UCFV offers a number of courses that can help prepare you to work at the university-college level. Subjects include rapid reading, writing, study skills, research, critical thinking, computing, education and career planning, and employment search.

Courses which fall under the informal “academic support” heading include:
CAP 110         Writing and Research Skills
CAP 120         Potential Development Training
CAP 130         Reading and Study
CAP 140         Career Planning
COMP 061     Introduction to Computers (Part 1)
COMP 071     Introduction to Computers (Part 2)
CP 101           Career Planning
CP 201           Employment Search
CSM 108       Critical Analysis and Study Methodology
(CMNS 108)  
CSM 208       Advanced Critical Analysis and Learning Methodology
(CMNS 208)
ECP 064         Education and Career Planning (Career Exploration)
ECP 074         Education and Career Planning (Skills for Success)
RSS 098         Introduction to Reading and Study Skills  (CTC)

Mark Hoffmann, BSc (Stanford), Diploma CS (Regent), MA (UBC)
Eileen Burkholder, BEd (UBC), MEd (UVic)
Diane Luu, BA, Prof. Teaching Cert. (SFU), MEd (UBC)
Keith Mohammed, BA (UBC), Prof. Teaching Cert. (SFU)
Elli Tamarin, BA (SFU), MEd (UBC)
Najmi Alibha, BA (SFU), MEd (UL, UK), MEd (UBC

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