Admissions and Records Office
The Admission and Records office looks after applications for admission, course
registrations, course fee payments, exam scheduling, student records, and
graduation applications.
Admissions and Records personnel
Registrar: Bill Cooke, BSc (McMaster)
Associate Registrar (Admissions): Elaine Harris, BA (SFU), MEd (UBC)
Manager, Systems & Records: Warren Stokes, BA Adult Ed (UCFV) Dip. Bus
Admin (UCFV), ID (VCC), Cert. Micro Elec (VCC)
Admissions Coordinator: Robin Smith
Admissions staff: Lynn Best, Valerie Hughes, Mary Rigby-Jones, Tami
White, Nancy den Boesterd
Registration supervisor (Abbotsford): Rae Smith
Registration supervisor (Chilliwack): Annette Aerssens
Registration staff: Denise Browne, Val Cave, Bernadette Dickie, Gloria
Dyck, Leona Fountain, Rose Merritt, Kelly Raymond,
Anne Reisenger, Rosemary Wolf, Jaqueline Unger
Room bookings/records staff: Vera White Phipps; Mary White, Michelle
Ward, Marna Levae (on leave), Shelaugh Thompson (acting)
Link to:
The information that follows is intended to provide applicants with general
admission guidelines. Each program description in this calendar outlines
entrance requirements and information about when and how to apply to the
Specific admission requirements are necessary to ensure a reasonable chance of
success. Students who meet these requirements are admitted in order of their
date of application provided their application is complete when submitted, and a
sufficient number of spaces are available. The dates listed in this section are
for the 2004/05 academic calendar year. A separate admissions guide is published
in the summer and provides detailed information about the admissions process.
Admission to a program does not imply space availability in all courses
required for the program.
When to apply
Early application is recommended for all programs, as assignment of registration
times and acceptance to programs is by date of application. Applications should
be complete upon submission, or completed as quickly as possible. The
application date recorded is the date the application form, all required
information or documents for the program, and the application fee are mailed or
See the
program charts to determine whether applications are “continuous” or
“specific date” for a particular program.
Continuous application
Applications are accepted throughout the year, the names of applicants with
complete applications are added to a waiting list, and a seat is offered to
qualified applicants when a space becomes available.
If you are applying to a continuous application program and want to enrol in
General Studies while you are waiting, you must submit a second application
Specific date applications
For these programs, you apply on or after a certain date.
Application dates for specific date applications:
Semester: |
First day to apply |
You should apply before: |
Fall (September) |
October 1 |
March 31* |
Winter (January) |
August 1 |
September 30* |
Spring (May) |
October 1 |
January 31* |
* Some programs may reach capacity and close before this date. Programs with seats available may accept applications after this date, but applicants should check our website at, or contact Admissions & Records before sending an application. Please note that applicants who apply after these dates, or who do not provide all the required documents by these dates, will generally be scheduled to register later than other students in the program.
How to apply
You can apply by mail (we record the post-marked date), through the internet at, or in person. The application date received will determine your order on the applicant list, provided it is complete upon submission. (See what to submit, below.)
What to submit to the Admissions office
Read the How to Apply section for the program you choose to determine entrance requirements and the necessary documents required for your program.
To apply, submit everything required by your program. Your application package would typically include:
• Application for Admission form
• additional application information forms if required by your program (refer to the How to Apply section for the program)
• application fee unless otherwise specified (currently $45)
• official high school transcript of grades if Grade 12 graduation, or specific high school courses and grades are required for your program (interim grades will be required by April 10 if you are currently attending high school)
• official transcripts from any post-secondary institutions you have attended. They must arrive in the original sealed envelope to be considered official.
• any other information listed under How to Apply in the program description
Complete application
The application fee and all the documents listed in the How to Apply section for each program (i.e., all required documents for a complete application) must be enclosed in order to have a complete application. If you apply through the web, your application fee (if you did not provide a credit card number) and any required documents should be mailed the same day you transmit your application in order to retain your application date. If you have official transcripts sent directly from another institution, you should ensure they are ordered in time to arrive within two weeks of the date your application is submitted.
If an application is incomplete, the “date of application” is changed to the date the application becomes complete.
Students currently registered in courses required for admission should submit a confirmation of enrollment in these courses, along with a transcript showing courses already completed. Students currently attending Grade 12 have until February 28 to submit test scores and official transcripts of final grades and/or interim grades for required courses, but should submit all other required documents with their applications form. See Documents below for further information.
Apply directly to the Trades and Technology Centre for programs listed under those headings on the Application for Admission form.
What you will receive from A&R
A letter will be sent to you ...
• upon receipt of your application to acknowledge that it has been received and to provide your UCFV student number (keep this private and secure)
• following initial screening to advise you whether the application is complete or whether any documents are missing. You will be advised if an interview or program orientation is scheduled for your program.
Note: If your application is not complete on submission, your “date of application” will be changed to the date your application becomes complete, which will affect your position on the applicant list for the program and/ or your registration time. A complete application includes all the documents required in the How to Apply section for each program, and the application fee.
• to notify you whether or not you have met the entrance requirements for your program, and if so, whether there is space available for you. Preliminary registration information will be included if you are accepted into the program.
Registration information is available on our website and is also sent to new applicants prior to registration.
Official transcripts from other institutions attended are required for entrance to many programs. Transcripts are considered official when they are bearing the institution seal or authorized signature and are in the original sealed envelope of the issuing institution. If official transcripts are required for entrance to a program, and you are having them mailed directly to UCFV, order them early so they arrive within two weeks of the date you apply.
A certified translation is required for documents in a language other than English (some exceptions may be possible for documents in French).
Documents submitted become the property of UCFV. Only documents that are considered by UCFV to be irreplaceable will be returned to the student on request.
The majority of credit programs, including General Studies, require that students be high school graduates or 19 years of age by the first day of the semester. Students who are under 19 and not in school will be required to submit proof of high school graduation (an official high school transcript) with their application forms. Students currently enrolled in Grade 12 should submit a copy of their course schedule when they apply for any program requiring specific courses, grades, or GPA. All students enrolled in B.C. Grade 12 should also arrange to have their grades sent directly from the Ministry of Education, however, if the program requires completion of specific high school courses, Grade 12 students will be given until February 28 to submit spring interim high school grades. Report cards will be accepted for interim grades.
Students who have taken course prerequisites at other institutions will also need to submit official post-secondary transcripts for evaluation. An Application for Transfer Credit form is required to evaluate post-secondary transcripts (allow a minimum of six to eight weeks).
Admission from other provinces
Many programs require that students have B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent in order to meet entrance requirements. Students who have graduated from the secondary school system (Grade 12) in the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland are considered to have satisfied this requirement. Students from Quebec who have completed one full academic year at CEGEP and students from Ontario who have graduated on the new curriculum (2003 or later) are also considered to have equivalent to B.C. graduation. Ontario graduates from previous years are required to have six OAC courses or Grade 13.
Equivalents to B.C. graduation
Students who have completed the International Baccalaureate diploma program, the ABE Provincial diploma, the B.C. Adult Graduation diploma Adult Basic Education completion, or the General Education diploma (GED) may be considered to have the equivalent of B.C. secondary school graduation for admission purposes. However, students who are applying for any program that requires specific secondary school level courses for entrance, e.g., Math 11 or equivalent, or who intend to register for a course that has a specific secondary school course as a prerequisite, must provide an official transcript showing a final grade in the appropriate subject.
Conditional offers of admission
Some programs may accept students prior to completion of all entrance requirements. Other programs do not consider applications without documentation that all requirements have been completed. Check the How to Apply section for your program for information.
If an admission decision is based on courses in progress, acceptance will be conditional upon proof of completion of final academic requirements. Your offer of admission will state a final date for receipt of this information. However, applicants are encouraged to submit final grades as soon as possible.
Admission with registration priority
Registration priority is available, upon request, to applicants for General Studies (including General Arts and General Science) with higher academic qualifications. Students who qualify for registration priority will receive an earlier registration time than other new students in their program group. Requests are accepted from April 1–30 for the Fall semester only. See procedures for requesting registration priority, below.
Applicants who are new to UCFV for the Fall semester, or re-admitted after a two-year absence, are eligible if they meet one of the following criteria:
a. New or re-admitted students who have not completed post-secondary courses and whose grade point average from secondary school is 3.5 or higher (based on the Ministry of Education grading scale — see below) calculated on the following 16 credits:
English 12, plus the three highest grades achieved in provincially examinable four-credit Grade 12 courses.
The Ministry of Education grading scale assigns GPA as follows: A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C+ = 2.5, C = 2.0, C- = 1.0, below C- = 0.
b. Students who have completed post-secondary education courses with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher (minimum 18 credits) or a last-semester minimum grade point average of 3.5 or higher (minimum 12 credits).
Students accepted for admission with registration priority will maintain the same position in the registration order for the winter semester.
Procedures for requesting registration priority
Requests are considered for Fall entry only.
Modifications to registration priority procedures are being considered for Fall 2005. Check our website at in February 2005 to see if there are any new options that you can choose. The procedures below are also acceptable for 2005:
To request registration priority, submit a letter, marked Request for Registration Priority, and your grades, to Admissions and Records from April 1–30. Only requests which have supporting documents (grades) enclosed will be considered. Grade 12 students must submit recent interim grades (include grades for all provincially examinable courses). Be sure to enclose a separate copy of your grades with your Registration Priority request, even if you are sending your grades to Admissions for program entrance.
Special admission
Any person who does not meet stated admission requirements may petition our Academic Standards committee for special consideration. Special Admission application forms are available from our website at, or at Admissions and Records. Special Admission applications and supporting documents should be forwarded to the Associate Registrar, Admissions.
Special Admission applicants are required to provide a rationale for special consideration, transcripts, and a reference from a UCFV advisor or counsellor. They may also be required to undertake testing, write provincial examinations, attend an interview, and/or write an essay in order to assess academic level. Applicants are advised to apply for special admission at least six weeks before the start of the semester.
Concurrent studies
Secondary school students may take a course at UCFV while still working toward secondary school graduation. Concurrent studies may be permitted under the following guidelines:
1. The student is attending a secondary school.
2. The student is deemed to have exceptional ability or may benefit substantially by taking the university college course.
3. A similar course is not available at the secondary school.
4. The principal of the secondary school and the student’s parent or legal guardian provides written support.
5. The course instructor and program/department head approves the request.
6. There is space in the course at the time classes begin.
Applications for concurrent studies should be submitted to the Associate Registrar, Admissions, at least one month before the start of classes.
Interim grades, letters from the student, the principal, and the parent or guardian, and the application fee, must accompany the application form. Written permission from the instructor must be available at the time of registration.
Re-admission policy
Students who have been admitted to a program at UCFV and who fall into any of the following categories must apply for re-admission to that program:
1. UCFV students who fail to attend courses in the program for two years. Some programs, e.g., Computer Information Systems, Graphic Design, Health Sciences, and Trades, require continuous enrolment or allow a shorter absence. Check individual program information.
2. Students who fail to register in the first semester, or who withdraw completely in the first semester of attendance.
International Education
Increasingly, UCFV is called upon to respond to the needs of foreign students. These include exchange students sponsored by local community groups, visitors from overseas and others residing temporarily in our communities, as well as students applying from outside Canada. Although it is not always possible to meet the needs of international students completely due to the priority for university services (which is reserved for local residents) UCFV does, wherever possible, attempt to make available its full range of services to interested students. Different fees, application forms, and procedures apply. For further information concerning International Education and the enrolment of foreign students please call the International Education office at 604-504-7441 or 604-854-4544, or refer to the international education website at
Placement tests
Website: www.
Students may be required to take tests which will help to determine skill levels and aid selection of courses appropriate to their educational backgrounds and abilities. Placement tests are also required for entrance in some courses and programs. Students need to review program entrance requirements and course prerequisites to determine whether they need to write a placement test.
Dates, times, location, cost, minimum scores, preparation, etc., and detailed handouts on placement tests, are on the website or at Assessment Services located in Room B230 on the Abbotsford campus, and Room D117 on the Chilliwack campus. Contact the Abbotsford office at 604-557-4006, or the Chilliwack office at 604-792-0025, local 2460.
The Composition Placement Test (CPT) is designed to assess the level of your writing skills and has two functions at UCFV:
• as one way to meet the prerequisite for certain courses.
• as an entrance requirement for some programs.
Refer to the program section and course descriptions to determine if you need the CPT score at the time of application or prior to course registration.
Register for a CPT sitting at least four weeks before you need the score.
Note: The Language Proficiency Index (LPI) can be used in lieu of the CPT. An essay score of 30 (level 5) is considered equivalent to a CPT score of 48; a score of 24 to 26 (level 4) is equivalent to a CPT score of 41. Allow six weeks to receive your score.
The Math Placement Test (MPT) is designed to assess the level of your math skills and direct you in choosing the math course which will be most suitable for you. It is also a prerequisite for the UCFV equivalents of Math 11 and 12.
The Math Department Pre-Calculus Test (MDPT) is a Principles of Math 12 abilitiy indicator for the Mathematics and Statistics Department only. It is designed to assess ability within specific components of B.C. Principles of Math 12 or its equivilent. It is not a test designed for entry into MATH 106 (Statistics).
The Math 12 Ability Test for the Business Administration and Computer Information Systems departments (MATA) is designed to assess ability within specific components of B.C. Math 12 or its equivalent. Departmental approval is required to register for this assessment test.
The Computer Skills Placement Test (CSPT) can be used to assess the level of your basic Windows, Internet, word processing, and spreadsheet skills, or if you are unsure whether you have the skills required for CIS & COMP courses or for BUS 160.
Students are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their registrations, and for meeting the stated prerequisites and corequisites of a given course or program. Registration is primarily through the web, with in-person or telephone assistance if needed. Students using the web should check carefully that each transaction is completed, and print a copy of their registration record.
Security of your student records
To ensure that no unauthorized person can obtain access to a student’s records, students are expected to keep their UCFV student numbers private and confidential. Students will be required to set a unique PIN (Personal Identification Number) to use student web services. It should be kept safe and secure. Students are responsible for any transactions made using their student number and PIN.
Choosing your courses
The Admissions and Records office publishes a Registration Guide & Timetable of course offerings prior to each registration period. It is also available on the internet at
You should plan your courses carefully prior to your registration time. If you need help, arrange to meet with an educational advisor in Student Services or your program area.
Registration times
Registration times are assigned according to UCFV registration order policy (see Registration order, below).
Admissions and Records schedules registration times just prior to the start of each registration period (i.e., in mid-May for fall semester registration, and in mid-November for winter semester registration). Students obtain their registration times through Student Web at
Continuing students who are not attending the current semester will be scheduled for a registration time if they have completed credit courses within the last two years, and are eligible to continue in their programs. See Re-admission policy on page 19, and program information in this calendar, to determine whether you require an application for re-admission.
Registration order
UCFV’s registration order policy governs the assignment of registration times. Students are placed
in registration groups depending on their programs. The groups register in the following order: first, students in bachelor degree programs; second, students in certificate, diploma, associate degree, or Engineering Transfer programs; third, students in general programs (e.g., General Studies, General Arts, General Science, visiting students, English as a Second Language, and College and Career Preparation).
Within each registration group, continuing students in good standing register first, and are ordered based on number of UCFV credits completed and grade points (the sum of the GPA value multiplied by the number of credits for each course). The number of credits completed and grade points are indicated on grade statements and transcripts. New students and re-admitted students register after continuing students in the same program group, and are ordered according to the date their complete application was post-marked or submitted. Continuing students in the third registration group who have both a cumulative GPA less than 2.0 and less than 2.0 in their last term at UCFV will register after all other students. This may apply to other programs in the future.
New or re-admitted General Studies, General Arts and and General Science students, or those re-admitted after a two-year absence, entering UCFV with higher qualifications, can apply for Admission with Registration Priority in April for the fall intake only.
Prerequisites and corequisites
A prerequisite is a requirement which must be met before a student enters a course or program. A corequisite is a course which must be taken concurrently with another course. In some cases a requirement may be taken as either a pre- or corequisite. Prerequisites and corequisites for each course are included in the course description. The minimum grade required is a C- unless another grade is stated. A P grade does not, unless stated otherwise, meet a prerequisite or corequisite requirement. Students are expected to consult the current UCFV calendar to ensure they meet prerequisites before registering. Students who do not have the stated prerequisite or corequisite courses may not register in a course having these requirements without written permission of the instructor.
Prerequisite checks generally occur the night after registration, but may occur at registration or at any time up to and including the start of classes. Students lacking pre- or corequisites may be withdrawn.
Any British Columbia secondary school course that is used to satisfy program entrance requirements or course prerequisites must be completed for full value (four credits). Some courses or programs require that Math 12 and English 12 be provincially examined.
Course waiting lists (under review)
This procedure is under review. See the Registration Guide & Timetable for up-to-date information.
If a class is full students may put their names on the waiting list, but the class must fit their timetable. If students are registered in a course they may not also be on a waiting list for another section of the same course. There may be limits placed on the number of waitlisted courses permitted for each student.
Until just prior to classes beginning, the Admissions and Records office will contact students if space becomes available. They will be given a deadline to register. If they do not meet the deadline, they will be removed from the waiting list.
Once classes begin, students must have an instructor’s written permission to register for any course. Students seeking a seat must go to the first class to seek permission. For online courses, students should contact the instructor by the first day of the semester. Instructors will use the waiting lists to fill vacancies for the first class only.
Reserved seats
UCFV may reserve seats for students to enable them to enrol in a particular sequence of courses. Reserved seats are usually removed not later than 10 days before classes begin.
Repeating a course
Students may not register in a course more than twice without permission of the appropriate dean or designate.
When a course is repeated, the GPA at UCFV includes only the higher grade, but all attempts appear on the
Some programs limit the number of courses which can be repeated.
Students are expected to attend scheduled lectures, laboratories, field trips, seminars and examinations unless given instructions to the contrary.
Note: To ensure maximum class size and an opportunity for students on wait-lists to occupy vacant seats, students
must attend the first meeting of the class or notify the instructor in advance if they are unable to attend.
Students who fail to attend the first class and who do not notify the instructor in advance may, at the discretion of
the instructor, be withdrawn from the class if there is a waiting list for the class.
Late entry
Once classes start, students may register only with the written permission of the instructor (see Schedule of Events for specific dates). A late registration fee of $20 per course (subject to change) applies to registrations after the second week of classes. Late entry will not be permitted after 30 percent of the course is completed, except with the permission of the instructor and the appropriate dean (see Schedule of Events for specific dates).
Course withdrawal
Students may withdraw from a course at any time before approximately 75% of the course is completed
(see Schedule of Events, for withdrawal deadlines) through Student Web at, or through the Admissions & Records office. Withdrawal prior to the date on which 40% of the course is completed will not be recorded on the official transcript. Withdrawal after 40% of the course is completed will be shown on the transcript (see Schedule of Events ). A student who stops attending but does not properly withdraw from a course is given an NC grade.
A student may be permitted to withdraw after 75% of the course duration if the student can show that there were extenuating circumstances. Extenuating circumstances are defined as unusual circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as a serious illness, which make it impossible for the course to be completed. A withdrawal after 75% of the course duration requires the majority decision of a committee of the dean, department head, and instructor concerned. A withdrawal, if granted, will be recorded on the official transcript.
A student may audit a course with instructor’s permission. An audit student is required to attend at least 80% of classes and participate as a regular class member, but does not normally complete class assignments or examinations.
Many instructors and/or departments will not permit a change to audit status after the first few weeks of class. In other courses, a student may change to audit status up to, but not later than, the last day of classes, with the permission of the instructor. Students should check with their course instructor during the first weeks of class.
An audit grade is not included in the calculation of the grade point average, but is reported on the official transcript. In order for an audit grade to be recorded, the student must have attended at least 80% of the course. Students who do not meet this requirement, and who have not formally withdrawn from the course, may receive an NC grade.
The fee to audit is the same as the regular course tuition fee.
Course challenge
Some UCFV courses may be challenged for credit. This means that a student who can demonstrate mastery of course objectives may be granted credit without taking the course.
Course challenge is available to students who are currently registered in credit courses at UCFV, or who have completed one or more credits at UCFV within the past three academic years, and have been re-admitted to a UCFV program. Course challenge is not permitted for courses previously failed, or for which credit has been obtained at UCFV through transfer credit.
A student may challenge a course only once. Students require permission from the department or program head before they may register for a challenge. A slightly reduced tuition fee applies.
Courses challenged do not count towards UCFV program residency requirements.
UCFV measures the workload of a student by assigning units of credit to a course or program. A typical university studies or career course is three credits (three or four hours/week of instruction for 15 weeks) or four credits (five to seven hours/week of instruction for 15 weeks). In vocational programs, one credit is generally defined as the equivalent of one week of full-time study. In Continuing Studies courses, credits (when they are applicable) may be determined on the basis of one credit for every 30 hours of instruction.
Courseload — university courses/general studies
A full courseload is normally five courses per semester. Students are encouraged to enrol in not more than five courses per semester and may not enrol in more than six courses without permission of a dean. Some university-transfer programs, such as Engineering Transfer, require an overload.
Definition of a full-time student
A full-time student is enrolled in 60% or more of the full or standard course load for a given program. A part-time student is enrolled in less than 60% of a full course load. Students who are applying for a student loan should consult the Financial Aid office for more information about the minimum courseload required to qualify.
ID cards
Photo identification cards are issued by the Library to all registered students. There is a $10 charge to replace an ID card.
Where to find more information
Contact Student Services to sign up for a free Introduction to UCFV session and individual appointments (phone 604-854-4528 — Abbotsford, 604-795-2808 — Chilliwack).
The Admissions and Records office will assist you with any questions regarding your application
(phone 604-854-4501 — Abbotsford, 604-795-2802 — Chilliwack).
Contact your department directly by calling your nearest UCFV centre.
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