Social Services diploma — First Nations option

This 62-credit program is designed to prepare aboriginal students, or those with strong ties to aboriginal communities, to work with First Nations people to enhance self-reliance of First Nations people and communities, both on and off reserves. Working from a Stó:lõ perspective, graduates of the First Nations option will work with individuals and groups on issues of concern to aboriginal communities, including child and sexual abuse, substance abuse, family violence, wellness issues, and economic development. As First Nations people assume more responsibility for their child welfare, health care, and education services, the demand will grow for First Nations social service workers to provide services to the community in a culturally appropriate fashion.
This program will provide students with direct employment-related skills while at the same time allowing them to earn up to one and a half years of credit towards a BSW at UCFV. Thus a student who is interested in becoming a professional social worker will be able to develop skills and seek employment as a First Nations social service worker before going on to a professional degree.
    Emphasis in the program will be on providing specific skills and knowledge for working with First Nations communities on issues of concern to First Nations people and at the same time providing a working knowledge of the larger social scene since many of the First Nations option courses are also offered in the Social Services diploma program, students will be taking these courses together.
    Given the nature of employment in this field, it is expected that the program will be of interest to mature students who bring with them a wealth of life experience. Prior learning assessment will be available to facilitate turning learning derived from experience into academic credit.
    See Social Services diploma for information on Entrance Requirements, How to Apply, and program regulations. Students interested in this option should apply to the Chilliwack campus.

Program outline
The following courses are required, although the order and timing may vary.

First Year
Semester I

Course  Title  Credits
CMNS 155  Communications for Human Services
or ENGL 105  The Reading and Writing of Prose  3
FNST 101  Stó:lõ Nation Development  3
SOWK 110  Intro to Social Services  3
Total    9

Semester II

Course  Title  Credits
ANTH 111  First Nations in B.C. — Traditional Cultures
or ANTH 112  Aboriginal Peoples in B.C.: Contemporary Issues  3
FNST 102  Stó:lõ Traditional Ways of Healing and Helping  3
HSER 120  Intro to Interpersonal Communications  3
Total    9

Second year
Semester III

Course  Title  Credits
PSYC 101  Intro to Psychology I  3
HSER 129  Practicum I Seminar  1
Elective  Group A (see Note 1)  3
SOC 101  Intro to Sociology  3
Total    10

Semester IV

Course  Title  Credits
HSER 130  Practicum I  6
HSER 150  Approaches to Helping  3
Elective  (see Social Services diploma Note 1: Electives)  3
Total    12

Third year
Semester V

Course  Title  Credits
FNST 201  Aboriginal Communications: Stó:lõ World View  3
HSER 229  Practicum II Seminar  1
HSER 200  Counselling Skills  3
CMNS 250  Report Writing for Business, Information Technologies, Social and Human Services  3
Total    10

Semester VI

Course  Title  Credits
FNST 202  Stó:lõ Social Structure  3
HSER 230  Practicum II  6
SOWK 210  Intro to Social Welfare  3
Total    12
Program total    62

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