Online learning allows you to participate in courses on the Internet. The curriculum material and assignments are not “set” the way they are in a correspondence course; you will find the courses are more like face-to-face courses. The amount of time required for an online course is roughly equivalent to the amount of time required in a face-to-face course. You can expect to spend more time reading and responding to your fellow students, and you cannot participate in online learning silently!
    Courses are offered to coincide with the UCFV semesters, and they are taught by UCFV faculty. Upon successful completion, you can use online course credits toward a certificate, diploma, or degree. Check the UCFV fall, winter, and spring timetables for online course offerings (designated ON).
    In order to participate in an online class, you need a Windows-based or Mac computer, a modem (56K or faster), an account with an internet service provider, and internet browser software such as Internet Explorer. The software used for UCFV online courses is WebCT. This program is easy to use as long as you have computer basics. For those new to computer-mediated courses, workshops are provided at the beginning of each semester. Please see the Important Dates section at http://online.ufv.ca for more information about these workshops.
    If you have enrolled in a course offered online, visit http://online.ufv.ca for instructions to log onto your course. Most courses begin the first day of the semester and you must log on within the first two day or risk losing your place in the course.
    UCFV, along with other B.C. post-secondary institutions, is part of the BCcampus initiative to provide online learning opportunities to students. A listing of the online courses that UCFV is contributing to this initiative can be viewed at http://online.ufv.ca. To learn more about this initiative, including a complete listing of all the online courses offered, go to http://online.ufv.ca.

If you have additional questions, please contact BCcampus program coordinator Leanne Tielmann, at leanne.tielmann@ufv.ca

The Applied Business Technology online courses are also part of the BCcampus initiative. For more information about the ABT online courses contact Maureen Kiner, the ABT program head at UCFV, at 604-854-4559, or email maureen.kiner@ufv.ca

UCFV Online faculty and staff
Wendy Burton, BA (UVic), MA (Queen’s), EdD (Toronto), Manager
Bryan Wilkinson, CIS Dip (Douglas), Online Support Analyst

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