

Some knowledge of chemistry is essential in order to fully appreciate the world around us; thus chemistry is justifiably labelled by many scholars as “the central science”. Whereas chemistry is often required as a prerequisite for entry into some other field of study, e.g., medicine, pharmacy, veterinary science, or engineering, it is also an academically satisfying subject in its own right. Chemistry graduates are able to pursue rewarding careers in many areas: working in industrial or government laboratories, teaching chemistry at the secondary level, etc.
    In your chemistry courses at UCFV, you will study the fundamental principles of the discipline and will also learn how these principles are utilized in order to solve problems and develop new products for today’s consumer-oriented society. For example, chemists are currently employed in seeking solutions to environmental problems such as acid rain, the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer; other chemists are involved in developing new drugs to combat diseases such as cancer and AIDS; while yet others work to produce new consumer products ranging from gasoline additives to mouthwash, from pesticides to perfumes, from “crazy glue” to biodegradable diapers. Who would not be fascinated by such a subject?
    UCFV offers a major as well as a minor in chemistry as part of its Bachelor of Science.

Chemistry major
This section specifies the chemistry major discipline requirements only. See the Bachelor of Science degree section for additional requirements.

Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
CHEM 111  Principles of Chemistry I  4
or CHEM 113  Principles of Chemistry I  5
CHEM 112  Principles of Chemistry II  4
or CHEM 114  Principles of Chemistry II 5
CHEM 211  Organic Chemistry I (previously offered)  4
or CHEM 213  Organic Chemistry I  4
CHEM 212  Organic Chemistry II (previously offered)  4
or CHEM 214  Organic Chemistry II  4
CHEM 221  Inorganic Chemistry  4
CHEM 224  Atoms, Molecules, Spectra  4
CHEM 241  Analytical Chemistry  4
MATH 111  Calculus I  4
MATH 112  Calculus II  4
MATH 211  Calculus III  3
COMP 150  Computer Programming  4
PHYS 111  Mechanics  5
PHYS 112  Electricity and Magnetism  5
Plus three credits from:
MATH 106  Statistics I  4
MATH 270  Introduction to Probability and Statistics  4
MATH 302  Analysis of Observational and Experimental Data  3

Upper-level requirements*

Course  Title  Credits
CHEM 311  Intermediate Organic Chemistry I  4
or CHEM 312  Intermediate Organic Chemistry II  4
CHEM 321  Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry  4
CHEM 324  Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics  4
CHEM 341  Instrumental Analysis/Applied Spectroscopy  4
Plus 14 credits from:
CHEM 311  Intermediate Organic Chemistry I  4
CHEM 312  Intermediate Organic Chemistry II  4
CHEM 408  Directed Studies in Chemistry  3
CHEM 409  Undergraduate Research in Chemistry  6
CHEM 412  Topics in Organic Chemistry  4
CHEM 421  Advanced Inorganic Chemistry  4
CHEM 422  Conformation of Molecules and Introduction to Computer-Aided Drug Design  4
CHEM 451  Bio-inorganic Chemistry  3
CHEM 455  Chemistry of Biological and Synthetic Polymers  3

* Up to 15 upper-level chemistry credits may be selected in consultation with the Chemistry department head from courses outside UCFV.

Chemistry minor
This section specifies the Chemistry minor discipline requirements only. Students need to combine these minor requirements with another science minor or major. See the Bachelor of Science degree section for additional requirements and the appropriate sections for the chosen major or minor.
Lower-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
CHEM 111  Principles of Chemistry I  4
or CHEM 113  Principles of Chemistry I  5
CHEM 112  Principles of Chemistry II  4
or CHEM 114  Principles of Chemistry II  5
CHEM 211  Organic Chemistry I (previously offered)  4
or CHEM 213  Organic Chemistry I  4
CHEM 212  Organic Chemistry II (previously offered)  4
or CHEM 214  Organic Chemistry II  4
CHEM 221  Inorganic Chemistry  4
MATH 111  Calculus I  4
MATH 112  Calculus II  4
PHYS 105  Non-Calculus Physics  5
or PHYS 111  Mechanics  5
Plus three credits from:
MATH 106  Statistics I  4
MATH 270  Introduction to Probability and Statistics  4
MATH 302  Analysis of Observational and Experimental Data  3

Upper-level requirements

Course  Title  Credits
CHEM 321  Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry  4
CHEM 324  Chemical Kinetics and Thermodynamics  4
CHEM  Upper-level chemistry courses  6
SCI 400  is highly recommended as a non-chemistry elective but is not an upper-level requirement.

Arthur M. Last, BA (Hons), PhD (Essex), Department Head
Godwin Choy, BSc (Taipei), PhD (Missouri)
Nigel S. Dance, BSc (Hons), PhD (Aston in Birmingham)
Lillian Martin, BSc, PhD (SFU)
Peter W. Slade, BSc (Hons) (Southampton), MSc (SFU),
Prof. Teaching Certificate (BC)
Lesley Spier, BSc (Hons), MSc (Aston in Birmingham)
Gordon von Hollen, BSc (Alberta)
Jane Webb, BSc (UBC)
Noham Weinberg, MSc, PhD (Moscow)

Aileen Ablog, BSc (UBC)
Shawna Dyck, BSc (Brandon)
Shawn Millar, BSc (SFU)

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