Academic Calendar

Course Outlines

This is the official site for course outlines at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV).

ABT - Applied Business Technology
ACTA - Activity Assistant
ADED - Adult Education
ADT - Architectural Drafting
AGRI - Agriculture
AH - Art History
AIS - Arts and Integrated Studies
AMRT - Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Technician
ANTH - Anthropology
ARTS - Arts
ASTR - Astronomy
AV - Aviation
BIO - Biology
BIOC - Biochemistry
BISC HRM - Human Resource Management
BISC MSS - Management Skills for Supervisors
BSB - Bookkeeping for Small Business
BUS - Business Administration
CED - Career Education
CHEM - Chemistry
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CIVI - Civic Studies
CMNS - Communications
COMP - Computing Science
COOP - Co-operative Education
CRIM - Criminology/Criminal Justice
CSA - Community Special Needs Attendant
CSM - Critical Analysis and Study Methodology
CYC - Child and Youth Care
DENT - Dental Assisting
DHYG - Dental Hygiene
DMFG - Digital Manufacturing
DOR - Dental Office Receptionist
EAP - English for Academic Preparation
ECE - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
ECP - Education and Career Planning
ECT - Human Service
EDAS - Education Assistant
EDUC - Education
ELTR - Electronics
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENPH - Engineering Physics
ENV - Environmental Studies
ESL - English as a Second Language
FA - Fine Art
FAM - Family Child Care
FD - Fashion Design
FILM - Film
FNST - First Nations Studies
FREN - French
GD - Graphic Design
GDS - Global Development Studies
GEOG - Geography
GERM - German
HALQ - Halq'eméylem
HCA - Health Care Assistant
HIST - History
HLTH - Health Related
HMF - Heavy Mechanical Foundation
HOEV - Hospitality and Event Planning
HSC - Health Sciences
HSER - Human Services
IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies
INCS - Indo Canadian Studies
INNV - Innovation
IPK - Indigenous Peoples Knowledge
JAPN - Japanese
JRNL - Journalism
KIN - Kinesiology
KPE - Kinesiology and Physical Education
LAS - Latin American Studies
LIBT - Library and Information Technology
LING - Linguistics
LSC - Life Skills Coach
MACS - Media and Communication Studies
MAND - Mandarin
MATH - Mathematics
MBTL - Mindfulness-Based Teaching and Learning
MC - Migration and Citizenship
MEDA - Media Arts
MENN - Mennonite Studies
MGMT - Management
MUSC - Music
NURS - Nursing
PACS - Peace and Conflict Studies
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PLAN - Planning
PLMB - Plumbing
PNUR - Practical Nursing
PORT - Portfolio
POSC - Political Science
PR - Public Relations
PREV - Program Evaluation
PRLG - Paralegal
PSYC - Psychology
PUNJ - Punjabi
RLST - Religious Studies
RM - Records Management
RSS - Reading and Study Skills
RUSS - Russian
SCI - Science
SCMS - Social, Cultural, & Media Studies
SJGS - Social Justice and Global Stewardship
SLA - Speech and Language
SOC - Sociology
SOCA - Scholarship of Creative Arts
SOWK - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SSSW - Social Services/Social Work
STAT - Statistics
STT VAA - Veterinary Administrative Assistant
TASK - Training in Attitudes, Skills, and Knowledge for the Workplace
TECH - Technology in the Workplace
TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language
TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language
THEA - Theatre
THWT - Theatre Wardrobe Tech
UNIV - University Studies
VA - Visual Arts
WMST - Women's Studies

UFV Academic Calendar Course Outlines are maintained by Amanda Grimson

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