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Assessment Services

Math and Statistics Advancement Test (MSAT)

The Mathematics and Statistics Advancement Test (MSAT) is an assessment test intended for students who would like to demonstrate preparedness for most 100-level courses at UFV in Mathematics and Statistics. The 2.5-hour test covers the major topics of BC Grade 11 and 12 math, with the exception of trigonometry.

The MSAT is a two-part closed-book test with multiple choice questions. Part A has 25 questions that test arithmetic, algebra, numeracy, and basic problem-solving skills. Part B has 25 questions covering functions, graphing, exponents, and logarithms. Calculators are not allowed during the test.

Students can earn the prerequisite for the following courses by achieving a certain minimum score on Part A of the MSAT:

  • STAT 104, MATH 105, MATH 123, MATH 124, MATH 140

Students can earn the prerequisite for the following courses by achieving a certain minimum score on Parts A and B of the MSAT:

  • STAT 106, MATH 125, MATH 141

See course descriptions in the Academic Calendar for specific MSAT scores required to meet the prerequisite for the course you choose to take.

Register for the MSAT

To write the MSAT, register in advance through the Office of the Registrar (OReg) at any UFV campus.

The $25 fee is due at the time of registration and is non-refundable; however, prior to the exam date, you may switch to another exam sitting at no extra cost.

The MSAT may only be written once.

Test dates

Abbotsford Campus MSAT Test Dates
Date Time Room CRN
Jan 21 1:30-4pm S3125


Feb 4 1:30-4pm S3125








Chilliwack CEP Campus MSAT Test Dates
Date Time Room CRN
Feb 10 1:30-4pm A1350



What to bring

NOTE: Calculators and other electronics (including translators) are NOT allowed during the exam.

Prepare for the Math and Statistics Advancement Test

You can visit the Mathematics and Statistics Centre on the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campus to access textbooks and resources to help you prepare for the placement test.

The MSAT Part A requires some knowledge/skill with

  • numeracy/word problems, some about percentages, fractions, areas,
  • graphs and equations of lines, slope, and intercept,
  • simplifying or evaluating algebraic expressions,
  • solving algebraic equations,
  • solving linear equations, or pairs of linear equations,
  • solving equations involving absolute values,
  • solving linear inequalities,
  • using the quadratic formula,
  • factoring quadratic algebraic expressions,
  • computing averages,
  • working with roots and fractional powers

Part A does not have any questions about functions, nor about logarithms, or trigonometry. In most textbooks on Pre-Calculus at the Mathematics and Statistics Centre, the topics described above most likely come in the review materials—before functions are introduced.

The MSAT Part B requires some knowledge/skill with the topics listed in Part A,as well as:

  • function notation,
  • solving for inverse functions,
  • domain and range of functions,
  • interpreting graphs of functions,
  • areas and volumes of shapes with straight boundaries,
  • polynomial and rational functions,
  • logarithmic and exponential functions,
  • constructing linear and quadratic models

Part B does not have any questions about trigonometry.

In most textbooks on Calculus at the Mathematics and Statistics Centre, the topics described above probably come in the review materials, keeping in mind that trigonometry may also be in the review materials but plays no role in the MSAT. If you want more information and practice with Part B materials, you should sign out a book on Pre-Calculus, and look up specific chapters where you need more practice (such as "Functions and Graphs", or "Polynomial and Rational Functions", or "Exponential and Logarithmic Functions").


Email or phone 604-557-4006 (Toll-free 1-888-504-7441, ext. 4006).