English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

ECON 1003 credits
Principles of Microeconomics Prerequisite(s): None
This is the classic "first principles course" which presumes no prior study of economics and provides insights in consumer and business decision-making. The objective of the course is to provide a grounding in fundamental economic ideas that govern individual, business and public policy decision-making. The course exposes students to a number of practical applications and public policy issues of interest across disciplines.
ECON 1013 credits
Principles of Macroeconomics Prerequisite(s): None
Macroeconomics concerns the study of economy-wide issues such as the composition and fluctuation of overall output and employment, the regulation of money and credit, and performance in economic growth and price stability. First studied are techniques in measuring these variables. These elements are then drawn into basic models of macroeconomic behaviours. The models thus developed enable powerful insights into the economic policy issues which are everyday the subject of public debate. This is a first principles course designed to be of interest to students across disciplines and presumes no prior study of economics.
ECON 1023 credits
Twentieth Century Economies Prerequisite(s): None
This course takes a comparative approach to the study of how different countries deal with the problems of scarcity and choice. The relationships between individuals, interest groups, firms, and the state will be explored. Economic systems are compared within and among three broad categories: market capitalism, central planning, and market socialism. Special attention will be paid to classification of economic systems evaluation criteria, models of economic systems, and coordination of economic activities. Note: Students with credit for economics courses at the 200 or higher level (excluding ECON 100 [formerly ECON 201] and ECON 101 [formerly ECON 202]) may not take ECON 102 for further credit.
ECON 2153 credits
Canadian Economic Issues Prerequisite(s): ECON 100 or ECON 101
This is a post-principles course designed to engage students in a discussion of specific micro/macroeconomics topics including: labour markets, agricultural economics, public finance, industrial strategy, free trade, resource development, competition policy, health, and education.
ECON 3074 credits
Managerial Economics Prerequisite(s): ECON 100 and 101, MATH 111, or MATH 113, or MATH 115, all with a C grade or better.
The subject of managerial economics takes many of the principles of microeconomic analysis and applies them to the business context. Emphasis throughout the course will be the application of analytical techniques to "everyday" economic and business problems. The course will concentrate on the theory of consumer demand, demand estimation, the nature of costs and production theory, theories of organization and coordination of firms, and theories of wage determination in factor markets.
ECON 3414 credits
International Trade Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, and any lower-level Economics course or POSC 190
This course, designed for the non-business major, provides a survey of international trade and finance. The international business environment is examined with a survey of cultural, social, and economic factors influencing decision making. Major functions of international commerce are reviewed, including (for example) export and import trade, investment transfers, and international monetary control systems.
ECON 3524 credits
Technology, Development and Economic Growth Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, and any lower-level Economics, Political Science or LAS course
The accelerating pace of global change continues to challenge existing paradigms of social, political, and economic order. Developments in the technologies of transportation, communications and finance are commonplace examples where technological change has become a harbinger of profound social and economic change. This course provides students with an understanding and historical perspective on the evolution of societies and the impact of technology, development, and economic growth.
ECON 3614 credits
Environmental Economics Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, and any lower-level Economics course
This is an applied course designed to draw upon economic principles to assess a number of environmental problems, both of pollution and resource depletion. The course is interdisciplinary and applied, providing insights and perspectives to selected environmental issues, regional, national, and global. The course is designed for the interest and benefit of students across disciplines. Refer to the course syllabus for specific case topics.
ECON 3654 credits
Transportation Economics Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, and any lower-level Economics course
This is an applied course to acquaint students with the economic issues of the transportation sector. The issues and the economics particular to the transportation sector are examined with the general aim of understanding public policies and their effect upon the particular sector and upon the communities served. The approach is to develop the economic principles of demand, cost, pricing, and regulation to the various modes, with an emphasis on those modes of topical interest to the students in the course. Refer to the course syllabus for specific detail.
ECON 3884 credits
Law and Economics Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, and any lower-level Economics course or CRIM 220
The economic analysis of law is a subject that draws upon economic principles to understand and critique the law. This course will enable students to perceive legal issues in the context of underlying economic motivations. While the rule of law is generally regarded as the conveyor of justice, this course promises to look beyond to understand the extent to which individual behaviour can be described as strategic behaviour or rational choice. Justice, as conveyed by legal decisions, is evaluated in the context of overall social welfare and efficiency. Topics covered include property rights, torts, contracts, crime and punishment and antitrust.
ECON 3974 credits
Business and Government I -Topics in Microeconomics Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, and either any lower-level Economics course or POSC 110
This is an issues-oriented course, designed for students with a minimal background in business and economics. The course is focussed on the application of microeconomics to the role of business and to the regulatory role of government in the economy. The course is designed as a practical introduction to such issues as, for example, industrial strategy, competition policy and patent policy. This is an applied course, and as such, economic theory and analysis is developed in the course only to the extent necessary to understand public policy issues of business and of government regulation and intervention. The aim is to understand the divergent private business and public policy interests with respect to a number of regulatory issues.
ECON 3984 credits
Business and Government II -Topics in Macroeconomics Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, and any lower-level Economics course
Financial markets and institutions not only affect everyday life but also involve huge flows of funds through the economy, which in turn affect business profits, the production of goods and services, and even the economic well-being of countries. What happens to financial markets, financial institutions, and money is of great concern to our politicians and even can have a major impact on our elections. This course examines how financial markets (such as bonds, stocks and foreign exchange) and financial institutions (banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and so on) work by exploring the role of money in the economy. This course will also examine the wide variety of instruments for financing, investing and controlling risk that are available in today's financial markets.
ECON 4104 credits
Economics of Financial Markets Prerequisite(s): ECON 100, ECON 101, and at least three credits of upper-level Economics
This course examines economic issues related to the financial market system. Topics include financial market functions, theories of savings and investment, structure of interest rates, interest rate forecasting, and macroeconomic models of the financial sector including monetary models and policy.
Last extracted: April 13, 2009 09:45:04 PM