(Adult Education)


This degree is designed primarily for people presently working with adult learners. It is designed especially for part-time study with classes held weeknights and Saturdays. Some courses are available online.
The purpose of the degree is to enhance participants’ knowledge, skills, and appreciation of adult education as both a field of practice and as a field of study. The degree also is intended to encourage the exploration of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences.
The program offers substantial opportunity for participants to link coursework to the challenges they meet in their work setting.
A unique feature of this Bachelor of Arts degree is the recognition of learning that occurs outside the formal post-secondary system.
Faculty orientation:
We are committed to a value position which places adult education amongst the means by which citizens may work toward a just and democratic society. We advocate for a sense of social responsibility in program graduates. We also see adult education as a means for personal advancement and satisfaction.
We acknowledge the importance of the development in adult educators of a personal philosophy of practice. We will nurture an appreciation of and respect for the diversity of experience and views within the program’s learning community.
It is our intention to create a learning environment which encourages a collaborative approach and the development of an informed critical perspective in the analysis of issues in the field.
We are committed to supporting the enthusiasm and enhancing the skills of program participants in order to encourage their participation in learning as a life-long enterprise. We favour continuous self-reflection as a key part of being a life-long learner. Our approach supports the idea of students taking on significant responsibility for their learning.
The faculty in the program are working toward the development of diverse and innovative approaches to supporting adult learning.
We desire to behave in a manner that is consistent with principles of adult education.

Entrance requirements
To be eligible for admission to the BA in Adult Education, you must have acquired a field of expertise equivalent to three years full-time practice in one, or a combination of, the following areas:
• Teaching adults
• Development of educational programs for adults
• Administration of education programs for adults
• Counselling/advising adults
• Any other area related to the practice of adult education.
The field of expertise may have been acquired through a combination of previous training and education, and/or related experience.

How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UCFV application for admission form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available from any A&R or Student Services office, or directly from the Adult Education department office in Abbotsford. You can also print an application form from our website at, or you can apply directly through the internet at See the section on the Admissions Guide for a complete list of application dates and general information.

Along with the application form and the application fee, also attach the following documents:
    a. Completed questionnaire outlining work experience, prior training and education, and learning goals.
    b. Resume
Note: Contact the program advisor or program website for dates of upcoming information sessions.

2. You will be advised of an admission decision. Following notification of admission to the program, students should contact the program advisor for help with program planning and course selection.
Note: Official transcripts from post-secondary institutions you have attended are not required in order for you to be admitted to the BA in Adult Education program. However, prompt submission of your transcripts will speed up the process of determining your transferable credits. This in turn will facilitate planning the remainder of your degree program. Please forward all official transcripts to the Registrar’s Office.

Program planning
Gather all official transcripts (in sealed envelopes) from every post-secondary institution attended, and proof of any previously earned trade qualifications, certificates, or diplomas. Submit all official documents directly to the UCFV Admission and Records office. These documents are required to determine the credit that will be awarded toward the degree and to assist in planning your program of study.

Program length and locations
The length of time required for completion of the program depends on the number of courses taken per semester and the number of prior learning credits accepted.
Courses are offered on Abbotsford and Mission campuses. Many are offered online. Three courses, ADED 310, ADED 320, and ADED 405, are available only in a face-to-face format.

Program requirements

The BA (Adult Education) program requires completion of 120 credits with a minimum grade point average of 2.0. A minimum of 30 credits must be from UCFV credit offerings. At least 45 credits must be from upper level courses.

Program elements
A.    All of:

Course  Title  Credits
ADED 310  Introduction to Adult Education (Note 1)  3
ADED 320  Adult Learning (Note 1)  3
ADED 340  Program Planning and Evaluation  3
ADED 360  Adult Education in the Canadian Context: History and Trends  3
ADED 390  Selecting, Evaluating, and Using Adult Education Research  3

B. A minimum of 15 upper-level credits in Adult Education, any or all of which may be selected from:

Course  Title  Credits
ADED 330  Special Topics in Adult Education  3
ADED 345  Instructional Skills for Professionals  3
ADED 370  Guided Independent Study  3
ADED 380  Instructional Technologies  3
ADED 430  Administration of Adult Education  3
ADED 470  Synthesis Project in Adult Education  3
ADED 480  Seminar in Adult Education Issues  3

or other upper-level ADED courses which may be offered from time to time.

C. Any two of:

Course  Title  Credits
ADED 405  Honouring Human Diversity in Adult Education  3
ADED 410  Adult Education and Social Change  3
ADED 420  Adult Education in the Global Context  3

D. A minimum of nine credits in Instructional Design and Method  (9 credits)

E. A minimum of six credits in English

To include literature and/or composition (6 credits)

F. A minimum of 15 credits of upper-level elective courses (15 credits)

G. Other electives (Note 2):
        which may include ADED 200  (54 credits)

Total program credits 120

Note1: It is highly recommended that students enrol in these courses during the first or second semester of their program.
Note2: ADED 200 (Portfolio Development for Prior Learning Assessment) is recommended for students who will be requesting credit for learning documented in a portfolio.

Workload and expectations
Course-related work in the program combines theory and practice. Use of the library between class meetings is expected. We encourage program participants to develop good writing and critical thinking skills. As a general guide for determining the number of courses undertaken at one time, you should expect to spend at least three hours outside of class for each hour in class, in addition to any necessary travel time. Participants who have family and/or employment responsibilities should give careful thought to the number of courses in which they register at a given time.
Increasingly course participation involves students needing to have ready access to the Internet for both email and web access. Many courses now supplement traditional paper text with materials available only online.

Prior Learning Assessment and recognition and transfer credit
Within the terms and conditions of program completion outlined above, any or all of the following types of credit (to a maximum of 90 credits in total) may be used in attaining credit to be used towards the BA in Adult Education.

1. Transfer Credit: Up to 90 credits are available through evaluation of previous studies.
2. Portfolio Assessment: A maximum of 30 credits can be obtained through portfolio assessment. The portfolio is prepared normally as part of a UCFV credit course (ADED 200). Credits awarded through portfolio assessment will not necessarily be transferable to other degree programs or institutions.
3. Course Challenge: these are credits which are awarded through a specifically arranged process,
by which a student demonstrates mastery of course objectives without taking the course. Regulations related to course challenge are outlined on page 22 of this calendar.

Full-time faculty
Ian Hunt, BA, MA, EdD (UBC), Program Head
Don Chapman, BA (SFU), MEd, PhD (Alberta)
Part-time faculty
Wendy Burton, BA (Hons) (UVic), MA (Queen’s), EdD (Toronto)
Part-time faculty and program advisor
Chelene Koenig, BSc (Alberta), Prof. Teaching Cert. (UBC), MAdEd  (St. Francis Xavier)

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