Semester-based programs

Fall semester 2004

October 1/04

 First day to mail or submit applications for semester-based programs beginning in Fall 2004.



July 15/04

 Last day for 100% fee reduction

July 15-Aug 29/04

 95% fee reduction on withdrawal**

August 30-Sept 20/04

 90% fee reduction on withdrawal**

September 2/04  Last day to add a course without instructor's permission

September 3/04

 No course adds while class lists are prepared

September 7/04

 Day and evening classes begin

September 21/04

 Balance of Fall semester fees due. Last day for 90% fee reduction**

September 22/04

 Late registration fee begins

October 1/04

 Last day to add course without Dean’s permission

October 11/04

 Thanksgiving (UCFV closed)

October 12/04

 Last day to withdraw without “W” appearing on the transcript

November 11/04

 Remembrance Day (UCFV closed )

November 12/04

Last day to withdraw from a course

December 6/04

 Last day of classes

December 8-20/04

 Examination period. No classes. (Includes Saturdays.)

Winter semester 2005

August 2/04

 First day to apply for Winter 2005 (selected programs only)

November 12/04

 Winter registration begins (may vary)*

December 19/04

 Last day for 100% fee reduction**

December 20-Jan 7/05  95% Fee reduction on withdrawal

January 6/05

 Last day to add a course without instructor’s permission

January 7/05

 No course adds while class lists are prepared. Last day for 95% fee reduction**

January 8-24/05 90% fee reduction on withdrawal**

January 10/05

 Day and evening classes begin. Some classes may begin earlier.

January 24/05

 Balance of fees due.
 Last day for any fee reduction**

January 25/05

 Late registration fee begins

February 4/05

 Last day to add courses without Dean’s permission

February 14/05

 Last day to withdraw without “W” appearing on the transcript

February 21-22/05

 Mid-term break. No day or evening classes. UCFV open

March 17/05

 Last day to withdraw from a course

March 25/05  Good Friday (UCFV closed)
March 28/05  Easter Monday (UCFV closed)

April 1/05

 Deadline to apply to graduate (for June 2004)

April 8/05

 Last day of classes

April 12-23/05

 Examination period. No classes. (Includes Saturdays.)

Summer semester 2005 (Dates will vary)

October 1/04

 First day to mail or submit applications for Spring 2005 (selected programs only)

March 17/05

 Summer semester registration begins (may vary)

April 16/05

 Last day to receive 100% fee reduction**

April 16-30/05  95% course fee reduction on withdrawal**
May 1-24/05  90% course fee reduction on withdrawal**

May 5/05

 Last day to add courses without instructor’s permission

May 6/05

 No course adds while class lists are prepared.

May 9/05  Classes begin (some classes may begin Saturday May 7)

May 20/05

 Last day to receive any fee reduction**
 Balance of fees due

May 24/05  Late registration fee begins

May 23/05

 Victoria Day (UCFV closed)

June 1/05  Last day to add courses without Dean’s permission

June 9/05

 Last day to withdraw without “W” appearing on the transcript

July 8/05

 Last day to withdraw from a course

July 22/05

 Summer semester classes end

July 25-30/05

 Examination period. No classes

* Registration times are assigned according to registration order policy. New students are given registration times based on order of application. Times for new and continuing students will be set in March, May, or November.

Deadlines with respect to fees and course withdrawal may be changed; please see the Registration Guide & Timetable, published in March, May, and November, for any revisions.

Note: Students should allow sufficient time to act prior to deadlines to ensure that they are not disappointed.
Line-ups tend to be very long just before deadlines, and registration offices generally close at 4 p.m.
Deadlines are usually in effect at midnight. If the office is closed, Web services might be used.
However, there is no assurance that access to the Web will be available.

UCFV’s convocation ceremonies are held in the second week of June. The exact date, time, location, and format of each ceremony will be announced by the Convocation committee by the preceding November. Students must apply to graduate by April 1.
Please note: There is a $25 graduation fee.

Full-time vocational
Listed below are the start and finish dates for UCFV Vocational programs. To apply, contact UCFV well in advance.


Start date

Finish date

Aircraft Structures Technician



Applied Business Technology

September 7, 2004 or
January 8, 2005

March 11, 2005
or June 24, 2005

Certified Dental Assistant

Sept. 7, 2004

June 24, 2005

Home Support/
Resident Care Attendant

June 14, 2004
Nov. 22, 2004

Nov. 26, 2004                         or May 20, 2005

Professional Cook

Sept. 7, 2004

June 24, 2005

Trades & Technology

Sept. 7, 2004

June 17, 2005

Welding (day shift)

Sept. 7, 2004

June 17, 2005

Welding (night shift)

Sept. 7, 2004

July 8, 2005

College & Career Prep/
English as a Second Language

Listed below are the start and finish dates for these programs.
To apply, contact the University College well in advance.

College & Career Prep — Full-time and Part-time
Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, Hope     Sept. 2004 to May, 2005

English as a Second Language
Abbotsford           Sept. 2004 to Aug. 2005
Chilliwack             Sept. 2004 to June 2005
Abbotsford           Sept. 2004 to June., 2005
Chilliwack             Sept. 2004 to June., 2005

Continuing Studies
Classes start throughout the year. They are advertised in the Continuing Studies program booklet which is delivered to homes in the college region in late August for the Fall semester and early January for the Winter semester. Registration dates are given in the Continuing Studies booklet.
A refund is allowed before, but not after, the beginning of the second class. After instruction begins, no refund is permitted for courses of fewer than two sessions.

Statutory holidays (UCFV closed)
August 2/04                 B.C. Day
September 6/04           Labour Day
October 11/04             Thanksgiving Day
November 11/04          Remembrance Day
December 25/04          Christmas Day
December 26/04           Boxing Day
December 27–31/04     UCFV might be closed
January 1/05                  New Year’s Day
March 25/05                 Good Friday
March 28/05                 Easter Monday
May 23/05                    Victoria Day
July 1/05                       Canada Day

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