Minors in
Business Administration

UCFV offers six minors in Business Administration. These include:
    • General Business
    • Accounting*
    • Finance*
    • Marketing
    • Human Resources/Organization Studies
    • Management Science/Information Systems, and
    • International Business.
These are currently available to UCFV Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Kinesiology students. BCIS students may also complete a Business minor.
* Note: The combined Accounting/Finance minor will no longer be available to students after Fall, 2001.

Requirements and procedures
Students wishing to take a minor in business must have declared and be enrolled in a major program of study (other than Business). Once enrolled in a major program of study in a degree program which permits Business minors, students may apply to the Business Administration programs for one of the business minors offered (students seeking more than one minor must fulfill each minor’s program requirements). Acceptance to a minor in business will require the development of a program plan of study in consultation with the Business Administration program chair or program assistant.
    Note: The number of students accepted to business minors may be limited due to seat availability.

The minors each require 30 credits, including ECON 100 and four lower-level business courses and five upper-level courses (numbered 300 and above). Courses taken in these minors can contain business-related courses from other disciplines to a maximum of two non-Business (BUS) courses.
    Note: Depending on the courses selected, some additional prerequisite courses may be required.
    Note: Students should consult the Business Administration department and course prerequisite information in             the calendar, as additional courses outside of the minor requirements are needed for many upper-level             electives, depending on the minor and courses selected.

Time required for program completion
Completion of a business minor would be done concurrently with completion of the bachelor’s degree in the chosen major field of study. Courses needed to fulfill prerequisite requirements can be taken without additional time for degree completion provided the student declares his/her major and minor early enough to plan for the prerequisite requirements of upper-level courses.

Minor in General Business
Students seeking business courses for a general business minor can select from a number of courses that have few or no prerequisites and would not require Math 12. In addition to ECON 100, these currently consist of five lower-level courses: BUS 100, BUS 120, BUS 160, BUS 203*, and BUS 261, and six upper-level courses: BUS 304*, BUS 400, BUS 407*, BUS 410, BUS 420, BUS 440. Collectively these would be sufficient for a general minor in business.
    Note: Students should consult the Business Administration department and course prerequisite information in             the calendar, as additional courses outside of the Minor requirements are needed for many upper-level             electives.
* Please refer to prerequisite requirements in the course descriptions section.

Lower-level requirements
        • ECON 100
        • Four lower-level business courses

Upper-level requirements
Students are required to take a minimum of five courses for at least 15 credits from the BBA core or elective courses at the 300- or 400-level. Please note the restrictions on non-Business (BUS) courses. For complete listings and details on these courses see Course descriptions.

Minor in Accounting
    Note: Principles of Math 12 with a C+ or better or the equivalent is a prerequisite for most of these courses.

Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 145*  Accelerated Financial Accounting  3
BUS 160*  Computerized Business Applications  3
BUS 247*  Management Accounting I  3
ECON 100  Principles of Microeconomics  3
  Plus one other lower-level BUS or ECON course  3
Total    15

Upper-level requirements
Five courses from:

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 338*  Accounting Information Systems  3
BUS 343**  Intermediate Accounting I  3
BUS 344*  Intermediate Accounting II  3
BUS 345*  Income Tax I  3
BUS 346*  Income Tax II  3
BUS 347*  Auditing Principles  3
BUS 348*  Management Accounting II  3
BUS 439*  Advanced Financial Accounting  3
Total    15

Note: BUS 343/344 and BUS 345/346 are sequential pairs and both “halves” are recommended.
* Please refer to prerequisite requirements in calendar course descriptions.
** Prerequisites: Acceptance to Bachelor of Business Administration degree or Accounting certificate program; C+ or better in Principles of Math 12 provincially examined; or MATH 110 (C+ or better); BUS 144 or 145 with C+ or better. Corequisites: BUS 160 or CIS 110

Minor in Financial Management

Principles of Math 12 with a C+ or better or the equivalent is a prerequisite for most of these courses.

Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 145*  Accelerated Financial Accounting  3
BUS 160  Computerized Business Applications  3
BUS 247*  Managerial Accounting  3
ECON 100  Principles of Microeconomics  3
Elective  Economics or business  3
Total    15

Upper-level requirements

Students are required to take a minimum of 15 credits from the following courses:

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 349*  Financial Management I  3
BUS 433*  Investments  3
BUS 434*  Risk Management and Financial Engineering  3
BUS 435**  International Finance  3
BUS 449*  Financial Management II  3
ECON 398*  Business and Government II — Topics in Macroeconomics  3
ECON 410*  Economics of Financial Markets  4
Total    15

* Please refer to prerequisite requirements in calendar course descriptions.
** Prerequisites: Acceptance to Bachelor of Business Administration degree, and BUS 349.
Minor in Human Resources/Organization Studies

Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 100  Introduction to Business  3
or BUS 102  Introduction to Business  3
BUS 201*  Human Resource Management  3
BUS 203*  Organizational Behaviour  3
ECON 100  Principles of Microeconomics  3
Elective  Economics or business  3
Total    15

Upper-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
Five courses from:
BUS 304*  Organizational Theory and Application  3
BUS 305*  Industrial Relations  3
BUS 307*  Selected Topics in Organizational Behaviour  3
BUS 308*  Selected Topics in Applied Organization Theory  3
BUS 309  Selected Topics in Human Resources Management  3
BUS 400  Business and Society  3
BUS 407*  Gender and Diversity Issues  3
BUS 408*  Teamwork in Organizations  3
BUS 410  Government and Enterprise  3
CRIM 417*  Leadership in Groups and Organizations  3
Total    15

* Please refer to prerequisite requirements in the course descriptions section.

Minor in Marketing
Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 120  Essentials of Marketing  3
BUS 203*  Organizational Behaviour  3
ECON 100  Principles of Microeconomics  3
Plus two courses from:
BUS 221*  Professional Selling  3
BUS 222*  Sales Management  3
BUS 223*  Advertising  3
BUS 224*  Retail Management  3
Total    15

Upper-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
Five courses from:
BUS 301*  Economic and Business Statistics  4
BUS 320**  Business Research Methods  3
BUS 321*  Business-to-Business Marketing  3
BUS 323*  Promotion Management  3
BUS 327* Consumer Behaviour  3
BUS 421*  International Marketing  3
BUS 423*  Services Marketing  3
BUS 425*  Marketing Strategy  3
ECON 341  International Economics  4
Total    15–17

* Please refer to prerequisite requirements in calendar course descriptions.
** Prerequisite: Acceptance to Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Corequisite: BUS 301
(may be taken as a prerequisite).

Minor in Operations Management/Information Systems

Note: Principles of Math 12 with a C+ or better or equivalent is required.

Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 145*  Accelerated Financial Accounting  3
BUS 160*  Computerized Business Applications  3
ECON 100  Principles of Microeconomics  3
  Plus two other lower-level BUS or ECON courses  6
Total    15

Upper-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
  Five courses from:
BUS 338*  Accounting Information Systems  3
BUS 350*  Operations Management  3
BUS 404*  Management Science  3
BUS 440*  Management Information Systems  3
BUS 450*  Probabilistic Models in Operations Analysis  3
BUS 451*  Computer Simulation Models in Business  3
BUS 452*  Computer Applications in Operations  3
BUS 453*  Decision Theory in Business  3
Total    15

* Please refer to prerequisite requirements in the course descriptions section.

Minor in International Business

Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
ECON 100 Principles of Microeconomics  3
Plus four courses from:
BUS 100  Introduction to Business  3
BUS 120  Essentials of Marketing  3
BUS 261  Business Law  3
ECON 101  Principles of Macroeconomics  3
LAS 200  Introduction to Latin American Issues  3
Total    15

Upper-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
BUS 420  International Business  3
  Plus four courses (two of which must be Business courses) from:
BUS 360  International Air Transportation  3
BUS 421*  International Marketing  3
BUS 435**  International Finance  3
ECON 341  International Economics  4
ECON 352  Technology, Development and Economic Growth  4
SCMS 310  Special Topics: Regional Studies of Latin America  4
SCMS 363*  Process of Development and Underdevelopment: Latin America  4
Total    16–17

* Please refer to prerequisite requirements in calendar course descriptions.
** Prerequisites: MATH 106 (MATH 115 recommended), BUS 301, BUS 350.

Course listings
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions.

Professor emeriti
Janet Falk, BA (Hons), BBA (York), CMA
Blake Wight, BComm (Alberta), Dip. Urban Land Econ. (UBC), RI (BC)

Full Time Faculty
D.J. Sandhu, BBA, MBA (SFU), Program Chair
Gillian Bubb, BSc (LaTrobe), MComm-Acctg. (Canberra),
Grad Teaching diploma (S. Queensland), CPA
Cyrus Chaichian, MSc (Columbia)
Brian H. Coulter, BA (Hons)(UAC), MA (Calgary)
Vladimir Dvoracek, BA (Waterloo), MA (Queen’s), PhD (SFU)
Larry Howe, BSc (Calgary), BEd (Alberta), CA
Edwin Li, BS, MS (Oklahoma), MBA (Ottawa)
Lorne A. Mackenzie, BSc MBA (UBC)
Fiona McQuarrie, BBA, MBA, Cert. Lib. Arts (SFU), PhD (Alberta),
Gerald Palmer, BA (SFU), LLB (Toronto)
Maxwell Winchester, BSc, MBus (Victoria),
Grad Dip in Eval (Melbourne)
Ron Zitron, BSc, MBA (Cape Town)

Part Time Faculty
Norah Andrew, Dip. OB (London), MA (Royal Roads), CGA
Barry Bompass, BA BComm (Sask)
Kurt Bausenhous, BA, BComm, (UBC), CA,
Suzan Beattie, BA (SFU), LLB (UBC)
Jocelyn Choy, BS, MBA (Woodbury University, Burbank)
Karen Evans, BAdmin (Athabasca), MIR (Queen’s)
Kevin Friesen, BA (Trinity Western), CA
Madeleine Hardin, BA, MA, (SFU)
Randall A. Hay, BComm (Alberta), MBA (UBC), CA
Cathy Heyland, BBA, MEd (SFU)
David Kells, BComm, MBA (Sask), CIM, FCSI
Peter Ronda, CGA
Ron Shay, BBA, MBA (SFU)
Richard M. R. Simon, BPE (UBC), MEd (WWU), Prof. Teach. Cert. (UBC)
Don Tunstall, BA, MA, MEd (UBC), PhD (Alberta)
Blake Wight, BComm (Alberta), Dip. Urban Land Econ. (UBC), RI (BC)
George Zhe Zhang, BSc, MA (Nankai), MBA (York), PhD (Waterloo)

Grace Gould, Program Advisor

Advisory committee
Randy Blair, Abbotsford News
Barry Fryer, B.C. Hydro
Carol Hama, First Heritage Savings Credit Union
Marilyn Hamilton, Consulting Resource Group
David Kells, Canaccord
Barry McLean, Valley Gravel Sales
Lisa Minter, Minter Country Garden World
Betty Poettcker, UCFV
Lucie Rae, One Stop Auction
Christine Skaley, Fraser Valley Real Estate Board
Lee Vevers, Allmark, Smith and Associates
Paul Willms, RCMP

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