Workplace Training in Attitudes, Skills, & Knowledge (TASK)
(Formerly ‘Exploring College & Career Options’)

This eight-month program offers students with disabilities the opportunity to gain self-management and employment skills, and to develop realistic career objectives in their chosen field while in the classroom. Students will also participate in a series of industry standard employability workshops such as WHMIS, Food Safe, SuperHost, etc. Students will learn basic computer skills, including email and Internet. In addition, students will gain on-the-job experience while on community-based work placements. The goals of the program are to provide the employability skills and experience necessary for students to find employment or gain access to further training at UCFV or elsewhere.

Entrance requirements

• History of a disability (possible documentation: special education in high school, previous institutional     living, other)
• Successful interview with UCFV instructor to determine basic suitability for employment
• Evidence of essential independent self-management skills (e.g., ability to access public transport safely or to make other transportation arrangements)
• Two references supplied by applicant.
    This is a full-time program which runs from 8:30 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. three and a half days per week from September to early May.

How to apply
Contact Bonnie Hamilton at 604-820-6011, or email:, or Darlene Carson at
604-859-1676, or email for more information or to arrange an interview. See entrance requirements above. All students applying for the program will be interviewed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Fees and additional costs
For a fee schedule contact: Bonnie Hamilton at 604-820-6011, or email:, or Darlene Carson at 604-859-1676, or email
Students are required to pay workshop fees, which will total approximately $250.
    Students may gain access to funds for the workshops through the Adult Basic Education Student Assistance Program (ABESAP). Students will also require a double 2H disk for the computer class and printer card for the computer lab each semester.

The program is offered at the UCFV Mission campus at Heritage Park Centre, in Abbotsford at the Marshall Road annex and on the Chilliwack campus.

Program outline
The program consists of 15 modules offered over two 17-week semesters (fall and winter). Students attend classes three-and-one-half days per week.
Modules 1 to 5 are offered in the fall semester.
Modules 6 to 15 are offered in the winter semester.

Module topics
Fall semester

Course  Title  Credits
TASK 01  Self Assessment  0
TASK 02  Career Exploration  0
TASK 03  Personal Management Skills  0
TASK 04  Daily Survival Skills  0
TASK 05  Computer Basics I  0

Winter semester

Course  Title
TASK 06  Employment Readiness
TASK 07  Interview Skills
TASK 08  Work Experience
TASK 09  Retaining Employment
TASK 10  Computer Basics II
TASK 11  First Aid Workshop
TASK 12  WHMIS Workshop
TASK 13  Infectious Diseases Workshop
TASK 14  Food Safe Level I — Industry Standard Program
TASK 15  Super Host — Tourism Industry Course

Students must participate or show proof of knowledge in all modules and successfully complete a work experience placement in order to receive a UCFV certificate.

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