UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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GEOG 1014 credits
Weather and Climate
Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces the fields of meteorology and climatology. Emphasis is placed on atmospheric processes, weather analysis, local and global climates, and on the relationships of these topics to a variety of environmental issues.

GEOG 1024 credits
Evolution of the Earth's Surface
Prerequisite(s): None
A course in the study of the origins and development of the earth's surface features. Emphasis will be placed on the physical processes underlying the dynamics of our changing landscape.

GEOG 1053 credits
Natural Hazards and Hollywood
Prerequisite(s): None
This course is a geographic analysis of natural hazards. Students in this course will consider the science and evolution of natural hazards, such as tornadoes, earthquakes, and tropical cyclones, and in part use this information to assess
how accurately film and television portrays the science of these events. This course examines how officials and the public become aware of, prepare for, and manage recovery from natural hazards.

GEOG 1303 credits
Geography of Canada
Prerequisite(s): None
An introduction to the geography of Canada using the concepts and methods of regional geography to examine the Canadian experience as a set of distinct regions and a nation. Emphasis will be placed on the geographic analysis of current issues, an on the detailed analysis of regional character.

GEOG 1313 credits
British Columbia
Prerequisite(s): None
This course examines the physical, cultural, economic, and settlement landscapes of British Columbia, using the concepts and methods of regional geographic analysis. Topics include the physiographic and climatic character of the province, Aboriginal and Euro-Canadian resettlement patterns, the staples resource economy, environmental change, and cultural, social, and economic change in an age of globalization.

GEOG 1403 credits
Human Geography
Prerequisite(s): None
This is a broad survey course of human geography applying the concepts and tools of the discipline to the regions, societies, and landscapes that result from the interaction between humans and their environment and the cultural, economic, social and political landscapes they create.

GEOG 2014 credits
Introduction to Climatology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 101
This course is a survey course in introductory climatology. Lecture topics range from the micro-scale (air pollution), to meso-scale (urban heat island), to synoptic-scale (tropical cyclones), and global-scale (climatic change).

GEOG 2024 credits
Introduction to Geomorphology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 102
GEOG 202 builds on many topics introduced in Geog102 with emphasis placed on drainage basins, groundwater, mass movements, and glacial geomorphology. A weekend field trip and local in-class trips will develop skills in landform analysis and an understanding of the geomorphology of southwestern British Columbia.

GEOG 2113 credits
Environmental Science
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 101 or 102; or any first-year science course in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics.

From a physical geography perspective, this course introduces the science underlying contemporary environmental problems. Application of the scientific method to case studies of environmental issues will highlight challenges and possible solutions at local, regional, and national scales, while exploring the interface between science, politics, and popular perceptions. A field trip outside of class time is required.

GEOG 2333 credits
Geography of Selected Regions
Prerequisite(s): None
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the regional geography of a major world region. Subject matter will be drawn from physical and human geography, with an emphasis placed on human-environment interactions, and the development of distinct cultural, economic, and social landscapes. Field trips outside of class time may be required.

GEOG 233C3 credits
Geography of Selected Regions - South Asia
Prerequisite(s): Any first year university course
See GEOG 233 for course description.

GEOG 2403 credits
World Regional Geography
Prerequisite(s): None.
This survey course provides students with a broad overview of the physical and cultural characteristics of different regions of the world, using the concepts and tools of geography. In light of debates over the merits of globalization, this course also considers how human/environment relationships and cultural and economic landscapes are changing due to increasing technological and economic interconnections between the world’s peoples and cultures.

GEOG 2413 credits
Social Geography
Prerequisite(s): None; GEOG 140 is recommended
This course presents students with the opportunity to critically assess the interrelationship between space and lifestyle. Focusing on the connections between people and their social environment, topics explored include gender and space, crime, residential segregation, and concepts of community and neighbourhood. Field trips outside of class time are required.

GEOG 2423 credits
Economic Geography
Prerequisite(s): None; GEOG 140 is recommended
This course introduces the concepts and methods of economic geography. The focus is on the spatial distributions and interactions of population, natural resources and energy, manufacturing, and services in the capitalist economy. Emphasis will be placed on the causes and consequences of globalization, issues of economic development, and the creation of particular kinds of economic landscapes at local, national, and international scales. A field trip outside of class time is expected.

GEOG 2504 credits
Introduction to Geographic Techniques
Prerequisite(s): None
This course provides an introduction to various techniques that are integral to understanding and analyzing geographic information. Students will be introduced to issues of map projections, scale and interpretation, surveying, aerial photograph interpretation, thematic mapping, data analysis, and digital cartography. Field trips outside of class time may be required.
Note: Students may not take GEOG 250 for further credit if they have previously taken GEOG 251.

GEOG 2534 credits
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Prerequisite(s): None; a first-year COMP course is recommended
A geographic information system is defined as a configuration of system hardware and software that captures, stores, analyzes and displays geographic information. The focus of this course is on the theory and practice of GIS as a tool in geographical analysis, data management, and the development of skills in the operation of GIS software.

GEOG 2703 credits
Field Techniques in Human Geography
Prerequisite(s): At least 6 credits of 100/200 level Geography
This course provides a field-based introduction to a variety of tools and techniques used by human geographers to describe and analyze the cultural landscape and the spatial organization of society. Students will complete library and field research related to a specific area of interest. Geography 270 is usually offered as an independent study and may, with instructor permission, be completed as part of a study tour or Adventures in Geography field excursion.

GEOG 2713 credits
Field Techniques in Physical Geography
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 101 or 102
This course provides an intensive introduction to a variety of tools and techniques used by geographers to describe and analyze the physical environment.

GEOG 3004 credits
Special Topics in Geography
Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level Geography courses
This course provides students with an opportunity to explore a topic or subfield in a new and significant area of geographical research and scholarship. Topics will be chosen from a wide range of physical, human, regional, and technical areas in geography. Course offerings may include topics such as the Geography of Global Conflict and Terrorism; Conservation and Development; the Geography of Illegal Activities; or the Geography of Agriculture, among others.

GEOG 300C4 credits
Special Topics in Geography: The Geography of War, Terrorism, and Peace
Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level Geography courses
"Since September 11th…” These three words now form a common cultural reference point for North Americans. But has that translated into a greater understanding of terrorism and other forms of conflict? In this course, we investigate geographic perspectives on the spread of terrorism, ethnic and religious battles, drug “wars”, and the environmental and social landscapes of conflict emerging today. We also will look at success stories of peace-making across territorial, ethnic, and economic boundaries.

GEOG 300F4 credits
Maps, Territories and Land
Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level Geography courses
See course description for GEOG 300.

GEOG 3024 credits
Fluvial Geomorphology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 202
This course provides a comprehensive review of processes and landforms responsible for shaping the fluvial environment. Emphasis is placed on understanding the theoretical basis of fluvial geomorphology and the identification and formative processes of fluvial landforms. Participation in field trips scheduled outside of regular class times is required.

GEOG 3034 credits
Principles of Hydrology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 201 OR GEOG 202
The hydrological cycle provides the mechanism by which the finite water resources on the Earth are cycled through the environment. This course will discuss the various processes that make up the hydrological cycle including precipitation, evaporation, run-off, flooding, and broader implications of water quality. Emphasis will be placed on the hydrology of British Columbia to provide context for the theoretical concepts being presented. Measurement and laboratory
techniques will be introduced to provide important analysis skills. Field trips outside of class time will be required.

GEOG 3044 credits
Coastal Geomorphology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 202
The coast represents one of the most dynamic and complex environments on the earth's surface and the interaction between the marine, terrestrial, and atmospheric systems results in a wide range of coastal processes and landforms. This course will focus on the basic processes operating along the coast, coastal landforms, and themes in applied coastal geomorphology. Participation in field trips scheduled outside of regular class times is required.
Note: Credit cannot be obtained for GEOG 304 if student has taken GEOG 302 prior to 2005 (previously offered as Fluvial and Coastal Geomorphology).

GEOG 3074 credits
Urban Climatology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 201
This course explores the climatic effects of urbanization with a focus on the collection and analysis of urban climate data. Human-weather interaction in the urban setting and potential mitigation techniques of negative impacts are also examined.

GEOG 3084 credits
Climate Change and Variability
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 201
This course investigates the causes and characteristics of regional and global climate change and variability. The significance of understanding past climates and their reconstruction are addressed. Environmental and socio-economic impacts of climate change, policy responses to climate change, and mitigation and adaptation strategies are examined.
Note: Students cannot receive credit for both GEOG 308 and 401.

GEOG 3114 credits
Global Resources and the Environment
Prerequisite(s): Any two of: GEOG 201, GEOG 202, GEOG 211, GEOG 240, GEOG 242, BIO 210, or ECON 361
This course provides an investigation into the relationship between humans and their environment in terms of resources use and exploitation. Consideration is given to regional and global natural resource flows; models of resource economics, extraction, and consumption; resource conflicts; the impacts of resource use on environmental integrity; and on the introduction of procedures, techniques, and rationales for managing environmental resources.

GEOG 3124 credits
Political Ecology: Nature, Culture and Place
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
This course involves students in the dialogue over development, environmental relations, and the role of place. Case studies from both developing and developed worlds will be used to investigate spatial relationships between poverty, livelihoods, sustainable development, conservation, and conflict. Field trips outside of class time are required.

GEOG 3154 credits
Soil Process and Function
Prerequisite(s): One of GEOG 201, 202, or 211; or BIO 210
Soils provide nutrients to support primary productivity and are the foundation for global breadbaskets and terrestrial renewable resources. In this course we will evaluate the Canadian System of Soil Classification, learn to log soil pits in forested mountain landscapes, learn to identify soil properties, and assess how these properties support soil biota and primary productivity. To effectively evaluate and present data, in-class software-skills workshops will help students translate their ideas to computer graphics. Field trips outside of class time are required.

GEOG 3174 credits
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 201 or 202, or BIO 210
Biogeography is the study of living things in space and time that integrates concepts and theory from geography, biology, geology, paleontology, and ecology. After an initial review of the history of biogeography, patterns of distribution and mechanisms responsible for today’s biodiversity will be explored in addition to island biogeography, communities and ecosystems, and the influence of physical processes on species distribution. The course will also examine extinctions and radiations and the relevance of these processes for ecological forecasts. Field trips outside of class time are required.

GEOG 3404 credits
Geographies of Poverty and Development
Prerequisite(s): One of GEOG 240, 241, 242
This course uses a geographical approach to examine the spatial patterns of development and analyze the numerous models and programs that have been used to ameliorate poverty. In particular, the course demonstrates how questions of scale and multiple perspectives influence the design, implementation, and outcomes of sustainable development programs. Field trips outside of class time will be required.

GEOG 3414 credits
World Cities
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
Geographic perspectives on the cultural, political, and socio-economic conditions of selected world cities. The spatial context of such problems as urban decay, housing shortages, poverty, sustainability, and social justice will be explored in selected cities.

GEOG 3434 credits
Geography of Transitional Societies
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
This is a course in cultural geography using the approach of cultural/political ecology to survey cultural patterns in the developing world including environmental and cultural change, economic development, and urbanization.

GEOG 3444 credits
Geography of Urban Development
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
This course will apply the principles of urban geographical analysis to the study of urbanization as exemplified in the development of cites in North America.

GEOG 3454 credits
Historical Geography I
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
Using research drawn from a variety of theoretical perspectives, this course explores the concepts and methods of historical geography. Focusing on North America, students will learn not only how to interpret past landscapes, but how such an understanding continues to inform the geographies of the present. Field trips outside of class time are required.

GEOG 3464 credits
Geography of Religion
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
A study of the geographical expression of religion and belief systems, this course covers the origins, diffusion and changing impacts of belief on cultural patterns and landscapes. Students who have completed GEOG 400C cannot take GEOG 346 for additional credit.

GEOG 3524 credits
Explanation in Geography: Quantitative Methods
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 253, and one of MATH 104, 106 or PSYC 110, or other acceptable statistics course
This course focuses on the use of numbers as an aid to problem-solving in geographical analysis. Students will be introduced to methods in the collection, description, analysis and mapping of quantitative data. Techniques in the collection and recording of primary and secondary data will be covered and methods of statistical description and inference will be surveyed. The course will also include topics in the spatial display of data, particularly through computer mapping packages. This course makes heavy use of computer software eg, Excel, SPSS and ArcView.

GEOG 3534 credits
GIS Applications
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 253
The focus of the course is on the utility of Geographic Information Science in problem solving and decision-making in real world settings. Students will be expected to carry out a major term project in consultation with the instructor.

GEOG 3544 credits
Approaches in Human Geography
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 241 or GEOG 242
Human geography has a long intellectual history and is consequently characterized by a wide variety of philosophical and methodological approaches, each a reflection of both wider societal currents and the choices geographers make in doing applied and theoretical work. This course introduces the critical conceptual elements in each of these approaches and situates, and evaluates and tests them in the context of concrete geographical research.

GEOG 3604 credits
Introduction to Regional and Community Planning
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
This course introduces the theories and techniques of community and regional planning in Canada. Topics include elements of the comprehensive plan, politics of planning, and a critical assessment of the impact of planning. The course is important for students interested in pursuing a career in community planning and provides an opportunity for students to study a planning problem in the Fraser Valley.

GEOG 3624 credits
Geography of Tourism, Recreation, and Sport
Prerequisite(s): One of: GEOG 211, GEOG 240, GEOG 241, GEOG 242
The purpose of this course is to provide students with an introduction to tourism and recreation systems from a geographic perspective. Topics include the supply of and demand for tourism and recreation products and services, the importance of demographic factors in shaping the availability of leisure time and the way in which this time is spent, the impacts of tourism and recreation in both developed and developing countries, and the ways in which communities plan for tourism and recreation development. Field trips outside of regular class hours are required.

GEOG 3966 credits
Global Developments Studies: Canada Internship
Prerequisite(s): 60 university level credits and instructor’s permission.
Experiential learning is an opportunity for students to reflect on the global/local and theory/practice dynamics of the world around us. This will normally involve a three-day-per-week practicum in a multi-disciplinary local setting with a NGO or other organization for a total of 13 weeks. The number of hours per week that a student actually works in his/her placement may vary according to the needs and practices of the NGO.

GEOG 3989 credits
Global Development Studies: International Internship
Prerequisite(s): 60 university level credits and instructor’s permission.
The practicum placement is an opportunity for students to begin to reflect on the global/local and theory/practice dynamics of the world around us. This is a five-day-per-week practicum in a multi-disciplinary international setting with a NGO or Government agency for up to a total of 10 - 13 weeks in another country and two weeks of debriefing and analysis back in Canada.

GEOG 4004 credits
Advanced Topics in Geography
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, including four credits of 300/400 level geography courses
This course provides students with an opportunity to conduct advanced field research in a subfield in a new and significant area of geographical scholarship. Topics will be chosen from a wide range of physical, human, regional, and technical areas in geography, and will build on programming and learning at the 300-level.

GEOG 4014 credits
Global Climatology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 201 and MATH 104 or 106
Global Climatology is an advanced course in the global climate system and the examination of past, present, and possible future climatic scenarios. Environmental and socio-economic impacts of nuclear winter, ozone holes, global warming, and policy responses will also be addressed.

GEOG 4024 credits
Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 302 or GEOG 304; or GEOG 202 with permission of the instructor
This course will examine selected aspects of the stratigraphy, geomorphology, glacial geology, and long-term climate history of the Quaternary Period. Glacial and fluvial sedimentary models introduced in Geography 202 and 302 will be
reviewed. Regional emphasis will be placed on southwestern British Columbia and adjacent regions. Fieldwork is an essential component of this course.

GEOG 4104 credits
Plant Ecology
Prerequisite(s): BIO 210, and one of BIO 307, BIO 330 or BIO 340; or GEOG 317
This course provides students with an understanding of factors, biotic and abiotic, responsible for vegetation distribution patterns across landscapes. In particular, lectures will address plants at the individual, population, and community levels and demonstrate how plants interact with their physical environment – soils, water, and climate. Field trips and laboratory exercises will introduce methodologies of vegetation sampling, analysis, and interpretation. Field trips outside of class time are required.
Note: This course is offered as both BIO 410 and GEOG 410. Students may take only one of these for credit.

GEOG 4114 credits
Advanced Topics in Environmental Issues
Prerequisite(s): One of GEOG 211, 311 or ECON 361, and one other 300/400 level geography course
This course provides students the opportunity to explore topics and issues of environmental concern from a geographical perspective. Emphasis will be placed on seminar discussions, field trips and case studies.

GEOG 4174 credits
Wetlands Biogeography
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 317; or BIO 210 and one of BIO 307, BIO 330 or BIO 340
Wetland environments, though typically representing a small portion of the ecosystems that maintain them, provide critical ecosystem function. In this course we will evaluate wetland function across environmental gradients, the biogeochemistry that regulates these environments, and the flora and fauna that they support. In addition, we will evaluate wetland sediments as proxies and archives of past environmental change at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Field trips outside of class time (required) will emphasize local wetland form and function.

GEOG 4214 credits
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits including four credits of 300/400-level Geography courses.
This course studies the geographical character of the Fraser Lowland cross-border region (CBR) and is set within the wider literature on Borderlands. The course is usually taught in conjunction with the Geography Department at Western
Washington University (WWU), such that the class consists of students from both UFV and WWU. Extensive travel in the area of the Fraser Lowland, as well as to WWU, is required.

GEOG 4334 credits
Advanced Geography of a Selected Region
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, including four credits of 300/400 level geography
Regional study is one of the foundational approaches in the discipline of geography. This course allows for the advanced study of the physical, demographic, cultural, economic, and political geography of a selected region. This course is also intended to serve as a capstone course for geography students, integrating concepts introduced in lower-level human and physical geography courses. Individual regions are denoted with a letter following 433 (e.g. 433I: South Asia). Students cannot repeat the same version of 433 (e.g. two 433I offerings) for credit. Field trips outside of class time may be required.

GEOG 4434 credits
Comparative Cultural Geography
Prerequisite(s): Any one of GEOG 343, GEOG 344, GEOG 345, GEOG 360, or instructor's permission
A comparative study of selected world cultures and landscapes in the light of recent theoretical developments in geography. The human use of the earth over time by various cultures will be examined.

GEOG 4444 credits
The Geography of Suburban Development
Prerequisite(s): Any one of GEOG 343, GEOG 344, GEOG 345, GEOG 360
This course represents an extension of the urban geographical themes developed in GEOG 344. Whereas GEOG 344 establishes the framework of urban development in Canada and the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries, the focus in GEOG 444 is on the particular nature of suburban development, especially of the post-industrial era.

GEOG 4454 credits
Historical Geography II
Prerequisite(s): Any one of GEOG 343, GEOG 344, GEOG 345, or GEOG 360
In part building on concepts developed in GEOG 345 but with greater attention to archival and landscape fieldwork and an analysis of primary materials, and especially the impact of imperialism and colonialism, this course uses both past and present perspectives to explore, understand, and contextualize the historical
geography of British Columbia. Field trips outside of class time are required.

GEOG 4474 credits
Aboriginal Geography
Prerequisite(s): 60 credit hours including 4 credits of upper level Geography or instructor permission
Using geographical models and methods of analysis, this course will explore the different human geographies created by, and the various geographical imaginations of, aboriginal, indigenous, and/or non-western peoples and cultures before, during and after contact with Europe.

GEOG 4524 credits
Field Methods and Techniques
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 352
This course will provide students with opportunities to apply the concepts and skills acquired in previous geography courses to specific research problems in the field. Working both in the classroom and in a local area, students will define and formulate research problems, collect and analyze appropriate data, and design and write formal research reports on their findings. Field problems will be drawn from topics in both physical and human geography. Research reports will be expected to reflect an integrated approach to the study of a local region.

GEOG 4534 credits
Remote Sensing
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 353, or GEOG 253 with permission of instructor
Remote sensing is the art and science of studying Earth features from a distance. Students will learn the principles of remote sensing science and the characteristics of imagery collected from aircraft and satellite sensors. Students will use remote sensing to interpret and map geologic, hydrologic, vegetative, and urban features.

GEOG 4604 credits
Practicum in Planning
Prerequisite(s): GEOG 360
Planning is generally defined as an applied or action-oriented profession, dedicated to addressing ecological, social, economic, and land use challenges at local or regional scales. The purpose of this course is to enable students to engage in an applied program of planning work under the supervision of a planner who is a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners. The four-month practicum presents students with the opportunity to apply techniques and methods as well as create contacts with practicing planners.

GEOG 4705 credits
Advanced Field Studies in Geography
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, including at least 4 credits upper level geography courses; instructor’s permission
This course provides students with an opportunity to explore a world region from either a human or physical geographic perspective, or a combination of both. Students will build on previous geographic education to apply a range of geographical skills in the field to identify, analyze, synthesize, and present field data and research con-clusions. Geography 470 is usually offered as an Independent Study as part of a study tour or Adventures in Geography field excursion.

GEOG 470H5 credits
Advanced Field Studies in Geography: US SW / Hawaii
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, including at least 4 credits upper level geography courses; instructor’s permission
See course description for GEOG 470

GEOG 4804 credits
Directed Readings
Prerequisite(s): Written consent of supervising faculty member and department head
This directed readings course is designed for upper level Geography students who wish to advance their knowledge in a subject area of their choosing. It can be used to further study of interests developed through earlier coursework or to satisfy a specialization in a study tour or Adventure in Geography field school. Course content and approach is determined in consultation with the guiding instructor.

GEOG 4822 credits
Directed Studies
Prerequisite(s): Written consent of supervising faculty member and department head
This directed research course is designed for upper level Geography students who wish to advance their knowledge in a subject area of their choosing. It can be used to further the development of interests acquired in earlier coursework or to satisfy a specialization in a study tour or Adventure in Geography field school. Course content and approach is determined in consultation with the guiding instructor.

GEOG 4833 credits
Directed Studies
Prerequisite(s): Written consent of supervising faculty member and department head
This directed research course is designed for upper level Geography students who wish to advance their knowledge in a subject area of their choosing. It can be used to further development of interests acquired in earlier coursework or to satisfy a specialization in a study tour or Adventure in Geography field school. Course content and approach is determined in consultation with the guiding instructor.

GEOG 4844 credits
Directed Studies
Prerequisite(s): Written consent of supervising faculty member and department head
This directed research course is designed for upper level Geography students who wish to advance their knowledge in a subject area of their choosing. It can be used to further development of interests acquired in earlier coursework or to satisfy a specialization in a study tour or Adventure in Geography field school. Course content and approach is determined in consultation with the guiding instructor.

GEOG 4924 credits
Honours Research Project
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to Honours Geography program as outlined in the calendar; completion of lower-level course requirements in Geography, 30 upper-level course credits in Geography, and a minimum of 8 upper-level credits in a related field (biology, history, etc.).
Intended to be the final step of a student’s Honours Geography program, this course is devoted to the completion and presentation of a final research project. This course is intended as a vehicle by which an Honours student will demonstrate advanced library and field data collection and interpretation, and written and visual analysis in a particular geographic subject area. Upon completion of the project’s written component, the student will be required to present their research in a public venue (e.g. conference, departmental presentation, etc.).

Last extracted: April 13, 2009 09:45:06 PMTop