Modern Languages Intermediate Proficiency associate certificate consists of successful completion of 12 UFV credits (i.e. two years) in a single language: 101, 102, plus two second-year courses, with a minimum GPA of 2.33.
An Advanced Proficiency certificate consists of successful completion of 20 credits in a single language, including a minimum of six credits at the 200 level and eight credits at the upper level.
For both credentials, at least 25% of the courses must be completed at UFV. Students who already have the 101 and 102 component (i.e. Grade 12 level) will be able to have the first-year requirement waived.
Some of these credentials are equivalent to proficiency standards in international language frameworks such as CEFR (Common European Framework Reference). Please consult the department for information on equivalencies for specific credentials.
Students should be aware that course availability varies and should consult with the Modern Languages Institute to confirm current course availability.
Intermediate Proficiency associate certificates are currently available for the following languages:
Advanced Proficiency certificates are currently available for the following languages:
At least 25% of the course work must be completed at UFV.
Candidates who qualify to receive a UFV proficiency certificate in modern languages must be approved by the UFV Modern Languages Institute and the UFV Senate. Students transferring to another institution before graduation should speak to the head of the Modern Languages Institute regarding the application process.
Students in any UFV program who meet the stated requirements of proficiency in a single language as outlined above may apply to graduate from the corresponding certificate or associate certificate. Students must apply for graduation in the first month of their final semester. Visit the Graduation webpage for more information. The final deadline for students who wish to attend the June Convocation ceremony is April 1 of each year, with all program requirements completed by April 30.
For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.