
The UCFV Nursing program is designed to meet the needs of two groups: students who wish to pursue a career in nursing and RNs who wish to complete a nursing degree. The degree prepares graduates for employment in a variety of health care settings.
    The Nursing program has one intake per year in September and provides two possible streams as follows:
        Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN) (four years)
        RN Access — Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN) (part-time option). The last intake for         this option will be September 2004.
Note: Practical Nursing Access to the BSN program is planned for a future date. This access option will provide an opportunity for Licensed Practical Nurses to bridge into the nursing degree program.
The Nursing program offers instruction in nursing, health sciences, social sciences, and research, and an opportunity for advanced focus in a variety of areas.
This program is approved by the Registered Nurses Association of B.C. Graduates will be eligible to write the registration examinations. Students in the RN Access program will already hold a current Practising Licence.
Course delivery options are flexible wherever possible and include independent study, lectures, seminars, multimedia approaches, and simulation in labs and tutorials. A part-time component is available for RNs. Many of the RN Access courses are offered within a flexible format in order to facilitate RNs’ existing employment schedules. The clinical experiences include hospitals and community agencies with supervised practica, preceptorships, and observational experiences.
Note: clinical experience may include extended work days, evening shifts, and weekends.

    It is possible to complete some of the Health Science and elective courses prior to entering the Nursing program, through UCFV or other institutions. A number of seats are reserved in selected Health Science courses at UCFV for pre-nursing students. A minimum 60% (C) grade must be obtained in these courses in order to receive credit regardless of where the courses are taken. Completion of the Health Sciences courses does not automatically guarantee a seat in the Nursing program.
    In order to register in the Health Science courses, you must complete the following steps:
1. Application to Nursing program must be on file.

2. Academic prerequisites must be completed.

3. Consultation with program faculty is required.

4. A “permission to register” form is required in order to register for each Health Science course.

All Nursing and Health Science classes are taught at the Health Sciences Centre on the Chilliwack campus. Clinical experiences occur at a variety of agencies throughout the Fraser Valley.

Degree applicants
Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete English 105 prior to program entry. You may apply for English 105 as a General Studies student. Refer to General Studies application details.
The Nursing program is very demanding. Students who are taking a full courseload will not have time to work either full-time or part-time. Competency with basic computer skills is essential.

Academic entrance requirements
1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent with:
    a. Completion of each of the following courses with a minimum of C+ grade within five years prior to                enrollment:
        • Biology 12 (UCFV BIO 093) or UCFV BIO 111
        • Chemistry 11 (UCFV CHEM 083) or UCFV CHEM 105, or 110, or 113
    b. Math 11 (Principles of Math 11) or UCFV MATH 085 with a minimum of C+ grade.
    c. English 12 (UCFV ENGL 091 or ENGL 099) with a minimum of a B grade and a CPT score of 48 or         greater or ENGL 105 with a minimum grade of C.

2. Successful completion of ESL Advanced Speaking/ Listening, and Writing course sequence may be required for applicants for whom English is not a first language.

Other entrance requirements
1. Volunteer experience in a health care setting or employment in a health care field. Volunteer experience will consist of a minimum of 30 hours of volunteer work with adults or children in an acute care, long-term care or community health care agency. You will be asked to submit a written reference that reflects the length and nature of the volunteer experience or employment in a health care field.

2. Current Standard First Aid certificate (16 hrs. minimum)

3. Basic Rescuer — Level C certificate. Currency must be maintained throughout the program.

4. Identification documents — birth certificate, marriage certificate, verification of change of name, landed immigrant status.

5. Successful completion of a security clearance check. Criminal records check forms will be included with the letter of notification regarding an interview.

6. A health assessment, completed by a physician, indicating physical fitness and emotional stability. The assessment must be completed within 12 months prior to enrolment. Health questionnaire forms will be included with the letter of notification regarding an interview. Please bring the completed questionnaire to your interview.

Completion of an immunization program prior to the program start date. Immunization forms will be distributed at the time of the interview and must be received by the date specified. A Hepatitis B immunization will be provided upon entry into the Nursing program. Applicants who have completed the Hepatitis B immunization prior to entry to the program must submit proof of immunization.

8. Attendance at an information session in preparation for entry into the program.

9. Interview with a faculty member to assess the following:
    • Basic knowledge of the field
    • Time-management skills
    • Communication skills: ability to listen and articulate ideas
    • Financial resources and support systems
    • Personal and work commitments in relation to assuming the demands of an applied academic program of         studies.

10. Valid driver’s licence: You are responsible for arranging your own transportation to class, labs, hospitals, and other community agencies throughout the Fraser Valley.

How to apply
1. The following documents must be submitted to the Admissions and Records office, along with your application fee, in order to process your application.
    • UCFV application form
    • Nursing program application
    • Proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent (except for high school students, who may apply        once they are registered in Grade 12).
    • Prerequisite course(s) — submit an official transcript showing final grades in all prerequisite courses (except     Grade 12 students who will be required to submit an official transcript showing final grades in all prerequisite      courses in early August).
Once these documents have been received by the Admissions & Records office, an application date will be recorded and your application will be forwarded to the nursing program.

2. Submit all remaining documents to the Health Sciences Centre, Chilliwack campus. Applicants will be considered for the program based on:
    • Complete applicant status
    • Date of application
Documents required in order to achieve “complete applicant” status for degree applicants:
    • Nursing program application form
    • Proof of B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent
    • Official transcript(s) showing completion of academic requirements as per Entrance Requirements
    • Volunteer health care experience reference(s)
    • CPT score
    • Official identity documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, proof of change-of-name document, landed     immigrant status)
    • Valid Standard First Aid certificate
    • Basic Rescuer — Level C certificate
    • Completion of ESL Advanced Speaking, Listening and Writing course sequence as necessary
    • Proof of valid driver’s licence.

3. Attendance at a program information session and an interview with the program faculty is required for all applicants. Preference will be given to those with “complete applicant” status. You will be contacted when dates and times have been established.

4. You will be notified in writing regarding your acceptance. Upon acceptance to the program you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required by a specified date in order to reserve a seat in the program. This money will be applied to the tuition fees and is not refundable. If you do not register for courses and pay the deposits, your place will no longer be held for you.

RN Access applicants
Academic entrance requirements

Note: The last intake for this program is September 2004.

1. English 105 or equivalent with a minimum grade of C+ or CPT score of 60 or greater.
Note: Additional academic evidence may be required for individual cases.

Other entrance requirements
1. Current Practising Registration as a Registered Nurse in B.C. Practising Registration must be maintained throughout the program. Interested applicants without registration or with Non-Practising Registration should contact the Registered Nurses Association of B.C. (RNABC at 1-800-565-6505).

2. Two written references (from managers/ supervisors) indicating your work as an RN within three years prior to application for admission.

3. Basic Rescuer — Level C certificate. Currency must be maintained throughout the program.

4. Completion of an immunization program prior to the program start date. Immunization forms will be distributed during regularly scheduled RN Access information sessions. A Hepatitis B immunization will be provided upon entry into the Nursing program. Applicants who have completed Hepatitis B immunization prior to entry to the program must submit proof of immunization.

How to apply
1. You may apply to the program prior to the completion of all entrance requirements. The following documents must be submitted to the Admissions and Records office, along with the application fee, in order to process your application:
    • UCFV application form
    • Nursing program application
    • The registration form or interim grade(s) for the prerequisite English, or CPT score.
Once these documents have been received by the Admissions & Records office an application date will be recorded, and your application will be forwarded to the nursing program.

2. Submit all remaining documents to the Health Sciences Centre, Chilliwack campus. Applicants will be considered for the program based on:
    • Complete applicant status
    • Date of application.
Documents required in order to achieve “complete applicant” status for RN Access applicants:
    • Nursing program application form
    • Proof of Practising Registration
    • Two completed reference forms
    Completion of English 105 requirement or CPT score
    • Basic Rescuer — Level C certificate.

3. RN access applicants are asked to attend regularly scheduled information sessions to provide an overview of the degree program and an opportunity to address individual questions or concerns.

4. You will be notified in writing regarding your acceptance. Upon acceptance to the program you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required by a specified date in order to reserve a seat in the program. This money will be applied to the tuition fees and is not refundable. If you do not register for courses and pay the deposits, your place will no longer be held for you.
Note: RN Access students are required to complete the degree program within six years of initial enrollment.

Fees and expenses
Fees stated are in effect for 2004/05 and are subject to change for 2005/06.
Fees are calculated based on a fee-per-credit basis. Course credits for the Nursing program are approximately 12–17 credits per semester. Please note that the majority of books and supplies are purchased in the first semester. Textbooks and supplies for the first semester total approximately $1,000. Additional textbooks will be required throughout the program.
See the Fees and Other Costs section for more information.
Parking fees are required at some clinical placement agencies.

Financial assistance
UCFV has a comprehensive financial assistance program including scholarships, loans and bursaries. Details are available from Student Financial Aid Services.

Program policies
The nursing and support courses for each semester are prerequisites for the coursework in the next semester. Due to the integrated nature of the nursing courses, progression from one semester to the next requires concurrent completion of the nursing courses.
    To maintain status as a program student, students must achieve a minimum C grade in each course and a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students who fail or withdraw from the nursing program may reapply to the program according to the Nursing Program Readmission Policy.
    Courses taken for elective credit must be approved by the Nursing department.
    Once enrolled in the Nursing program, students are required to maintain RNABC student membership. RN Access students are required to maintain practicing membership. As one of the several services offered through this membership, an annual criminal records search will be done.
    Each program student will receive a UCFV Nursing Program Student Guidelines and Policies manual, which further explains the requirements of the program.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all program requirements are met. Students must achieve an accumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to graduate from the program.

Program outlines
Year 1 — Semester B1

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 101  Determinants of Health  4
NURS 102  Introduction to Partnerships  3
NURS 103  Nursing Practice  4
HSC 110  Anatomy and Physiology I  3
ENGL 105  Reading and Writing of Prose  3

Year 1 — Semester B2

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 104  Developmental Transitions  4
NURS 105  Teacher/Learner Partnerships  3
NURS 106  Nursing Practice  5
HSC 112  Anatomy and Physiology II  3
HSC 114  Introduction to Pharmacology  1
NURS 120  Clinical Consolidation I  3

Year 2 — Semester B3

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 201  Health Illness Transitions I  3
NURS 202  Partnering with Families  2
NURS 203  Nursing Practice  6
HSC 210  Pathophysiology I  3

Year 2 — Semester B4

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 204  Health Illness Transitions II  3
NURS 205  Partnerships within the Nursing Profession  2
NURS 206  Nursing Practice  6
HSC 212  Pathophysiology II  3
Elective  University transfer sociology/ psychology/anthropology course (completed in B3 or B4)  3
NURS 220  Clinical Consolidation II  3

Year 3 — Semester B5

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 301  Multiple Transitions  3
NURS 302  Interdisciplinary Collaboration  2
NURS 303  Nursing Practice  6
HSC 310  Ethics in Health Care  3
Elective  University transfer course*  3

Year 3 — Semester B6

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 304  Situational Transitions  3
NURS 306  Nursing Practice  3
NURS 307  Nursing Research  3
HSC 312  Canadian Health Care System  3
MATH 108  Statistics for Nursing Research
or MATH 104  Introductory Statistics
or MATH 106  Statistics I  3–4

Year 4 — Semester B7

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 401  Community Health  4
NURS 403  Nursing Practice  4
HSC 410  Health Law  3
Elective  University transfer course*  3

Year 4 — Semester B8

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 406  Preceptorship/Mentorship  16

RN Access degree
Year 3 — Semester A1

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 311  Perspectives on Transition  6
HSC 310  Ethics in Health Care  3
Elective  University transfer course*  3

Year 3 — Semester A2

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 304  Situational Transitions  3
NURS 306  Nursing Practice  3
NURS 307  Nursing Research  3
HSC 312  Canadian Health Care System  3
MATH 108  Statistics for Nursing Research
or MATH 104  Introductory Statistics  3–4
or MATH 106  

Year 4 — Semester A3

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 401  Community Health  4
NURS 403  Nursing Practice  4
HSC 410  Health Law  3
Elective  University transfer course*  3

Year 4 — Semester A4

Course  Title  Credits
NURS 406  Preceptorship/Mentorship  16
Elective  University transfer course*  3

* Note: Courses taken for elective credit must be approved by the Nursing department.

Course listings
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions.

Wanda Gordon, Director, Health Sciences, RN, BSN, MA (UBC)
Nancy Goad, Coordinator, RN, BScN (UWO), MEd (UBC)
Hannah MacDonald, Coordinator, RN, BSN (UVic), MEd (SFU)
Karen Davidson, RN, SCM, BScN (Alberta), MSN (UBC)
Sheila Edwards, RN, BSN, MSN (UBC)
Sandra Flynn, RN, BSN (UVic), MEd (Calgary)
Deborah Larson, RN, BSN (Sask)
Eleda McQuarrie, RN, BSN (Sask), MS (Portland)
Rona Miller, RN, BSN (UBC), MSN (UBC)
Morrie Steele, RN, BSN (UBC), MS (Portland)
Elaine Tessaro, RN, BSN (UBC), MEd (U Vic)
Marlene Upton, RN, BTN MEd (SFU)
Elvira Warner, RN, BSN, MEd (UVic)
Lynne Wells, RN, BSN (Windsor), MEd (SFU)

Support staff
Janice Corbeil, Program Assistant
Joanna Hirnschall, RN, Lab Coordinator
Sherry Neetz, Department Assistant
Christine Sawatzky, Department Assistant

Advisory committee
Jackie Bourdages, Chilliwack General Hospital
Continuing Care, Fraser Valley Health Region, Abbotsford (TBA)
Tru Freeman, Associate Dean, BCIT
Anita Froese, Community Health, Fraser Valley Health Region, Chilliwack
Pat Light, Health Services Administrator, Abbotsford
Mike Mutter, Education Consultant, Fraser Health
Barbara Patterson, UBC Nursing Faculty
Diane Reed, Health and Human Services, OLA
Irene Rohrer, MSA General Hospital.

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