Speech and Language Assistant diploma

Note: This program is not available in 2004-05.

Entrance requirements
• Completion of a minimum of 30-credit certificate in a related field (such as ECE, CYC, Social Services, Recreation Therapy, Music Therapy) including six credits of university transfer English or communications, six credits of Human Development/ Developmental Psychology, and a GPA of 2.84 or higher;
• 30 university transfer credits including six credits of Human Development/Developmental Psychology, and six credits in English/Communications with overall GPA of 2.33 or higher.

It is strongly recommended that all applicants for the program have a current first aid certificate and updated Rubella and TB clearance.

Program length and location
This program is available on a part-time basis only, and can be completed over a minimum of two years. Classes are held at Mission or Abbotsford campuses.

How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available from any A&R or Student Services office.

You can also print an application form from our website at www.ufv.ca/ar, or you can apply directly through the internet at www.pas.bc.ca. See the Admissions Guide for a complete list of application dates and general admission information.
Additional documents required for a complete application:
    • Official transcripts showing completion of the stated prerequisites.

2. After your application is received, the Admissions and Records office will inform you of an orientation that you must attend. Further details about the program, including registration, scheduling and costs, will be available at the orientation session.

Program outline

Course  Title  Credits
SLA 201  Introduction to the Profession of Speech-Language Pathology and the Role of the Speech Language Assistant  3
SLA 202  Language,Learning,and Literacy  3
SLA 203  Communication Disorders and Intervention Techniques  3
SLA 204  Articulation/Phonology  3
SLA 205  Programming  3
SLA 206  Amplification Systems Aural Rehabilitation  3
SLA 207  Language Learning Environments  3
SLA 209  Introduction to Linguistics  3
or LING 101  Introduction to Language
SLA 215  Practicum — 200 hours  6
Total    30

Course listings
For complete details on courses see Course descriptions.

Full-time faculty
Christine Puder, BA CYC (UVic), MEd (UBC), Department Head
Gwen Clarke, MSc (Edison)
D’Anne Epp, BA, MEd (Ottawa)
Linda Matwichuk, BA (Man), Grad. Studies ECE (WWU), MAdEd (St. FX)
Maple Melder Crozier, BA (CSU), MS Ed Psyc (CSUH)
Lou Schroeder, ECE, MEd Elem. Ed. (Wichita State)
Les Stagg, BEd, MEd (UBC)

Part-time faculty
George Melzer, MECE (SFU)
Cindy Rammage, BA (UVic)
Sessional faculty
Colleen Bohlen, BA (UBC), MA (WWU)
Diane Eynon, BA (Minn.), MA (N. Dakota)
Rob Lees, PhD (UBC)

Doris Ball, Department Assistant

ECE/CYC External Advisory committee
The following committee list does not include members of the ECE/CYC department.
Pam Biero, Peardonville House
Bev Barnaby, Fraser Health Authority
Rob Bates, Ministry of Children and Family Development
Barbara Braun, Braun-Tasaurus Preschool
Diane Eynon, Fraser Valley Child Development Centre
Vernie Greenhalgh, Chair, Sandcastle Developmental Preschool
Luci Honey/Janet Tomayer, Understanding the Early Years Project
Cheryl Havens and Carrie Grywacheski, Hand in Hand School Age Childcare Programs
Laurie Kocher, School District #34, Abbotsford
Todd Koverchuk, Ministry of Children and Family Development
Joane Laliberte, Upper Fraser Valley Developmental Preschool/Rotary House
Rob Lees, Community Psychologist, Ministry of Children and Families
Mark Littlefield, Abbotsford Community Services, Family Outreach and Education
Nita McKay, ECE Programs, Langley College
Maggie Medcalfe, Fraser Valley Child Development Centre
Lorna Rannie, Infant Development Program, Fraser Valley Health Region
Gwen Reece, ECE Dept, Columbia Bible College
Louise Smith, Coordinator, New Beginnings/Youth Commission
Zelda Williams, Manager, Future 4 Nations/Headstart
Lori Richardson, SCC, Mission Association for Community Living

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