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Budgets & Resource Planning

Budget Model Review

With the transition of UFV to a university and the development of a new Strategic Plan, the office of the Chief Financial Officer was tasked with the development of a new financial model for the institution. Many environmental factors have changed for UFV. A new budget model needs to ensure resources and funding allocations are aligned with strategic goals, encourages and provides incentive for planning and innovation, and provides transparency for decision making.

A Budget Model Review Committee has been established to review and spearhead the project. The committee operates under the Budget Model Review Project Charter. To begin the process, an initial discussion paper was prepared to inform on current process and provide information on alternative general budget models, Budget Model Proposal Discussion Paper.

At this stage, a new budget model template has been developed and is being presented to various groups within UFV for feedback and comments, UFV Budget Model Proposal Discussion Paper.

We welcome your comments and questions, please email