
The moment you enrol at UCFV in a credit course you automatically become a member of the Student Union Society (SUS). Student Union Society fees are collected by UCFV and are itemized on your registration receipt.
    The SUS is a non-profit society. Its purpose is to advocate for and represent the student body. The society is run by students, who control the direction and activities of the SUS within the memorandum of agreement with UCFV. The SUS is recognized as the representative of the student body, and as a result, is sought out by UCFV board, administration and staff, for advice in matters of concern to students.
    The SUS has an elected Council which is primarily responsible for representing students. West Representatives represent Abbotsford and Mission campuses, while East Representatives represent the Chilliwack campus, and the Agassiz and Hope regional centres. Elections are held in March, with by-elections called as required. The SUS provides many services such as concerts, bursaries, emergency student grants and the UCFV student handbook.
    All students are encouraged to attend council meetings. Schedules are posted on the website and available from the SUS office. The SUS also holds fundraising events, forums, and an Annual General Meeting to report on SUS activities during the past year, and to seek approval for the following year’s budget.
    If you would like to help out with events or participate in committees, please contact the Student Union Society.

For more information, email or stop by the SUS office.
Abbotsford Room A213; 604-864-4613
Chilliwack Room E101; 604-795-2825


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