UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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Indigenous Studies

Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP)

Through a partnership between UFV and the University of British Columbia (UBC), Aboriginal students will have access to the Native Indian Teacher Education Program (NITEP). This partnership provides Aboriginal students the opportunity to complete the first three years of NITEP at the UFV campus under the guidance of a NITEP coordinator. Students will be expected to transfer to the UBC campus for years 4 and 5 of NITEP.

NITEP offers an elementary and a secondary option. Students enrolling in the Secondary Option are expected to declare a major concentration in a teachable subject area during their first year of studies.

How to apply

NITEP students will complete university-level courses at UFV; therefore, applicants are required to apply to both UBC and UFV. The deadline for application to NITEP is April 30th.

For further information, contact Aboriginal Access Services at 604-795-2835 or arc@ufv.ca.


The NITEP student cohort at UFV will be required to take the following UBC courses, which will be offered at the Chilliwack NITEP Centre.

• EDUC 140, Introduction to First Nations Studies (3 credits); seats reserved for NITEP students.

• EDUC 141, Cultural Studies (3 credits); The study of a First Nations cultural group, with an emphasis on traditional values and practices related to education; seats reserved for NITEP students.

• EDUC 143, Seminar and Classroom Observation (1 credit); seats reserved for NITEP students. This course is pass/fail.

• EDUC 240, Issues in FN Education (3 credits); seats reserved for NITEP students.

• EDUC 244, Seminar and Classroom Observation II (2 credits); seats reserved for NITEP students.

• EDUC 344 FN Educational Seminar (0 credits).

• EDUC 345, FN curriculum: Field Experience (0 credits).

• EDST 314, Social Issues in Education (3 credits); seats reserved for NITEP students. This course is pass/fail.

• EPSE 317, Development and Exceptionality in the Regular Classroom (3 credits); seats reserved for NITEP students.

• LLED 336, Speech Communication for Teachers (3 credits); seats reserved for NITEP students. This course is pass/fail.

• SCED 190 General Science (6 credits); seats reserved for NITEP students.

• CUST 396d, Curriculum Development and Evaluation; seats reserved for NITEP students.