ASTR 101
3 credits
Solar System and History of Astronomy
Prerequisite(s): None.
A brief history of astronomy, including Kepler and Newton’s laws, gravity, orbits, eclipses, seasons, light, and astronomical instruments. Attributes of the Sun and the planets, their moons and other solar system objects. Discussion of the origins of planetary systems and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).
Note: Students with credit for ASTR 103 cannot take this course for further credit.
ASTR 103
4 credits
Astronomy: The Solar System
Prerequisite(s): None.
A brief history of astronomy, Newton’s laws, gravity, orbits, eclipses, seasons, light, and astronomical instruments. Attributes of the Sun and the planets, their moons, and other solar system objects are investigated, and finally planetary system origins.
Note: Students with credit for ASTR 101 cannot take this course for further credit. Labs will be used to deepen the understanding of the course material.
ASTR 104
4 credits
Stars, Galaxies, and the Cosmos
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (Principles of Mathematics 11, Pre-Calculus 11, or Math 085) or (C or better in one of Applications of Mathematics 11 or Foundations of Mathematics 11).
This introductory course focuses on the properties and life cycles of stars and galaxies, as well as modern theories about the origin and evolution of the universe.
Note: The emphasis will be on conceptual development, but some math is required.