Academic Calendar Fall 2016

Fees and Other Costs

Tuition fees stated are for 2016/17 and may change for 2017/18. Some courses are offered on a full cost-recovery basis. Their fees may be higher. The fees will be shown in the Registration Timetable.

Application fee

$75 New applicants applying to a graduate level program.

$45 New applicants applying to an undergraduate program or ESL (including former Continuing Education students).

$20 All additional or subsequent applications, including current UFV students applying to a different program.
No fee

Students applying for Upgrading and University Preparation programs.

Where applicable, the application fee must accompany submission of the online application. Applicants who do not get a seat in their preferred program will be admitted to Qualifying Studies or ESL without being charged an additional application fee or having to submit a new application.

Tuition fees

Fees per credit (see Notes)
Fee Type Credit Courses Adult Basic Education (Note 1) Graduate Courses ESL
(Note 2)
Vocational Trades & Technology
Courses numbered 100-400 All 700 All



Tuition $139.41 $114.84 $559.55 $57.42 $139.41 $115.43
Ancillary fee (Note 3) $13.94 $16.48 $13.94 $8.24 $13.94 $11.54

Experiential Learning & Wellness (Note 4)

$2.79 $3.30 $2.79 $1.65 $2.79 $2.31
Total $156.14 $134.62 $576.28 $67.31 $156.14 $129.28
3 credit course $468.42 $403.86 $1,728.84 $201.93 $468.42  
4 credit course $624.56 $538.48 $2,305.12 $269.24 $624.56  
Typical 16-week semester $2,498.24 $2,068.48

Note 1: For ABE, the tuition/credit has been set at $164.84. UFV will provide a $50/credit bursary for the 2016-17 academic year.

Note 2: For ESL, the tuition/credit has been set at $82.42. UFV will provide a $25/credit bursary for the 2016-17 academic year.

Note 3: The ancillary fee provides support for activities, athletics, library and technical services, legacy fund, student accident insurance, and student space. It is set at 10% of tuition.

Note 4: The Experiential Learning & Wellness fee provides support for students in the form of experiential and co-curricular learning opportunities, expansion of the Co-Curricular Record, health & well-being, and peer mentoring. It is set at 2% of the tuition.

There are many opportunities to apply for bursaries or scholarships through UFV. The Financial Aid and Awards website outlines these opportunities.

Additional fees

Semester-based fees

For all courses except Continuing Studies, students will be charged the following fees in addition to the tuition fees each semester.

Student Union Society fees

UFV Student Union Society $30.00

Student Union Building $35.00

U-Pass $43.13
Campus Connector


SUS IT Tech Support Service


Health and Dental (annual fee for full time students)


Other societies' fees

UFV Campus & Community Radio


Cascade Journalism Society


For more information on these fees, see

Health and dental fee

A Health and Dental fee ($215.59 for full-time students) is charged in Fall semester to most students with nine or more credits. See below for more information.

Lab/materials fee

Some courses or programs may require a laboratory or materials fee.

Program-specific fees

Some programs have special fees. Please see for program-specific fees.

Co-operative Education fees

The 2016/17 fee for the Co-operative Education work term is $568.21 ($507.30 for tuition, $50.76 for ancillary fees, and $10.15 for experiential learning & wellness fees) for domestic students, plus the semester-based fees and Health and Dental fee listed above. The fee for international students is $1,200.

Graduate Studies fees

The fee for Graduate Studies is $576.28 per credit ($559.55 for tuition, $13.94 for ancillary fees, and $2.79 for experiential learning & wellness fees) plus the semester-based fees and Health and Dental fee listed above.

Upgrading and University Preparation fees

There is no application fee for UUP programs. Tuition, ancillary fees, semester-based fees, and the Health and Dental fee as listed above, apply to courses numbered 050 to 099.

International Student fees

There are different tuition, fee, and refund schedules for international students. Please refer to the  UFV International website, call 604-854-4544 or 604-504-7441, or mail to for more information.

Senior citizens' discount

Seniors 65 years of age and older may enrol in credit courses without having to pay tuition or ancillary fees, provided they do not displace fee-paying students. They will be charged the application fee and will be responsible for the cost of any supplies required for the course(s).

Note: Courses and programs offered on a cost-recovery basis, such as UFV Continuing Education, are not included as part of this special discount.

SUS Health & Dental Plan

Most full-time students who are members of the Student Union Society (SUS) are automatically enrolled in the SUS Health & Dental Plan. The Plan provides students with health and dental coverage for 12 months, from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.

Students already covered by an equivalent extended health and dental plan may opt out of the Plan, online, during the Change-of-Coverage Period (typically the week before classes through the first two weeks of classes).

The Plan also gives students the option to enrol their families (spouses and/or dependants) by paying an additional fee. Most SUS members who are not automatically assessed the fee but wish to have coverage, are able to enrol themselves for an additional fee.

Students starting in January may enrol at a pro-rated rate for 8 months of coverage (January 1 - August 31). For more information, contact at 1-866-358-4437 or visit

Legacy Fund

The UFV Legacy Fund is based on the belief that each person served by UFV should contribute to the future of the university. The Legacy Fund supports capital projects which directly enhance the quality of student campus experiences. The Legacy Fund is a trust fund managed by a special committee with resentatives from the UFV Board, administration, and the Student Union Society. The contribution to the Legacy Fund is included in the ancillary fee.

Student organization fees

At the time of registration for each semester, UFV collects Board-approved student organization fees. These fees include membership, capital, shuttle transportation, IT tech support, and U-PASS fees on behalf of the Student Union Society, and membership fees on behalf of the Cascade student newspaper and CIVL Radio societies.

Registration deposit

A $200 registration deposit is required each semester, which must be received before registration.

Students who are receiving student loans or need a fee deferral should contact Financial Aid & Awards to make arrangements prior to registration. Sponsored students should ensure UFV has an updated sponsorship letter prior to registration.

Students who have paid the $200 deposit and will not be attending can request a refund by emailing

International students are required to pay all fees in full before registration.

Fee payment due date

Students are expected to pay the balance of their fees by approximately the end of the second week of classes (see the semester Registration Timetable for specific dates).

Students with approved student loans may have the deadline extended by the Financial Aid & Awards office.

Failure to pay fees by the deadline

Failure to pay fees when due will result in withdrawal from all courses and forfeit of the registration deposit. Students who pay fees late, but prior to being withdrawn, will be charged a late payment penalty of $50.

Late registration fee

There is a late registration fee of $20 per course (subject to change) for any registration after the first seven percent of the semester (see the semester Registration Timetable for dates).

Refunds/fee reductions

The following guidelines for refund/reduction of fees apply to all classes.

Students taking courses offered through the Continuing Education (CE) department, should review the information on course fees, dates, and refund policies at and in the CE booklet published twice a year in August and December.

International Students should review the information on course fees, dates, and refund policies at

Portion of course or semester completed Fee reduction or refund
0% 90 - 100%
1-15% to a maximum of two weeks 90%
Over 15%, or after two weeks 0%

The refund is based on the full course fee, not the deposit, e.g., 10% of the total course fee is charged (not refundable) in the first two weeks of classes. (Please allow at least three weeks for processing of refunds.)

See the Registration Timetable for specific dates for each semester.

Where there are extenuating circumstances beyond one's control, exceptions to the refund policy may be permitted. Apply in writing to the Registrar.

Financial obligations

Failure to meet financial obligations will result in denial of UFV services such as statements of grades, transcripts, and use of libraries and computer resources. Students may be withdrawn from all of their classes. Penalties may be applied if obligations are not met by the deadlines. See the semester Registration Timetable for fee payment deadlines.

There is a $25 fee for dishonoured cheques.

Study materials and textbooks

Textbooks are required for most courses. Some UFV instructors require the purchase of supplemental materials and equipment for their classes. Refer to course outlines for details.

Income tax receipts

An official receipt for income tax purposes (T2202A) will be available through myUFV at the end of February for the preceding calendar year. Eligible Continuing Education students will be sent tax receipts by mail.

Current Students
