Academic Calendar Fall 2016

English as a Second Language

Note: ESL volunteer tutors -- If you are interested in becoming an ESL volunteer tutor or receiving the services of one, see the College and Career Preparation section.

English Language Requirements

Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency.


3 credits

Intermediate Business English

Prerequisite(s): A grade of C- or better in ESL WG44, ESL R40, ESL V43, and ESL S46; or ESL assessment of 50 level or above in all skill areas

This course focuses on basic communication in a business environment. ESL students will be introduced to a wide variety of written and oral communication tasks, including writing short business letters, faxes, memos, and emails. Case studies and role playing will teach students how to act and speak in various business situations. By the end of the course, ESL students will have improved their English skills and will have gained a basic understanding of North American-style business correspondence and face-to-face communication.


3 credits

Pre-University Business English for ESL

Prerequisite(s): ESL WG54, RV58, and S56, or ESL assessment of 60 level or above in all skill areas

This course is designed for ESL students who intend to register in Business Administration or business-related programs or those currently working in or aiming to work in a business environment. Students will practice a wide variety of written and oral communication tasks common in business and will become familiar with interactive expectations in business culture. Students will also learn how to make professional presentations both individually and as part of a working group.


3 credits

Canadian Culture & Communication

Prerequisite(s): None

This course is for all new international students in their first semester. It is designed to orient students to Canadian culture and the Canadian educational milieu, to encourage intercultural communication, and to support cultural adjustment. If space is available, other students may also register.


3 credits

Basic Computer Concepts and Use

Prerequisite(s): ESL S46 and (ESL RV48 or ESL R40)

A basic introduction to computer use, terminology and concepts, including keyboarding, Windows, word processing, the Internet, e-mail and other forms of online communications for ESL students who have little or no experience with computers. This course is designed for ESL students who need computer basics for further language training through ESL online courses or ESL courses which incorporate computer-aided instruction.


3 credits

Computers for Business

Prerequisite(s): ESL CB50 or instructor permission

This course focuses on using computers in a business environment. Students will be introduced to a wide range of computer applications including spreadsheet programs, data base management, graphics for business presentations, word processing for professional business documents and internet and e-mail communication. By the end of the course, students will have a good basic understanding of applications used in business and office environments.


3 credits

Computer Concepts English

Prerequisite(s): ESL CB60 or instructor permission

This course focuses on language, terminology, and concepts needed for studies in Computer Information Systems and other computer-related courses and programs. Students will develop a basic understanding of computer hardware, software for systems and applications, components of the system unit, and storage devices, as well as operating systems and utility programs.


3 credits

Computer-Mediated Multiskill Course

Prerequisite(s): Placement by interview test showing that a student has a basic grasp of the English alphabet, phonics, and sentence structure.

This course is for students of all ESL levels, from beginning to advanced. Each student will be placed on an individualized study program based on a needs assessment done through testing and consultation with the instructor. Students will develop their English language skills through a variety of methods including computer based activities, interactive classroom activities, and individual study. It is not necessary for students to be familiar with computers prior to taking this course; however, as course work will include computer activities, students who are not familiar with computer use will be taught the basic computer functions they will need to know to complete course activities.


3 credits

Computer Word Exploration I

Prerequisite(s): ESL placement test showing that a student has a basic grasp of the English alphabet, phonics and sentence structure

Students will study the spelling, phonics, grammatical class, and meaning of 400 basic English words through the use of computer generated software, computer generated activities, and speaking and writing reinforcement activities.


3 credits

Computer Word Exploration II

Prerequisite(s): One of ESL CWE30, S36, RV38 or WG34 or placement by ESL assessment

Students will study the spelling, phonics, grammatical class, and meaning of 400 intermediate-level common English words through the use of computer software, computer-generated activities, and speaking and writing reinforcement activities.


3 credits

ESL Through Drama

Prerequisite(s): None

This course focuses on using drama and role play to develop English listening and speaking skills. Students will be introduced to various drama-related activities intended to help them become familiar with interactive expectations in a wide variety of English language situations.


3 credits

ESL Through Film

Prerequisite(s): ESL R40 and ESL S46

In this course, students will practice and develop English reading, vocabulary, writing, grammar, listening, and speaking skills through the medium of English language film. Film and film clips will reflect a variety of cultural mores, special issues and developments, and international concerns, both current and historical.


15 credits

Intensive Beginner I

Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL Interview assessment

This course is intended for students with minimal literacy skills in their own language or for those unfamiliar with the English language alphabet. This intensive course is designed to introduce students to basic-level English vocabulary and structure through listening and speaking. The content provides the basis for instruction of basic reading and writing skills. Pre-literacy skills instruction will be included when necessary.


15 credits

Intensive Beginner II

Prerequisite(s): ESL IB19 or equivalent, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is intended for students who have completed ESL IB19 or who have the equivalent competence in using English. This intensive course is designed to build on students’ previous learning of basic level English. As much as possible the content focuses on the functions for which English is used in everyday life. The skill areas of listening and speaking are emphasized, but reading and writing play a supportive role. The emphasis is on comprehension and recognition. Successful completion of this course will allow students to take the 30-level ESL courses.


3 credits

ESL Listening Bridge I

Prerequisite(s): ESL S76, or placement by ESL assessment

Students in this course will be taught the note-taking skills needed to succeed in college and university courses that have listening/lecture components. The course will expose students to a variety of academic listening situations, both simulated and authentic, and will develop their ability to understand complex language regardless of speed or speaking style. By the end of the course, students will have developed personal, effective note-taking strategies applicable to a variety of academic situations.


3 credits

Multi-skill Class for ESL Students

Prerequisite(s): Placement by an interview test showing that the student has a basic grasp of the
English alphabet, phonics, and sentence structure.

This course is intended for ESL students at all levels of proficiency who are unable to take courses in the ESL core program or who wish to supplement their ESL studies. Students will develop their English speaking, grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing skills through a combination of whole class instruction and guided, self-paced activities.


3 credits

ESL Through Music

Prerequisite(s): None

This course focuses on using music to develop English language vocabulary, speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills. Students will be introduced to a wide variety of music-related activities and strategies to improve their ability to communicate orally in English.


3 credits

ESL Pronunciation I

Prerequisite(s): ESL WG34, RV38 (or R30 and V33), and S36 or higher, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is intended for ESL students who would like to improve their English listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills. Students will participate in a variety of activities to become more aware of their own pronunciation, how sounds are made, and sound/spelling relationships. Through active participation, students will work towards improved intelligibility as they focus on vowel sounds, consonant sounds, and consonant clusters in the context of the stress and rhythm of English. Students are strongly encouraged to complete this course prior to taking ESL S46, or at any time during their ESL studies if they are having difficulty with basic English sound production.


3 credits

ESL Phonics/Spelling

Prerequisite(s): ESL WG44, RV48 (or R40 AND V43), and S46

This course is intended for students who still find it difficult to understand the relationship between English spelling and sound systems. The course will survey the English sounds represented by a given spelling as well as all the possible spellings for a given sound. It will also familiarize students with how word and phrase stress, rhythm, intonation, and reductions in rapid speech cause differences between spoken and written English. Students will also learn how to use dictionary pronunciation keys.


3 credits

ESL Pronunciation II

Prerequisite(s): ESL P45, or all of ESL WG44, RV48 and S46.

This course is intended for those who learned English as an additional language, but who would like to improve their English listening and speaking skills in order to communicate with more confidence. Students will practice syllable recognition, word stress, reductions, rhythm, and intonation, all of which are essential for clear communication. Students will also have an opportunity to work on individual sounds that are problematic for them personally. Pronunciation issues will be addressed from a variety of perspectives. ESL students with pronunciation difficulties are strongly encouraged to complete this course prior to taking ESL S56, S66, or S76.


3 credits

ESL Reading - Advanced II

Prerequisite(s): ESL RV68, or both R60 and V63, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed for students who wish to continue to strengthen their reading skills for academic or career purposes. Students will work with a variety of reading selections of varying lengths. Students will be challenged to develop their skill in critical reading, analysis, and note-taking. Reading speed and comprehension will be developed through specific drills and extensive reading.


3 credits

ESL Reading - Bridge I

Prerequisite(s): ESL R70 and V73, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed for students who wish to improve the reading skills (including reading speed) necessary to become successful in academic studies. It will prepare students for the reading that is required in university and college courses. Students will strengthen their study/reading skills: note-taking, outlining, understanding and restating logical structure, integrating ideas from multiple sources, choosing appropriate reading strategies according to purpose and further developing critical reading skills including the evaluation of source reliability.


6 credits

ESL Reading and Vocabulary Pre-intermediate

Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed for students to learn and practice the skills and vocabulary necessary for increasing basic reading comprehension and speed.


6 credits

ESL Reading and Vocabulary Intermediate I

Prerequisite(s): ESL I39, or both ESL R30 and ESL V33, or ESL RV38, or placement by ESL assessment

This course will focus on reading to recognize main ideas and some details in simplified 2-3 paragraph texts. Students will develop a solid base of general, high-frequency vocabulary.


6 credits

ESL Reading and Vocabulary Intermediate II

Prerequisite(s): ESL R40 and V43; or RV48; or placement by ESL assessment

This course will focus on developing recognition of the organization of texts through use of simple texts and graphics (both Authentic and simplified). Students will continue to build their knowledge of high-frequency general vocabulary.


6 credits

ESL Reading and Vocabulary Advanced I

Prerequisite(s): ESL RV58, or both ESL R50 and V53, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed for students who wish to continue to strengthen their reading and vocabulary skills for academic, personal, or career purposes. This course builds on reading skills with an emphasis on developing critical reading skills and taking notes from a range of fictional and non-fictional material. Students will also be introduced to literary analysis.


3 credits

ESL Listening and Speaking- Pre-Intermediate

Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed to provide students with the basic oral grammar functional phrasing, and pronunciation skills they need to become more confident speakers and listeners in basic, day to day social situations.


3 credits

ESL Listening and Speaking- Intermediate I

Prerequisite(s): ESL S36, or I 39, or placement by the ESL assessment

This course will help students build the listening and speaking skills necessary for social interactions in a variety of daily and academic situations. Listening comprehension, fluency, and accuracy appropriate to this level will be emphasized in order to communicate in a way that does not impede understanding.


3 credits

ESL Listening and Speaking Intermediate II

Prerequisite(s): ESL S46 or placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed to introduce students to more complex academic speaking and listening tasks, and help them toward greater fluency and competence in the use of English. The course includes instruction in oral grammar, pronunciation, and functional phrasing.


3 credits

ESL Listening and Speaking Advanced I

Prerequisite(s): ESL S56 and or placement by ESL assessment

This course focuses on interaction functions (in both social and non-social contexts) such as making introductions, giving and following instructions, using and understanding persuasion, using and understanding conversation management strategies, and offering suggestions. Pronunciation support at this level focuses on the needs of the learner. Emphasis may include stress, intonation, reductions, and contractions. Listening activities will involve identifying main idea or gist, purpose, tone, and level of formality. In addition, student will be introduced to presentation and note-taking skills.


3 credits

ESL Listening and Speaking Advanced II

Prerequisite(s): ESL S66 or placement by ESL assessment

This course is intended for students who expect to take university or college courses. Students will be taught functions such as managing a discussion in a small formal group, giving clear detailed instructions on how to perform a complex task and make presentations. They will also learn how to discuss information and opinions with individuals in order to coordinate teamwork for accomplishing assignments and tasks. Pronunciation support will focus on the needs of each specific class. Listening tasks may include demonstrating analytical comprehension of a lecture given by one speaker or of an extended oral exchange among several speakers.


3 credits

ESL TOEFL Preparation Bridge I

Prerequisite(s): ESL WG74, R70, V73 and S76, or instructor's permission

This course is intended for students with a good proficiency in English who expect or need to take the TOEFL test. The course will familiarize students with the format, structure, and expectations of the TOEFL. A series of practice tests will enable students to identify their individual problematic areas related to reading, writing, speaking, and listening to English. Student will learn strategies to increase proficiency in these areas as well as strategies to improve performance on tests taken in limited time.


3 credits

ESL Vocabulary - Advanced II

Prerequisite(s): ESL RV68, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed for students who already have a good reading vocabulary and a basic knowledge of common idioms. Students will build their general and academic vocabulary both for recognition and for usage. Students will also become familiar with many word parts which will help them become more efficient as independent learners.


3 credits

ESL Vocabulary - Bridge

Prerequisite(s): ESL V73, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is intended for students with a strong general vocabulary base. It familiarizes students with the vocabulary that they can expect to encounter in university and college courses. It also includes studies in independent vocabulary development.


6 credits

ESL Writing and Grammar Pre-Intermediate

Prerequisite(s): Placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed to develop students’ skills at basic written English and prepare them for intermediate academic ESL writing and grammar classes. The course focus is on the basic English grammar used in writing simple sentences. Some reading, vocabulary study, and speaking/listening will be included in the course.


6 credits

ESL Writing and Grammar - Intermediate I

Prerequisite(s): ESL I39, WG34, or placement by ESL assessment.

This course reviews basic grammar and simple sentences. It introduce student to compound and basic complex sentence as well as to basic paragraph and forms of development. Students will begin to use a wider variety of editing strategies. Some reading, vocabulary study, and speaking/listening will be included in the course.


6 credits

ESL Writing and Grammar Intermediate II

Prerequisite(s): ESL WG44, or placement by ESL assessment

This course is designed to give intermediate students near mastery of the simple sentence and to provide them with a good grasp of complex and compound sentences and a variety of basic paragraph types. Some reading, vocabulary study, and speaking/listening may be involved.


6 credits

ESL Writing and Grammar Advanced I

Prerequisite(s): WG54 or placement by ESL assessment

This course reviews basic paragraph structure and teaches students how to incorporate that structure in a variety of paragraph development types that are standard in English. Students will be introduced to multi-paragraph (essay) writing by the end of the course. Throughout the course, the emphasis will be on clear and effective written communication in English. Students will learn to write paragraphs from the outline to the editing state with attention to both grammar and paragraph structure.


6 credits

ESL Writing and Grammar Advanced II

Prerequisite(s): WG64 or placement by ESL assessment.

This course develops skills for academic writing. The course focuses on essay writing tasks using a variety of rhetorical modes such as defining, instructing, explaining, evaluating, summarizing, and responding. Students will be introduced to researching topics, will learn how to incorporate quotes and paraphrases into their writing and will practice organizing information, outlining, editing, and revising. Grammar and sentence structuring will be integrated with writing. Students will learn how to manipulate this structuring for essay clarity and cohesion.


6 credits

ESL Writing and Grammar Bridge

Prerequisite(s): WG74 or placement by ESL assessment

This course further develops writing and grammar skills for academic writing assignments at the undergraduate level. Students will learn how to understand the requirements of a writing assignment, how to research topics, incorporate sources, create reference pages and bibliographies, and present written work for evaluation. Students will learn to revise their work for content as well as for style and tone and will practice strategies for editing.

Last extracted: May 12, 2016 01:01:50 PM

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