English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

HALQ 1006 credits
Introductory Halq'emeylem Immersion Prerequisite(s): None
Halq’eméylem 100 is an introductory course in the Halq'eméylem language (Upriver dialect) in an intensive immersion format. Students will work with an instructor team which will include an Elder fluent in the language. The course includes linguistic instruction in grammar and pronunciation, including relevant aspects of the International Phonetic Alphabet. At the end of the course, students will have learned between 850 and 1,000 high-frequency words in the language, mastered the entire sound system of the language, and learned the major grammatical structures of the language. Students will also have begun studying texts in the language. Note: Students may not take HALQ 101 and/or HALQ 102 for further credit.
HALQ 1013 credits
Halq'eméylem Language I Prerequisite(s): None
Halq’eméylem 101 is an introductory course in the Halq'eméylem language (Upriver dialect). Students will do work on important aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Students will work with an instructor and with an Elder fluent in the language, and will use audiovisual techniques, drill patterns, flashcards, pictures and videotapes. The course will also include linguistic instruction in grammar and pronunciation, including relevant aspects of the International Phonetic Alphabet. At the end of the course, students will have learned between 450 and 500 high-frequency words in the language, and will have had an overview of the pronunciation and the major grammatical structures of the language.
HALQ 1023 credits
Halq'eméylem Language II Prerequisite(s): HALQ 101
Halq’eméylem 102 is a continuation of HALQ 101. At the end of the course, students will have learned an additional 400 to 500 high-frequency vocabulary items, and will have mastered the entire sound system of the language and the major grammatical structures in some detail. Students will also have begun studying texts in the language.
HALQ 2006 credits
Intermediate Halq'emeylem Immersion Prerequisite(s): HALQ 100 or (HALQ 101 and HALQ 102)
Halq’eméylem 200 will cover issues in dialectal variation in Upriver speech, and comparison between Upriver, Downriver and Island dialects. Students will accumulate a strong vocabulary. At the end of the course, students will have gained control of all of the major inflectional endings in the language, and will be expected to translate extended texts. Students will work with native-speaking elders, and will engage in conversational practice, including role-playing, speech presentations, and topics to encourage the practice of everyday use of the language. The course is designed to be challenging and fun, and the students who complete it will have a strong, solid foundation in the language. Note: Students may not take HALQ 201 and/or HALQ 202 for further credit.
HALQ 2013 credits
Intermediate Halq'emeylem I Prerequisite(s): HALQ 102
Halq’eméylem 201 is an intermediate course in the Halq'eméylem language. At the end of the course, students will have acquired an additional 450-500 vocabulary items (for a total, with prerequisites, of approximately 1500 vocabulary items). Students will have gained control of all of the major inflectional endings in the language, and will be expected to translate extended texts without vocabulary aids. The course will also cover issues in dialectal variation in Upriver speech, and comparison between Upriver vs. Downriver and Island dialects. The course is designed to be challenging and fun, and the students who complete it will have a strong, solid, foundation in the language.
HALQ 2023 credits
Intermediate Halq'eméylem II Prerequisite(s): HALQ 201
Halq’eméylem 202 is the second of two intermediate courses in the Halq’eméylem language (Upriver dialect). At the end of the course, students will have acquired an additional 450-500 vocabulary items (for a total, with prerequisites, of approximately 2000 vocabulary items). The course will focus on two areas: (i) advanced texts, where students will work with existing texts, and in addition will work on the collection and transcription of texts with native-speaking Elders; (ii) conversational practice, including role-playing, speech presentations, and a focus on topics for everyday use of the language.
HALQ 2103 credits
Advanced Halq'eméylem I: Translation Skills Prerequisite(s): HALQ 201, HALQ 202
This is a course for students who are interested learning to produce appropriate and effective translations of Halq’eméylem into English, and vice versa. Through practice with a variety of materials, and working with a range of different examples of usage from the traditional to the modern, students will master advanced skills in translating to and from the Halq’eméylem language.
HALQ 2153 credits
Advanced Halq'eméylem II: Transcription and Orthography Development Prerequisite(s): HALQ 201, HALQ 202
This course will teach students to transcribe the sound-system of the Halq’eméylem language at a variety of levels, while at the same time exploring issues in the relation between phonetic transcription and the practical writing system. Topics covered will include (a) advanced, highly detailed, transcription and phonetic analysis of the language, (b) predictable sound-changes that affect phonetic detail, and (c) choices in the representation of sounds in practical orthography.
HALQ 2203 credits
Advanced Halq'eméylem III: Composition and Story-Telling Prerequisite(s): HALQ 202
In this course students will learn to compose their own Halq’eméylem narratives. Narrative styles to be explored will include traditional-style speeches, introductions, longhouse oratory, and oral story-telling. In addition, the class will cover the extension and evolution of traditional Stó:lõ narrative styles to non-traditional areas, including written (as opposed to purely oral) story-telling, letter-writing, and electronic messaging.
HALQ 3104 credits
Advanced Halq'eméylem IV: Curriculum Development and Teaching Methodologies Prerequisite(s): HALQ 202 and one of HALQ 210, 215, or 220
This course is designed for students interested in working on curriculum materials for the Halq’eméylem language. The course will cover general issues related to curriculum development, including scope and sequencing, teaching models, and learning outcomes. This general theory will then be applied, through a combination of analysis and practical projects, to the development of curriculum materials and teaching methodologies for the Halq’eméylem language.
Last extracted: April 13, 2009 09:45:06 PM