Business Administration
Administration certificate
The Administration certificate program is offered as a part-time program which consists of two sections. In the core section you will complete six courses which provide a general background in the fundamentals of administration. The elective section allows you a choice of Business Administration courses depending on your interests or requirements, including public/municipal administration courses when available through other institutions or by correspondence.
Entrance requirements
1. B.C. secondary school graduation, or equivalent.
2. Principles of Mathematics 11 (C+ or better), or UFV MATH 085 (C+ or better), or equivalent.
3. Must meet the prerequisites for CMNS 125.
4. One full year of full-time work experience after high school.
Note 1: Students intending to register for CMNS 125 and BUS 160 should refer to prerequisite information listed in the
course descriptions section.
Students lacking recent preparation are advised to consult with the department about entrance requirement equivalencies.
Students who do not meet these requirements might consider the Business
Studies program path.
When to apply
Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall semester only. For application deadlines, see
Specific intake application
How to apply
1. Submit the application fee, along with your UFV application for admission form, to the Admissions and Records (A&R) office. Application forms are available from any A&R or Student Services office. You can also print an application form from our website at, or you can apply directly through the internet at
Additional documents required for a complete application:
• Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) of all post-secondary institutions attended showing grade/course achievement as per program entrance requirements.
The following must be included:
a. Official transcript (or interim transcript) from high school
b. B.C. English 12 with C+ or better or equivalent.
c. B.C. Principles of Math 11 with C+ or better or equivalent.
d. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent
Note: Students making an early application must provide evidence of courses in progress as soon as available.
2. In April/May an orientation will be offered for all Business
Administration programs. Attendance at the orientation is mandatory.
3. Upon admission, you will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required when you register (see the Fees and Other Costs section).
This money will be applied toward your tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due the end of the second week of classes.
4. In cases where interim transcripts are submitted, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements must be submitted by the date stated on your acceptance letter.
Program re-entry
For re-entry to a Business Administration program, GPA will be calculated based on the courses that will be used to
fulfill the program requirements only (program GPA). Limitations on the number of courses retaken will apply.
Basis for admission decision
Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of
their application date. This date is set when an application, all required
documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.
Length and location
Students may take up to seven years to complete the requirements for this certificate program (full-time study to complete the program in one year is not possible). We recommend that people working full-time take no more than two courses per semester. All students should expect to travel between campuses during their program.
Residency requirements
At least 25 percent of the course work must be completed at UFV.
Transferring courses to other institutions and associations
Students intending to pursue commerce or business administration studies at UBC, SFU, UVic, or UNBC are advised to study those institutions’ calendars carefully before enrolling in any UFV courses which have a BUS designation. Students should consult an educational advisor in Student Services or at the institution to which they intend to transfer, or refer to the Provincial Transfer Guide at for transfer details.
Many business administration courses are transferable to B.C. colleges and institutes. To obtain maximum transfer credit, students should ensure that electives chosen are transferable and appropriate for the desired program.
Most accounting and finance-related business administration courses offered at UFV have transferability with the professional accounting associations — the Institute of Chartered Accountants (CA), the Society of Management Accountants (CMA) and the Certified General Accountants Association (CGA). A number of the department’s courses are also recognized by the Municipal Administrators’ Education Council, the Canadian Credit Union Institute, the Institute of Canadian Bankers, and the Purchasing Management Association of Canada. (See ‘Transfer’ in course descriptions.)
Distance education
A number of courses applicable to the degree, diploma, and certificate programs are available by distance education through TRU-OL. If your work schedule, or UFV’s timetable, prevents you from taking a course when needed, or you find it impossible to obtain a seat in a course because it is full, you may be able to arrange to take an equivalent course through the publicly funded TRU-OL. Contact the Business Administration department to get information about equivalent courses available on this basis, and to request a Letter of Permission (written authorization) to include them in your program.
Recognition of previously completed Business
Administration courses
Former UFV business administration students who finished their studies more than 10 years ago and students who completed courses in other programs and/or at other post-secondary institutions prior to starting a UFV Business Administration program should contact the Business Administration department to determine whether any courses/credits can be recognized for or transferred to the desired UFV Business program. Applicability of courses and/or transfer credits is determined on an individual student basis.
The following criteria are used:
• Relevance and suitability of the course to the program as determined by the Business Administration department
• Generally, courses taken more than 10 years ago will not be considered applicable; courses taken more recently may not be considered applicable if there has been significant change in the course subject matter since the course was taken.
• Grades received (a C grade is the minimum acceptable if the course was taken at another institution)
• Courses taken at other institutions may not be used to meet the program residency requirements.
Fees and additional costs
See the Fees and Other Costs section.
Textbooks and supplies cost approximately $750–900 per year. Textbooks should be considered an investment and become part of your business library. You may be required to purchase one or more computer software packages. Software costs should not exceed an average of $200 per year and are in addition to the textbooks costs cited above. You should also consider purchasing or arranging access to an industry-compatible computer.
Academic performance requirements
Students must obtain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 (C average) in their final semester as well as cumulatively in order to be awarded the certificate. Students whose cumulative grade point average and/or semester grade point average falls below 2.0 during their program are subject to academic warning and/or removal from the program (see
this section for details).
Note: The maximum number of courses applying to Business Administration programs that can be retaken is five, whether for repeating or for upgrading. This maximum applies to any one program and cumulatively to all Business programs taken at UFV.
Program outline
Core courses
Course |
Title |
Credits |
BUS 100 |
Introduction to
Business |
3 |
or BUS 102 |
Introduction to
Business |
3 |
BUS 143 |
Accounting I |
3 |
BUS 160 |
Business Applications |
3 |
BUS 261 |
Business Law |
3 |
CMNS 125 |
Introduction to
Workplace Communication |
3 |
ECON 100 |
Principles of
Microeconomics |
3 |
or ECON 101 |
Principles of
Macroeconomics |
3 |
Elective courses
Six other Business Administration credit courses for which the student meets the prerequisite requirements. CMNS 235, Oral Communications, is a recommended elective. Courses in areas other than Business Administration may be considered electives at the department’s discretion.
Course listings
For complete details on courses see the
course descriptions section.
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