Visual Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree can currently only be completed by
meeting the requirements of both the BFA and a major in Visual Arts. The
information below combines the requirements for the BFA and the major.
Option 1:
High school (for students with high
school graduation only)
1. B.C. Secondary school graduation or equivalent and,
2. B in English 12, and interview and portfolio required.
Option 2: University
entrance (For
students who have attended some post-secondary school)
Completion of a minimum of 15 Visual Arts/Art History university-level credits
(including 3 credits of Art History) with a minimum of 2.33 GPA, and an overall
cumulative GPA of 2.0 on all courses attempted.
Completion of a minimum of 9 Visual Arts/Art History university-level credits
(including 3 credits of Art History) with a GPA of 3.0 or better, and an overall
cumulative GPA of 2.33 on all courses attempted.
A UFV Visual Arts, Fashion Design, Graphic Design or Theatre Arts diploma.
Applicants must also satisfy English language policy. For details on how this requirement may be met, see English language policy 340.29.
When to apply
Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall semester only. For application deadlines, see
Specific intake application
How to apply
1. Submit the application fee along with your UFV application for admission
form to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available
from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form
from our website at, or you
can apply directly through the internet at
Additional documents required for a
complete application:
• official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all
post-secondary institutions you have attended showing grade/course achievement
as per entrance requirements. If transcripts are being sent directly from the
institution(s) attended, please indicate they are on order. To retain your
original application date, order early so transcripts arrive within two weeks of
the date your application is mailed or submitted.
2. When your application has been processed by the Admissions and Records
office, you will receive information on program orientation and portfolio
submission dates, and a copy of the portfolio guidelines. Applicants must attend
a program orientation. Applicants under Option 1 must submit a portfolio of ten
recently created art works and accompanying documentation. Applicants who reside
outside the Lower Mainland area should contact the Program Advisor for alternate
3. You will be advised of an admission decision and, if accepted, will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the second week of classes.
4. In cases where course work is in progress, an admission decision may be
made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion
of entrance requirements is due the end of the first week in August for the
September intake.
Basis for admission decision
Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of
their application date. This date is set when an application, all required
documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.
Fees and
other costs
See the Fees and Other Costs
section. Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100 per course. There
are other related costs which must be considered by the Visual Arts students
over the four-year program:
Materials: approximately $3,600
Field trips: $200-$400
Photography students will require a 35mm film camera
Standing Required for Continuance
All students accepted into the BFA program at UFV are expected to maintain
acceptable standards of scholarship. Specifically, they are expected to maintain
a minimum 2.33 CGPA on all AH/VA courses. Six credits in Art History with a
minimum cumulative grade of 2.33 must be attained by the end of the second year
of the BFA (Visual Arts).
Probation/Academic Warning
A student who has a GPA for AH/VA courses lower than 2.33 or lower than 2.0
overall or has not completed 6 credits in Art History with a minimum cumulative
grade of 2.33 by the end of the second year will be placed on Academic Warning
for the next semester. A student on Academic Warning may not register in a
course overload. A student on Academic Warning who achieves a single semester
GPA for AH/VA courses of at least 2.33 and at least 2.0 on all courses will
continue on Academic Warning until the GPA for AH/VA courses equals or exceeds
2.33 or equals or exceeds 2.0 for all courses. Warning will take place in
accordance with UFV Policy on Academic Warning Policy No. 340.03.
Requirement to Withdraw
Students who do not achieve a semester GPA of at least 2.0 with a GPA for all
VA/AH courses of at least 2.33 while they are on Academic Warning will be
required to withdraw from the program. Students who have been required to
withdraw from the BFA program may continue to take courses as a General Studies
student; however, they may not register for any upper-level courses.
Course Repetition
Students may not register for a course more than twice. No more than five
course duplications will be permitted. Where a course has been repeated, only
the higher grade will be counted in the GPA calculation.
A student who is required to withdraw from the BFA program must submit an
appeal for readmission to the BFA program head if he/she wishes to
resume studies in the degree program. Students who have been required to
withdraw will be advised to complete a further nine credits of academic work or
to repeat a similar amount of academic work taken previously in order to
demonstrate their academic abilities. Appeals must be received at least three
months before the start of the semester for which a student has applied.
Readmission is not automatic. If readmitted, students will be placed on Academic
Warning again, subject to the conditions for Academic Warning as described
A student must complete at least 60 credits of the credits required for the
BFA at UFV. At least 15 of these credits must be at the upper-level. Transfer
credits and credits earned through prior learning assessment, which includes
course challenge, do not meet this requirement.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all program requirements
are met. This should be done by regular consultation with the BFA Program
Advisor. Students must apply for graduation by completing a request to graduate
form, available at the Admissions and Records office. This should be done in the
first month of the final semester. The final deadline for students who wish to
attend the graduation ceremony is April 1, with all program requirements
completed by April 30.
Bachelor of Fine Arts
The 120 credits required consist of:
• 60 studio credits with 30 at the upper-level
• 33 arts and lab science credits with 12 of these being upper-level credits
(This includes a writing requirement (6 credits), a lab science requirement (3
credits), a reasoning requirement (3 credits), and 21 credits in Art History.)
• 27 elective credits of university-level coursework at a 100-level or
higher, with a minimum of three of these credits being upper-level. A maximum of
six credits may be from visual arts/art history. At least six credits must come from BFA programs or BFA
related courses. Students with a UFV diploma in Fashion Design, Graphic Design
or Theatre will typically have 30 credits that apply to the degree. They must
meet all program requirements.
Core program requirements
VA 113 (Introduction to Drawing) (3 credits)
VA 115 (Intro Studio I: Material Processes) (3 credits)
VA 116 (Intro Studio II: Space, Form and Time) (3 credits)
Three courses from: VA 123 (Painting I); VA 131 (Sculpture I); VA 151 (Print
Media I); VA 171(New Media I); VA 183 (Photography I) (9)
Three courses from: VA 124 (Painting II); VA 132 (Sculpture II); VA 152
(Print Media II); VA 172 (New Media II); VA 184 (Photography II) (9 credits)
Three courses from: VA 321 (Painting III); VA 331 (Sculpture III); VA 351
(Print Media III); VA 371 (New Media III); VA 383 (Photography III) (9 credits)
Three courses from: VA 322 (Painting IV); VA 332 (Sculpture IV); VA 352
(Print Media IV); VA 372 (New Media IV); VA 384 (Photography IV); (9 credits)
Note: Theatre Minor students may substitute THEA 370 for one
of these.
Note: Students should be aware of the changes to the art history
requirements effective September 2010. Lower-level AH requirements will change
to: AH 102, AH 200 or AH 205; 3 additional credits of 100-level art history and
3 additional credits of 200-level art history. Upper-level AH requirements will
change to: one of AH 314 or AH 315; one additional 300-level art history course.
The Senior Seminars and Studio course requirements will remain as program
requirements. AH 101: History of Western Art to 1400 (3 credits)
Note: Fashion Minor students may substitute AH 101 with FD 193
History of Fashion.
AH 102: History of Western Art, 1400 to the Present (3 credits)
AH/VA 205: Art Practices and Popular Culture I (3 credits)
One 200-level Art History course (3 credits)
Two 300-level Art History courses (8 credits)
Senior Seminars I and II: VA/AH 401; VA/AH 403 (7 credits)
Senior Studio I and II: VA/AH 402; VA/AH 404 (6 credits)
Note: Theatre Minor students may substitute THEA 370 for one
of these.
Professional Practices: VA 360 (Professional Development and Practices) (3
General requirements
Writing requirement
Six credits from:
• ENGL 100 or above
• CMNS 155
Reasoning requirement
• PHIL 100 or at least three credits from each of the following lists:
List |
Sciences List |
• AH 205, 316 |
ANTH 301 |
• CMNS 251, 360 |
ECON 100 |
• ENGL 150, 364 |
GEOG 241, 452 |
• HIST 300 |
MATH 104 |
• MATH 265 |
PSYC 202*, 408 |
• THEA 201, 453 |
SCMS 255
350 |
* This requirement may be met by PSYC 210 if previously completed.
Lab Science requirement
Four credits from:
• ASTR 103 or 104
• BIO, 100-level or higher
• CHEM, 100-level or higher
• CIS 145, CIS 146, CIS 180, CIS 185, CIS 245
• GEOG 101 or 102
• KPE 163 or 170
• PHYS 100-level or higher
• PSYC 202*
* This requirement may be met by PSYC 210 or PSYC 220 if previously
Electives 27 credits of university-level coursework at a 100-level or
higher. A maximum of six credits may be from visual arts/art history. A maximum
of 24 credits may be from applied arts. Three of the 27 credits must be
upper-level. At least six credits must come from BFA programs or BFA related
• Film Studies
• Theatre
• Graphic Design
• Fashion Design
• LAS 100, LAS 201
• ENGL 211, 212, 213, 215
• CIS 145, CIS 146, CIS 180, CIS 185, CIS 245
Note: Students with a UFV Fashion Design diploma will typically
be able to apply 30 credits to the BFA, those with a Graphic Design diploma
about 33 credits, and those with a Theatre diploma about 33 credits. All core
courses and breadth courses have to be completed for the BFA.
Course listings
For complete details on courses see the
course descriptions section.