Economics concerns the wealth of nations. Economics is the study of how a society organizes its productive resources, including human resources, in attempting to reach the various goals of its members. The subject may be divided into study of the use of resources at any one time, the balancing of current and future goals, and the distribution of income among persons. Economics seeks to discern both the common features and the differences in the institutions by which societies throughout the world, today and in the past, have organized economic life. The approach is descriptive and analytical; many issues of national and international policy are considered.
The mission of the Economics department is to acquaint students with the economic aspects of modern society, to familiarize students with techniques for the analysis of contemporary economic problems, and to develop in students an ability to exercise judgement in evaluating public policy.
    Undergraduate economics is a liberal arts subject and provides good preparation for careers in law, education, business, and government.

Dale Box, BSc (UBC), BBA, MA (SFU)
Brian H. Coulter, BA (Hons), MA (Calgary)
Ian McAskill, BA, MRM (SFU)
Sean Parkinson, BA, MA (Western)

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