Associate of Arts degree
(Media and Communication Studies option)

Entrance requirements
See How To Apply for details on entrance requirements and application procedures.

    The Associate of Arts Media and Communication Studies option focuses on the study of information – how it is created, packaged, shared, distributed, consumed, and used.
    You will learn about all media industries, including the internet, and how they are changing. You will learn how you are affected by advertising and other commercial images, how Canadians “fit” in the global village, what literacy in the new media means; in short, how your life and your society are changing in response to innovations in communication.
    Students seeking careers as media professionals (e.g., film-makers, broadcast journalists) will find these courses very valuable, but will need courses from elsewhere to provide instruction in the mechanics of production. For example, while the film industry in Canada is studied, film-making is not.

Careers in Media and Communication
People with degrees in Communication find work in a variety of fields, including management or research connected with communication industries; research or policy development in government (related, for example, to the introduction of new technologies); research in international development; public education, advertising, or marketing. A bachelor’s degree is also appropriate preparation for graduate work in a variety of other disciplines.

Program requirements
The Associate of Arts Media and Communication Studies option requires a minimum of 60 credits transferable to at least one of UBC, UNBC, UVic, or SFU, of which 15 must be from UCFV. No course will be used to meet more than one of the following specific requirements. Students must achieve an average overall grade of C (cumulative GPA of 2.0) calculated on all courses counting towards the associate degree.

Sample program outline

Year 1
First semester

Course  Title  Credits
English 105–170 or one of CMNS 125,155, 250    3
MACS 110  Introduction to Communication Theory  3
Humanities  100-level  3
Social Science/Humanities    3
MATH/Stats/COMP    3 (+1)

Second semester

Course  Title  Credits
English 105–170 or one of CMNS 125,155, 250    3
MACS 130  Explorations in Mass Communications  3
Humanities  100-level  3
Elective  100- or 200-level  3
Lab science  100-level  3 (+1)


Year 2
First semester

Course   Credits
MACS  200-level  3
MACS  200-level  3
Humanities  100-level  3
Elective  100- or 200-level  3
Science elective    3 (+1)

Second semester

Course   Credits
MACS  200-level  3
MACS  200-level  3
MACS  200-level  3
Arts elective  200-level  3
Elective  100- or 200-level  3
or previous credit    (+3)
Total credits    60

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