Associate of Arts degree (Theatre option)

Admission for the program is for the September semester. Students wishing to start in January may do so by taking any course for which they have the stated prerequisites and then applying for the following September.

In April you will be informed of an interview and audition that is required. You must attend or make special arrangements with the program head to be eligible for admission to the program.

Entrance requirements
Applicants should apply to the Associate of Arts: Theatre. See the Associate of Arts page for details on entrance requirements and application procedures.

Program requirements
The Associate of Arts Theatre option requires a minimum of 60 credits transferable to at least one of UBC, UNBC, UVic, or SFU, of which 15 must be from UCFV. In addition, students must complete one practicum course chosen from Theatre 199 or Theatre 299. No course will be used to meet more than one of the following specific requirements. Students must achieve an average overall grade of C (cumulative GPA of 2.0) calculated on all courses counting towards the associate degree.

Audition for Theatre 111
Students must audition before permission to register will be granted. Theatre program students have first priority for available spaces. Auditions will be held in May and early June. Contact the department for an audition time.

Sample program outline
Year 1
First semester

Course  Title  Credits
ENGL 105  The Reading and Writing of Prose  3
Social Science  100-level  3
THEA 101  Introduction to Theatre  3
THEA 111  Acting I  3
MATH/Stats/COMP    4

Second semester

Course  Title  Credits
English 105–170-level
(130 recommended)
or one of CMNS 125, 155, 250    3
THEA 112  Acting II  3
One of:  
THEA 201  History of Theatre – Major Trends and Issues of the 20th Century
or THEA 202  History of Theatre – Major Trends and Issues of the 19th Century  3
Lab science  100-level  4
THEA 199**  Practicum I  3

Year 2
First semester

Course  Title  Credits
THEA 121  Introduction to Technical Theatre  3
THEA 211  Acting III  3
Social Science  100-level  3
English  200-level (230 recommended)  3
Science elective    4

Second semester

Course  Title  Credits
Social Science/Humanities    3
THEA 212  Acting IV  3
One of:  
THEA 123  Introduction to Technical Theatre II  3
or THEA 201  History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues in the 20th Century
or THEA 202  History of Theatre — Major Trends and Issues in the 19th Century
Arts elective  200-level  3
Arts elective  200-level  3
Total credits    63

** Or THEA 299.
Note: Courses are not necessarily offered in this sequence.

Bruce Kirkley, BA (Hons) (UBC), MA (Toronto), PhD (Toronto), Theatre History, Acting, and Voice, Department Head
Astrid Beugeling, Fine Arts diploma (UCFV), BFA (UVic), Technical Theatre and Design
Ian Fenwick, BA (Brock), BA (Hons) (Queen’s), MFA (UBC), Acting, Directing, Play-making

Astrid Beugeling, Fine Arts diploma (UCFV), BFA (UVic), Resident Designer and Technical Manager
Jody Cameron, Production Manager
Dan Easy, Joinery (UCFV), Set Construction
Rick Mawson, Theatre Arts diploma (UCFV), BA (UCFV),
Department Assistant and Publicity Manager
Heather Robertson, Theatre Arts diploma (UCFV), BA (SFU)
Jim Wenting, Technician Diploma (National Theatre School)

Part-time staff:
Muriel Morris, BA (Hons), MEd (UBC), Educational Coordinator

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