.

      50185 ON1 Chris Friesen                   ONLINE UFV                            04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            14
                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              6
 VA   390   COMMUNITY ARTS PRACTICE          3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 6 university-level credits of Visual

      50186 AB1 Chris Friesen                   ABC    1031           R   1300  1650  04-MAY-2020 01-AUG-2020     20
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        7
 VA   395E  SCREEN PRINT                     3.0    $497.07  Prerequisite(s): 6 credits of VA or 45 university-level

      50455 AB1 Aimee Brown                     ABC    1127         T  R  1300  1650  04-MAY-2020 20-JUN-2020     17
                                                                                  Int'l Students                        7