UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration — Marketing option

This option is designed to equip student with the skills and abilities necessary for a successful career in marketing. Some of the fields which marketing graduates work in include advertising and public relations, marketing research, retailing management, sales and sales management, distribution management, brand/product management, and non-profit management.

Students are required to consult the program advisor to declare their option.

The program requires a minimum of 18 courses at the 300/400 level in business, communications, and economics, ENGL 105, MATH 111, or MATH 115. Students must complete all courses as listed to complete the BBA – Marketing option.

Students interested in a career in professional selling or business-to-business marketing should consider taking BUS 221 as one of their second year business electives. BUS 221 is a prerequisite for BUS 461 (Sales Management).

Students interested in a career in marketing communications should consider taking BUS 223 (Advertising) as one of their second year business electives and CMNS 375 (Document Design) in their third year. BUS 223 and CMNS 375 are both prerequisites for BUS 463 (Integrated Marketing Communications).

Program outline

Students electing the Marketing option will be required to select two general electives to meet the BBA requirements; these may be chosen from two of the following three areas:
a) One natural science (lab) course
b) One humanities course other than English
c) One social science course

Third Year

Semester V

Course Title Credits
ENGL 105 The Reading and Writing of Prose 3
BUS 301 Economic and Business Statistics 4
BUS 320 Business Research Methods 3
BUS 321 Business-to-Business Marketing 3
ECON 307 Managerial Economics 4

Semester VI

Course Title Credits
BUS 326 Measuring Marketing Effectiveness 3
BUS 327 Consumer Behaviour 3
BUS 349 Financial Management I 3
MATH 115 Differential and Integral Calculus I  
 or MATH 111 Calculus I 4
Elective Upper-level Business elective (selected from Marketing course list)  
 or CMNS 375 Document Design, Desktop and Web Publishing 3

Fourth Year

Semester VII

Course Title Credits
BUS 305 Industrial Relations 3
BUS 325 E-Marketing 3
BUS 324 Customer Relationship Management 3
BUS 403 Strategic Management 3
BUS elective Upper-level Business elective 3

Semester VIII

Course Title Credits
BUS 404 Management Science 3
BUS 425 Marketing Strategy 3
BUS 430 Management of Innovation 3
Elective Upper-level Business elective (selected from Marketing course list) 3
Elective Upper-level Business elective (selected from Marketing course list) 3

Marketing course list

Students must choose three of the following, or two and CMNS 375:

Course Title Credits
BUS 390 Special Topics 3
BUS 421 International Marketing 3
BUS 423 Services Marketing 3
BUS 461 Sales Management 3
BUS 463 Integrated Marketing Communications 3
BUS 470 Business Intelligence 3
BUS 492 Directed Studies 3

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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