UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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Communications minor

The requirements of the Communications minor are designed to be met within a four-year Baccalaureate program. The Communications minor will provide 27-28 credits towards the 120-credit minimum required for a UFV Baccalaureate degree, the balance to come from the declared major, plus electives. Of these credits, 15-16 will come from upper-level CMNS courses. Students will be advised to choose a major prior to declaring a minor in Communications. Formal declaration will be completed in consultation with the advisor in their discipline and the Communications department.

Core and Prerequisite courses

Course listings

Lower-level requirements: 12 credits

Course Title Credits
One of:   3
CMNS 125 Introduction to Workplace Communication  
CMNS 155 Introduction to Workplace and Academic Communication  
CMNS 165 Professional Communication for Kinesiology  
CMNS 175 Writing for the Internet  
One of: 3
CMNS 180 Introduction to Intercultural Communications  
CMNS 212 Basic Public Relations and Advocacy Communications  
HSER 120 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications
CMNS 235 Oral Communication 3
CMNS 251 Professional Report Writing 3

Upper-level requirements: 15-16 credits

Course Title Credits
One of:   3
CMNS 351 Professional Formal Research Report Writing  
CMNS 390 Designing End-User and Technical Documentation  
One of:   4
CMNS 412 Community and Public Relations Practicum  
CMNS 413 Professional Communications Practicum  
CMNS 490 Special Topics in Communications  
8-9 credits from below:   8-9
CMNS 312 Introductions to Public and Community Relations  
CMNS 325 Writing for the Sciences and Technologies  
CMNS 335 Advanced Public Speaking  
CMNS 345 Instructional Skills for the Workplace
CMNS 360 Advocacy and Proposal Writing
CMNS 375 Document Design, Desktop, and Web Publishing
CMNS 385 Language and Action: A Survey of Contemporary Rhetoric
CMNS 445 Facilitating Skills for the Workplace
CMNS 480 Crisis Communication

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section. All Communications courses (except CSM 104, CSM 108 and CMNS 115) require some proficiency with email, web-based research, and word-processing packages. CMNS 125, 155, 251, 325, and 360 are offered online, as well as in classroom format.