UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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Additional credits in anthropology
The following SCMS courses can be used for anthropology credit. Course descriptions are found under Social, Cultural, and Media Studies.
• SCMS 225 — Urban Life
• SCMS 255 — Introduction to Social Research
• SCMS 270 — The Dynamics of Racism in Canada
• SCMS 310 — Special Topics: Regional Studies in Latin America
• SCMS 325 — Culture and Theory of the City
• SCMS 355 — Quantitative Research Methods
• SCMS 356 — Qualitative Re search Methods
• SCMS 363 — Processes of Development and Under-Development in Latin America
• SCMS 387 — Canadian Native People
• SCMS 388 — Comparative Studies of Minority Indigenous Peoples
• SCMS 463 — Special Topics in Development Studies
• SCMS 468 — Environment and Society
• SCMS 470 — Race and Racism: Selected Topics
• SCMS 470A — Latin American Immigrants and Immigration

English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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ANTH 1003 credits
Invitation to Anthropology
Prerequisite(s): None
Pre- or corequisite(s): None
This course is an introductory survey of the sub-fields of anthropology: biological anthropology, archaeology, and cultural and social anthropology. Topics include the human fossil record, the archaeological record, and an examination of contemporary human societies, drawn from various anthropological studies.

ANTH 1013 credits
Human Origins
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
This course traces humanity’s past through an examination of the scientific evidence for human physical and cultural evolution drawn from molecular biology, primate behaviour, fossil remains, and material culture. You will be introduced to the basics of evolution, and key questions anthropologists consider about human origins.

ANTH 1023 credits
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Prerequisite(s): None
ANTH 102 is an introduction to basic concepts, methods, and history of ideas of social and cultural anthropology. The emphasis is on understanding anthropological explanations of economic, social, and ceremonial activities of small-scale societies outside of the experience of most Canadians. The role of the study of languages in anthropology will also be discussed. Focused individual and group discussions based on assigned readings and study questions are an important part of ANTH 102, and will be a part of classroom interaction. Expect to participate in class discussions of reading assignments and videos, and to write an essay.
Note: ANTH 102 is a basic foundation course, and is a prerequisite to several upper-level Anthropology courses.

ANTH 1113 credits
First Nations in British Columbia -- Traditional Cultures
Prerequisite(s): None
An introduction to the anthropological literature on the indigenous cultures of the coast and interior of the Pacific Northwest, with an emphasis on British Columbia. Topics include the archaeological record, languages, resource use, social structure, ceremonies, and culture change following the arrival of Europeans and the expansion of the Canadian state.

ANTH 1303 credits
Anthropology of World Religions
Prerequisite(s): None
Corequisite(s): None
This course is an introduction to the world’s diverse religions from an anthropological perspective. The course considers the work on religion of several key social theorists, and examines ritual, belief, myth, morality, worldview, and religious identity (among other issues) in a number of ethnographic contexts, including those of the world religions.

ANTH 2033 credits
Selected Topics in Cultural Anthropology I
Prerequisite(s): None; ANTH 102 recommended
This course is an examination of a selected topic in contemporary anthropology. Topics covered will vary from semester to semester and may include, but are not limited to, urban anthropology, legal anthropology, health and culture, post-colonial anthropology, cultural representations of the body, and the politics of cultural representation and voice.

ANTH 2103 credits
Kinship and Gender
Prerequisite(s): ANTH 102 or SOC 101
Anthropology 210 is an introduction to studies of kinship and gender, using examples from a variety of societies and cultures. Topics may include social structure and kinship, the place of gender in stratification systems such as caste and class, ceremonies which emphasize gender, and the ways in which various social structures have changed. This course draws extensively on anthropological studies of small-scale and tribal societies.

ANTH 2113 credits
Aboriginal Peoples in BC: Contemporary Issues
Prerequisite(s): None, ANTH 111 strongly recommended
This course will focus on issues of importance to aboriginal communities in BC related to land claims, self-government, and various aspects of community development including education, family, health and wellness, and resource management, as well as urbanization. Relevant historical events, circumstances, and/or current initiatives will be explored using key concepts and methods of analysis used by social scientists. Significant aspects of aboriginal/non-aboriginal interactions, relationships, and experiences will be examined.

ANTH 2203 credits
Culture Change: People of the Third World
Prerequisite(s): None
Anthropology 220 looks at the lives of some of the people of the Third World by considering case studies from Latin America. Particular attention is given to the peasantry (indigenous and non-indigenous), and to cultural changes within that group due to processes such as globalization, economic and technological change, population pressures and the availability of land, the commercialization of agriculture, colonization programs, the cocaine industry, migration, emigration, and urbanization.

ANTH 2403 credits
Introduction to Archaeology
Prerequisite(s): None, ANTH 101 recommended
An introduction to archaeological concepts and techniques, and an examination of the archaeological record of early societies throughout the world. Special emphasis will be placed on understanding the archaeological and heritage record of British Columbia.

ANTH 2683 credits
Culture and Environment
(formerly ANTH 120)
Prerequisite(s): None, but either SOC 101 or ANTH 102 is strongly recommended
Our world is facing an environmental crisis as a result of increasing population growth, water, soil, air, and noise pollution, and overuse of rural resources. Using anthropological models and methods of analysis, this course will explore the fundamental relationship between people and their environment. We will compare and contrast different cultural perspectives within our own industrial society, as well as among hunters and gatherers and tribal agriculturalists in other societies.

ANTH 3014 credits
Key Ideas in Anthropology
Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include ANTH 102 and at least three additional credits of anthropology
A consideration of selected themes and ideas in anthropological thought with respect to their historical origins and theoretical importance.

ANTH 3034 credits
Ethnography of a Selected Area
Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include ANTH 102 and at least three additional credits of anthropology.
This course is a study of the ethnographic and theoretical problems in one area. Different cultures or regions may be selected each term.

ANTH 3415 credits
Archaeology Field Methods: Applied Studies
Prerequisite(s): ANTH 240 and permission of the instructor
Corequisite(s): None
This course is an application of archaeological techniques of excavation and interpretation of archaeological materials, based on participation in field excavation of an archaeological site. The course emphasizes archaeological techniques in an off-campus field situation, as well as the analysis of materials in a laboratory. ANTH 341 will normally be taught in the Summer semester to allow for fieldwork.

ANTH 4014 credits
Visual Anthropology
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include ANTH 102 and at least 6 additional credits of sociology and/or anthropology
This course critically examines the production and uses of ethnographic images and representations of cultures in selected anthropology films and photographs, and comparison
textual representations.

ANTH 4024 credits
The Field Experience in Anthropology
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include ANTH 102, SCMS 255, and an additional three credits of anthropology.
Corequisite(s): None
This course explores fieldwork in anthropology by combining practical exercises in participant observation and archival research with theoretical and ethnographic writings that illuminate the field experience. The emphasis of the course will be practical, with projects involving field research and/or research with primary archival sources.

ANTH 4034 credits
Selected Topics in Cultural Anthropology II
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include ANTH 102 and at least 6 additional credits of sociology and/or anthropology
This course explores in detail a selected topic in contemporary anthropology from methodological and theoretical perspectives. Topics covered will vary from semester to semester and may include, but are not limited to, urban anthropology, law and anthropology, post-colonial and post-modern anthropology, culture and performance, and discourses of cultural identity.

ANTH 4254 credits
Applied Anthropology: The Practice of Anthropology
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include ANTH 102 and 6 additional credits of sociology and/or anthropology
Corequisite(s): None
This course examines the ways in which anthropology and ethnography may be used to affect action in the world. Topics may include: advocacy anthropology; the development and practice of applied anthropology; designing an applied project; and examination of case studies of projects in applied anthropology.

ANTH 4694 credits
Myth and Ritual
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include ANTH 102 and either ANTH 130 or 301
This anthropological approach to myth and ritual looks at the connection between mythology, ritual, and lived experience. We will look at how myth has served as a universal factor in human existence, comparing it with other artistic representations such as poetry or drama. We shall explore mythology as a specific form of poetics that emerges out of human action and desires and also study the relationship between myth, ritual, and nature, and the unconscious.

ANTH 4714 credits
The Anthropology of Medicine, Health Care, and Illness
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include ANTH 102 and at least 6 additional credits of sociology and/or anthropology.
Corequisite(s): None
This course explores various cultural examples of health and illness and situates the relationship between human behavior, social life, and health within an anthropological context. This course looks at how knowledge, meaning, livelihood, power, and resource distribution are shaped and how, in turn, these phenomena go on to shape patterns of disease, experiences of health and illness, and the organization of treatments. The course will focus on empirical research as well as on symbolic, methodological, and theoretical issues.

ANTH 4904 credits
Directed Readings in Anthropology
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include at least 9 credits of anthropology, plus permission from supervising faculty member and department head
Corequisite(s): None
This is a directed reading course in a selected field of study in anthropology under the direction of a single faculty member. A major paper will be required.

Last extracted: April 13, 2009 09:45:01 PMTop