Community Access
Learning and access to learning is important to all Canadian adults. An
individual can expect to change careers or career direction at least three times
within his/her working life. This will require the ability to constantly acquire
new knowledge and skills. The Community Access division endeavours to meet these
lifelong learning needs of adults using traditional as well as innovative
delivery methods. Delivery methods such as computer-mediated instruction, onsite
training, and contract training options are currently used in Community Access.
Innovative methods of assessment such as laddering and PLAR (Prior Learning
Assessment and Recognition) are also used throughout the division’s programs.
The division also tries to alleviate the barriers to access
to learning opportunities faced by people needing high school completion and
upgrading to continue with their post-secondary education goals, through the
College and Career Preparation department.
Dean: Karen Evans, BAdmin (Athabasca), MIR (Queen’s)
Phone: 604-854-4518
Administrative Assistant: Jo-Anne Trevelyan
Phone: 604-854-4541
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