UCFV Statement on Institutional Ethics*
* Note: The UCFV Statement on Institutional Ethics is under review.
The purpose of this statement is to identify the principal values of UCFV and to outline the conduct expected of members of the UCFV community**.
Members of UCFV differ in age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual
orientation, political persuasion, and many personal values. However, they agree
on the following values:
1. A respect for persons
Respecting persons implies recognizing that we are distinctive individuals with
our own goals, beliefs, feelings, values and relationships, and that these have
a vital place in one’s sense of dignity and autonomy. It does not imply carte
blanche acceptance of any values, beliefs or goals, but does require that in our
attempts to change a person’s beliefs or values, that we appeal to his or her
capacity for independent judgement and ability to assess reasons.
2. Esteem for education
As a contemporary institution of higher education, we recognize the fact that
people come to UCFV for a variety of reasons. But underlying all their purposes
is a common one: an appreciation of the value of learning, of acquiring and
increasing knowledge, of making the world a better place in which to live, of
appreciating and creating works of beauty.
3. Collegiality and individual responsibility
Members of UCFV are individually accountable for their activities, but they also
acknowledge a deep interdependence with others in achieving their goals.
Consequently, we are co-operative, consultative and ultimately supportive of one
another in our activities at UCFV.
4. Concern for the personal development of each
member of the UCFV community
Members of UCFV are concerned for the personal development and general well
being of other members of the community. We support the legitimate educational
and professional development of each member of the UCFV community. We attempt to
be inclusive in our teaching methods and curricula, and we strive to enable
opportunities for professional and personal growth.
5. Non-maleficence
At UCFV every effort is taken to avoid actions and policies that cause
unnecessary harm to others. Violence, abusive language, and willful damage to
property are disapproved of in the strongest possible terms. We strive to
maintain an institution that is free of racism, sexism and other forms of
bigotry. If undue suffering has occurred, wherever possible we attempt to
redress the harm. Further, we look very unfavorably on exploitation in all its
6. Fairness
Members of UCFV strive to be fair in their dealings with others, especially
where rewards and punishments are assigned. This includes student grades and
reference letters, faculty and staff evaluations, and scholarships and awards.
Criteria for rewards and punishments are to be clearly articulated, and the
processes for administering rewards and punishments should be as transparent as
possible. Relevant reasons should be given for one’s judgements. Furthermore,
fairness requires that no one’s work be exploited; where someone has made a
clear contribution to one’s work, one will acknowledge that contribution
7. Honesty and Openness
At UCFV we can expect others to respect the value of truthfulness. This includes
intellectual honesty as well as honesty in our relations with colleagues,
subordinates and supervisors.
8. Freedom
Members of UCFV have academic and artistic freedom, which includes the freedom
to investigate controversial views, to hold unpopular positions on controversial
issues, and to present in class and in the wider community one’s controversial
views. Members of UCFV have a positive duty to ensure that our institution
encourages students, faculty, staff and administrators to use their own best
judgement in choosing what to investigate and in
the pursuit of truth within their investigations. Students, in particular, have
a right to be free from indoctrination and other forms of miseducation that fail
to respect the autonomy of the student.
UCFV endeavours to provide equal access to educational opportunities for all
students by knowing about and being sensitive to the various barriers that can
limit an individual’s opportunities for educational growth, by being informed
regarding the resources and supports available to students, and through advocacy
of the issue of equal opportunity for education.
Members of the UCFV community respect the privacy of others. They will not
unreasonably disclose
information with which they have been entrusted in the performance of their
duties. In general, personal information is to be disclosed only for authorized
purposes consistent with the purpose or reason for which the information was
obtained or with the consent of the relevant individual. However, if disclosure
of information will prevent serious harm to an individual or malicious damage to
property, then the information may be disclosed to appropriate authorities,
subject to the limitations imposed by the member’s professional code of ethics.
Conflict of interest and dual relationships
Members of UCFV avoid entering into dual relationships that compromise their
to the institution and other UCFV members. Members further recognize the
responsibilities of being in a position of relatively greater power than another
individual, and do not exploit such positions for personal gain.
Conflict resolution
Members of the UCFV community recognize the inevitability of personal and
professional conflicts with other members and the impact that these conflicts
may have on seemingly uninvolved students and colleagues. In recognition of
these dynamics, members of the UCFV community embrace the responsibility to
respond to these conflicts in positive and professional ways.
Conflict with the code of ethics of a member’s professional association
In the event that a member’s professional life is governed by the code of ethics
of a professional association, the member will attempt to satisfy the guidelines
of both the profession’s code and this Statement. If this is not possible, then
the individual shall adhere to the code of ethics of the professional
Controversial issues
Controversial and sensitive issues are not to be avoided, but ought to be
addressed rationally and in a manner that respects the beliefs and feelings of
other people. Consequently, such discussions ought to encourage listening
carefully to diverse views, the judicious consideration of evidence and
argument, and the active search for good reasons for one’s own and others’
positions. As much as possible, the development of capacities for critical,
imaginative and constructive thought ought to be promoted.
University college citizenship
The mission of the University College of the Fraser Valley can only be met
through the collaborative efforts of a wide range of people, including
professional administrators, Board members, community volunteers, faculty, staff
and students. Through its policies and practices, UCFV encourages each member to
be involved in the governance of the institution. Further, each member of UCFV
contributes to the administrative, intellectual, athletic, artistic and social
organizations and committees constitutive of UCFV according to her or his
abilities, aptitudes, and talents.
** The term “member of the UCFV community” is to be understood to designate
administrators, staff members, faculty, students, Board members and voluntary
associates of the university college insofar as they are affiliated with UCFV.
Excellence personified
Each year, UCFV recognizes excellence in a number of areas, including teaching,
community service,
outstanding achievement within UCFV, academic excellence, and student
To find out more about winners of these awards, go to
Greg Anderson: Winner of the UCFV
2003/04 Teaching Excellence Award
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