UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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Latin American Studies
Additional credits in Latin American Studies
The following SCMS courses can be used as upper-level LAS credit. Course descriptions are found under Social, Cultural, and Media Studies.
• SCMS 310 — Special Topics: Regional Studies in Latin America
• SCMS 363 — Processes of Development and Under-Development in Latin America
• SCMS 388 — Comparative Studies of Minority Indigenous Peoples
• SCMS 440A — Religion in Latin America
• SCMS 463 — Special Topics in Development Studies
• SCMS 470A — Latin American Immigrants and Immigration

English Language Requirements
Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.

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LAS 1003 credits
Images of Latin America
Prerequisite(s): None
Using Latin America as a case study, LAS 100 offers students the opportunity to examine the images of the "underdeveloped" world that we encounter in the mass media on a daily basis. We will concentrate on the images found in the media of television, radio and print journalism, but will also pay attention to those images that have come to us through film. Thus, students will "experience" Latin America through its images, but will be encouraged to analyze what exactly it is that is being "experienced." In doing this, we will be following current events in Latin America, and be making a critical, on-going assessment of coverage of those events in the mass media. The result is an effective introduction to the human condition and culture of our Latin American neighbours, and a critical glimpse at the limitations inherent in our view of that part of the world.

LAS 1023 credits
Latin American Study Tour
Prerequisite(s): None
This course offers students an introduction to a specific Latin American nation by means of a study tour. It is a one-semester course of independent study with a 3-4 week study tour experience. The field experience will be augmented by lecture and discussion. Independent study prior to leaving and upon return to B.C. will help to create an exciting learning experience for all involved.

LAS 1103 credits
Pre-Columbian, Hispanic and African Heritage of Latin America
Prerequisite(s): None
This course examines the cultural heritage of Latin America, forged from the complex interaction of New World, European, and African peoples. We begin with an analysis of the Aztec and Inca states, two powerful empires that ruled large populations and extensive territories at the time of European contact in the 16th century. We then study the cultural and historical contact of Iberian expansion, Columbus' voyage of discovery, and the Spanish invasion of the Americas. After discussing the profound impact of Spanish colonial rule on the indigenous people of the New World, we analyze the origins and development of the African slave trade and the formation of Afro-American cultures. We conclude with a discussion of the socio-cultural and political legacy of colonialism.

LAS 2003 credits
Social Issues in Latin America
Prerequisite(s): None
Latin America is a diverse region of considerable importance to Canadians for political, commercial, and social reasons. In this course we explore key facets of social life in this volatile region. We look at the forces that have shaped Latin American society, at the situation Latin America finds itself in now, and at the region’s prospects for the future. In the process we examine class, race, gender, socio-economic development, and other social issues.
Note: This course is offered as both LAS 200 and SOC 200. Students may take only one of these for credit.

LAS 2013 credits
Artistic Expression in Latin America
Prerequisite(s): None
From literature, music, and the visual arts to political thought and theology, Latin American culture is rich, vibrant, and exciting. This inter-disciplinary course combines the perspectives of the social sciences with art, architecture, music, literature, and film to examine the relationship between ideas and culture and the major issues found in Latin America past and present.

LAS 3124 credits
Special Topics: Latin American Cultural Topics
Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least three credits LAS.
A cross-disciplinary focus on specific elements of contemporary Latin American and Iberian culture. Topics such as indigenism, Afro-Latin culture, religion, literature, and folklore will be studied.

LAS 4984 credits
Directed Readings in Latin American Studies
Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include at least 9 credits of LAS or SCMS with Latin American content, plus permission from supervising faculty member and department head.
Directed reading in a selected field of study under the direction of a faculty member. A major paper will be required.

Last extracted: April 13, 2009 09:45:08 PMTop