UFV Academic Calendar 2009/10

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UFV offers an honours, a major, and a minor in Physics, for students in the Bachelor of Science degree program.

Physics honours

Physics major

Physics minor

Physics honours and major students or students taking a double minor in the Bachelor of Science degree program should note that the following requirements are part of all Bachelor of Science degrees:

  • One of:  COMP 125, 150, 152, 155, or any COMP 200 or higher course, with a programming emphasis
  • Two of:  ENGL 105 or higher, CMNS 155, CMNS 235, or higher
  • MATH 111 and 112
  • One of the following pairs: BIO 111 and 112; CHEM 113 and 114; PHYS 111 and 112

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.