Director’s office
The Director of Student Services supervises the Student Services area and provides assistance with special problems students may have. Students should come to the director’s office to resolve problems involving academic standing in general, grades, the learning environment, or unexpected difficulties with successful completion of courses.
Cheryl Dahl, BA (Calgary), MA (SFU)
604-854-4515; email; fax: 604-855-7614
Catherine Nelson
604-864-4677; email

Student Services assistants provide general information about the university college, register students for orientations and workshops, help students use the Career Resource Centre, and provide a lost and found service. Assistants book appointments for Counselling, and Educational Advising. For off-campus housing information, please check

Student Services assistants
Abbotsford 604-854-4528

Pat Bullock, Dipl. Soc. Services (UCFV)
Elaine Newman, Dipl. Gen. Studies (UCFV)
Wendy Stoltz

Chilliwack 604-795-2808

Julie Williams

Mission 604-820-6000

Educational Advising
Educational advisors are available to help current and potential students explore post-secondary options both at UCFV and elsewhere. Advisors assist students in developing individual education plans by explaining career and program requirements, institutional processes, and course transfer. Through confidential individual appointments, advisors provide assistance in refining goals and objectives, understanding available choices, and assessing the consequences of alternative actions.
Students may book full educational planning appointments or have quick questions answered during short drop-in sessions.
Educational advisors also offer free one- and two-hour information workshops on various topics.


For new students:
• Introduction to UCFV

These two-hour sessions are for new students who have not attended a post-secondary institution. In these sessions you will learn about UCFV courses and programs, how and when to apply and register, how to schedule courses, and where to find resources. You will understand the ins and outs of the UCFV system and how to give yourself the advantage as a student.
• Timetabling Workshops
These two-hour sessions are for new students who need help in learning how to organize and develop their timetables.

For continuing students:
• Building Arts Degrees
• Top 10 Advising Tips for a Successful Semester
• Becoming a Teacher
• Course Scheduling for the Undecided
• Pre-Professional Course Planning

    • Chiropractic, Dentistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary, Dental Hygiene, Physical & Occupational Therapy
• First-time Online Learner

External Liaison information sessions
Educational advisors organize information sessions and forums for continuing students. Representatives from admissions departments, selected faculties and graduate programs from other universities, university colleges, colleges, institutes, and professional schools visit UCFV to provide information for students planning to transfer.

Contact us
Check the Educational Advising website for workshops and information sessions at
To book an appointment, check the drop-in schedule, or sign up for a workshop, please contact Student Services reception. Note: for services at the Mission campus, please contact the Abbotsford number.
Abbotsford 604-854-4528
Chilliwack 604-795-2808

Educational Advisors
Barbara Salingré, BA (UCFV), ID (VCC), Department Head
Eddie Campbell, BA (SFU)
Caitlin Davis, BA (UBC)
Darren Francis, BA (SFU)
Bobby Jaswal, BA (SFU)
Mandy Klepic, BA (SFU), Prof. Teaching Cert. (SFU)
Sybille Stegmueller, Dip. General Studies (UCFV), BA (UCFV) in progress
Linda Toews, BA (UCFV)

The counsellors at UCFV are professionally trained to provide a variety of counselling services.
• Career counselling
Career counselling is available to help you choose a satisfying career suited to your individual strengths, interests, values and personality type. This service is offered on an individual appointment basis, in a group workshop format, and occasionally as a credit course.
• Crisis counselling
Crisis counselling is available to get students back on track after experiencing a sudden, traumatic event.
• Personal counselling
Times of change and stress may result in anxiety, depression, or feelings of helplessness. Personal counselling may often help to understand and resolve problems that interfere with daily living and creative academic work. Personal counselling is available for students on an individual appointment or sometimes on a group basis.
• Student success counselling
Student success counselling is available to help students to become effective, independent learners. This service is available in individual and workshop format. See “workshops and courses” below.

Workshops and courses
• Career and Life Planning Workshops
• Career Planning Orientations
• Career Planning 101
• Student Success Workshops including:
• How to Study, Learn, Remember, and Stay Motivated
• Notetaking and Notemaking
• Reading Skills
• Study Skills Overview
• Stress Management
• Time Management
• Public Speaking with Confidence
• Motivation
• See additional Academic Support courses listed here

Call Student Services Reception to register for these workshops or to book individual appointments.
Abbotsford 604-854-4528
Chilliwack 604-795-2808
Mission 604-820-6001

Elli Tamarin, BA (SFU), MEd (UBC), Department Head
Najmi Alibhai, BA (SFU), MA (London), MEd (UBC)
Eileen Burkholder, BEd (UBC), MEd (UVic)
Mark Hoffmann, BSc (Stanford), Diploma CS (Regent), MA (UBC)

Career Resource Centres
Located on the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses in the Student Services areas, the centres provide:
• career planning, job search, and labour market information
• information about UCFV programs
• calendars and information for post-secondary institutions and professional associations in      British Columbia and across Canada. Some international information is available.
    The Career Resource Centres also have internet access to search for career and education information.
* Online career resource information can be found at

Student Financial Aid Services
Student Financial Aid Services provides information and assistance in a supportive manner to UCFV students needing financial help. Despite careful budgeting, hard work, and planning, many students still have difficulty saving enough to complete their studies. Those needing help in financing their education are encouraged to contact Student Financial Aid Services for appropriate funding programs.

British Columbia Student Assistance Program (BCSAP)
BCSAP is a need-based program that is available to assist students with educational costs at the post-secondary level. BCSAP supplements funds available to students through work, savings/assets, and family resources/income.
Funds awarded through this program may be disbursed through a combination of Canada Student Loan, B.C. Student Loan, Canada Study Grant for Students with Dependents, and Canada Millennium Foundation Bursary.
Apply online at

Grants (non-repayable)

Provincial and/or federal grants may be available to students enrolled in part-time post-secondary studies (Canada Study Grant for High Need Part-time Students), or College and Career Prep, ESL, Adult Special Education studies (Adult Basic Education Assistance Program). Grant funding is for direct educational costs: tuition, books, supplies, and in some cases, transportation. Living costs are not funded.

Emergency assistance
In situations involving unforeseen financial interruption or emergency, some students may be able to receive emergency assistance. Contact Student Financial Aid Services for appropriate applications.

Bursaries and scholarships
There are many opportunities to apply for bursaries or scholarships through UCFV. The Student Financial Planning Handbook or website ( outlines these opportunities and is available to students at no cost through Student Financial Aid Services. Bursaries are based on financial need and will be posted when available, usually at the end of September and the end of January. Scholarships are based on academic standing and will be advertised in April of each year. Applications and deadlines are available at Student Financial Aid Services.

Violet Chappell, BSc (Alberta)
Carol Ambridge, Financial Aid assistant
Sandy Bishop, Financial Aid clerk
Lisa Leclair, Financial Aid Awards clerk
Janet Robinson, Financial Aid assistant
Contact numbers:
Abbotsford 604-864-4601
Chilliwack 604-702-2618

Student Life
The Student Life department houses orientation programming, leadership initiatives, recreation and wellness, diversity and culture, residence life, and volunteer development and recognition. Our programming is focussed on helping students build skills and get involved.
For information and event schedules go to:

Jill Harrison, BA (SFU), MA (Royal Roads)
Michelle Demers, BA (SFU)
Program Assistant
Dawn Braun, Assistant; BSc (TWU)
Phone 604-504-7441, local 4255 in Abbotsford,
or 604-792-0025, local 2509 in Chilliwack.

Disability Services
Phone: 604-504-7441, local 4283
Disability Services encourages independence while providing services to students that may require additional support in order to achieve their educational goals.

Services available
• Classroom accommodation
• Individual campus orientation tours
• Material in alternate formats, such as audio-taped and Brailled materials
• Learning assistance including tutoring
• Applications for equipment loans and grants
• Liason between faculty and students.

Equipment available
• Voice synthesized computers equipped with a variety of programs
• Adaptive hardware and software
• Closed-circuit television reading device
• Laser printer and Braille printer
• Voice synthesized reading scanner
• Perkins Brailler
• Four-track tape recorders
• TTY (telecommunication device for the deaf)
• Volume control telephone
• FM System for the hard of hearing
• Adjustable computer tables
• Talking calculator

Disability Services staff and contact information
Registered psychologist: 604-557-4033
James Blackburn, PhD (UBC)
Abbotsford 604-557-4034 or 604-864-4609;
fax: 604-855-7614

Ellen Dixon, BA (Reed), MLS (UC–Berkeley)

Carla Petker, Instructor’s Diploma (VCC), BA (Hons) UVic
Chilliwack 604-795-2843; fax: 604-792-2388

Alyson Seale, Dip. Visual Language Interpreter (Douglas), Instructor’s diploma (VCC), BA (UCFV)
Mission 604-820-6000; fax: 604-826-0681

Support staff
Isabel Hay, Dip ECE (Langara)
phone: 604-504-7441, local 4283; email:

UCFV is commited to the integration of students with disabilities into its courses and programs.

Aboriginal Access Services

Students of aboriginal ancestry, including status, non-status, and Metis, are an integral part of the UCFV student body. All UCFV student services are available and, in addition, aboriginal students can get services and support through the Aboriginal Resource Centre. For more information about cultural support, workshops, and referral, liaison, and advocacy services offered through the centre, please see below.

S’olh Shxwlèlí (”Our Places”)
Aboriginal Resource Centre

(Officially opened November 8, 2000)

Aboringinal Access and S’olh Shxwlèlí staff welcome you to traditional Stó:lõ territory where the Stó:lõ have lived for thousands of years. Stó:lõ is Halq’emeylem meaning “River” and refers to the life-blood of the original people of the Fraser Valley. Today, within these traditional lands exist 24 bands. The aboriginal students from these and other territories are an important part of the UCFV student population.
    S’olh Shxwlèlí, also Halq’eemeylem, means “our places” and is the name of the Aboriginal Resource Centre. S’olh Shxwlèlí provides a doorway for aboriginal students pursuing post-secondary education. It also provides direct support services to aboriginal students (academic, financial, cultural, and transition). S’olh Shxwlèlí has information about funding sources, as well as Aboriginal programs and courses at UCFV and other institutions. At the centre, Aboriginal students can find a place to study or relax between classes, a small kitchen, access to computers, and a TV and VCR. Students will always find a friendly and supportive staff in a relaxed atmosphere.
    Aboriginal Access Services helps UCFV provide an environment that encourages full access, participation, and success for Aboriginal students; promotes projects designed to enrich Aboriginal student life on campus; works with faculties across the universtiy to enrich courses and programs with Aboriginal content; and provides information on post-secondary opportunities and offers liaison assistance with Sto:lo Nation, post-secondary education authorities, Metis societies and other Aboriginal organizations. Aboriginal Access Services also makes referrals within UCFV and to community agencies and other institutions.
    The Aboriginal Access Coordinator, Shirley Hardman, welcomes current and prospective Aboriginal students to S’olh Shxwlèlí.
    S’olh Shxwlèlí is the hub of Aboriginal activities on campus. Students, families and friends can gather here to study, share, and socialize in an atmosphere that reflects our Aboriginal cultural tradition. Activities are open to all students and include elder’s gatherings, potlucks, student meetings and other events both on and off campus.

Aboriginal Access Services
• advocates for students with other UCFV departments
• makes referrals within UCFV and to community agencies and other institutions
• consults on curriculum development initiatives
• acts as liaison with Stó:lõ Nation, post-secondary education authorities, Metis societies, and other  Aboriginal organizations
• coordinates requests for specific Aboriginal services and programs
• offers workshops on many subjects: cultural awareness, empowerment, goal-setting, money-management, assertiveness, anger management, and family and community relations.

Aboriginal Access Coordinator
Shirley Hardman, BA (Alberta), MEd (SFU)
604-702-2615; email

Program Assistant
TBA, 604-795-2835; email

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