UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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Computer Information Systems

Computer Information Systems differs from Computing Science in that there tends to be an increased focus on using technology effectively to support and add value to organizations. This requires breadth and business knowledge as well as both theory and hands-on practice.

UFV offers a four-year Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree. After one year (30 credits) of designated course work in the degree, students can apply for the CIS certificate; the CIS diploma can be applied for after two years of designated course work. Students will remain in the degree program after being awarded the certificate and/or diploma and may continue with upper-level courses if they wish. The certificate is a customizable one-year program, combining a mixture of CIS/COMP and other courses. The certificate can be obtained with a Web Design and Animation option, and both the diploma and the degree can be obtained with a Co-operative Education option.

Several concentrations are available in the BCIS program, and students can also choose to combine their BCIS with a minor or extended minor in another discipline other than CIS or Computing Science (e.g., Business Administration, Mathematics, Visual Arts, Geography). Students must complete all the requirements of the BCIS and all the discipline requirements of the minor or extended minor. If you are interested in pursuing this option, contact the CIS Program Advisor to discuss your program plan.

Declaration of minors and extended minors 
Students who have been admitted to the Computer Information Systems program may formally declare minors or extended minors only after they have completed at least thirty credits in the program with a minimum of 2.0 CGPA on all credits attempted, provided they have also met the declaration requirements of the subject discipline. Formal declaration is completed by appointment with a CIS program advisor. In order to have access to the discipline reserved seating, where applicable, a student must be admitted to the CIS program and be formally declared.

Entry to the BCIS degree (with a chosen minor or extended minor) will be limited by available space. Students should advise the CIS department head of their intentions while in their first year of study.

Students may change from the BCIS degree (with a chosen minor) to the regular CIS degree at any time, providing they meet the current CIS degree continuance requirements.

Lower-level requirements for the minor or extended minor can be used in place of the Arts or other approved elective in the CIS program, which can be used to meet the overall requirement of the lower-level minor or extended minor courses.

Students are advised that upper-level minor or extended minor required courses have prerequisites. Students should plan their lower-level course work carefully with the minor-granting department to ensure that they have these prerequisites in place.

A minor in Computer Information Systems is designed for science students and others desiring a minor more focused on the theoretical and mathematical aspects of computing. Interested students should consult with their program advisor and the CIS department. Computing Science is available for science students and others desiring a minor more focused on the theoretical and mathematical aspects of computing. An extended minor in CIS provides more breadth and can be used as a larger minor with a major, or in combination with a second extended minor in an Arts degree. Students interested in these options should consult with their program advisor and the CIS department.

A minor in Computer Information systems is a valuable addition to a degree in any other area, and greatly increases career opportunities in most areas. An extended minor provides more breadth and can be used as a larger minor with a major, or in combination with a second extended minor in an Arts degree. the extended minor is also recommended for students interested in obtaining a Computer Information Systems minor for teaching purposes. Interested students should consult with their program advisor and the CIS department.

Non-credit continuing studies courses in a wide range of computing areas are also offered throughout the year. Current and planned offerings are described at www.ufv.ca/Continuing_Studies/Courses/Computer_Skills

Bachelor of Computer Information Systems degree
   Business minor
   Mathematics minor

Computer Information Systems diploma

Computer Information Systems certificate
   Web Design and Animation option

Computer Information Systems minor

Professional Computer Proficiency certificate

Computer Information Systems minor

Computer Information Systems extended minor

Computing Science minor

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.