Academic Calendar Fall 2016


Sociology major

This section specifies the major discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section and includes the requirements for declaring a major. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 18-19 credits

Course Title Credits
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology 3
SOC 201 Key Ideas in Sociology 3
SOC 255/
ANTH 255/
MACS 255
Introduction to Social Research 3
One of: 3-4
STAT 104 Introductory Statistics
STAT 106 Statistics I
or PSYC 110 Applied Statistical Analysis in Psychology
Six additional lower-level credits in sociology 6

Upper-level requirements: 32 credits

32 credits of 300- and 400-level sociology as follows:

Course Title Credits
SOC 355/
ANTH 355/
MACS 355
Quantitative Methods (see Note 1) 4
SOC 356/
ANTH 356/
MACS 356
Qualitative Research Methods 4
SOC 350 Classical Sociological Thought 4
20 additional upper-level credits in sociology (see Note 2) 20

Note 1: CRIM 320 or GEOG 252 (formerly GEOG 352) may be substituted for SOC 355/ANTH 355/MACS 355.

Note 2: No more than nine credits may be in the internship courses SOC 396/GDS 310/GEOG 396 and SOC 398/GDS 311/GEOG 398.

Sociology major: Social Research concentration

Students completing the Sociology major may choose to pursue a more applied area of study by completing the following requirements for the Social Research concentration, which include the requirements for the Sociology major.

Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section and includes the requirements for declaring a major. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 18-19 credits

Course Title Credits
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology 3
SOC 201 Key Ideas in Sociology 3
SOC 254 Writing for the Social Sciences (see Note) 3
SOC 255/
ANTH 255/
MACS 255
Introduction to Social Research 3
One of: 3-4
STAT 104 Introductory Statistics
STAT 106 Statistics I
or PSYC 110 Applied Statistical Analysis in Psychology
Three additional lower-level credits in sociology 3

Note: Contact the department to discuss the timetabling and offering of this course.

Upper-level requirements: 33 credits

33 credits of 300- and 400-level sociology as follows:

Course Title Credits
SOC 355/
ANTH 355/
MACS 355
Quantitative Methods (see Note 1) 4
SOC 356/
ANTH 356/
MACS 356
Qualitative Research Methods 4
SOC 350 Classical Sociological Thought 4
SOC 493 Advanced Research Project 5
Two of: 8
SOC 313 Agriculture and Rural Life
SOC 344/IPK 344/ANTH 344 Indigenous Methodologies
SOC 352 Public Policy Analysis
SOC 353 Program Evaluation
SOC 357 Advanced Research Methods
SOC 358 Advanced Research on a Selected Topic
SOC 475 Communities, Difference, and Belonging
Eight additional upper-level credits in sociology (see Note 2) 8

Note 1: CRIM 320 or GEOG 252 (formerly GEOG 352) may be substituted for SOC 355/ANTH 355/MACS 355.

Note 2: No more than nine credits may be in the internship courses SOC 396/GDS 310/GEOG 396 and SOC 398/GDS 311/GEOG 398.

Sociology extended minor

This section specifies the extended minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section and includes the requirements for declaring an extended minor. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 18- 19 credits

18- 19 lower-level credits as follows:

Course Title Credits
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology 3
SOC 201 Key Ideas in Sociology
SOC 255/ ANTH 255/ MACS 255 Introduction to Social Research
Two Sociology electives (six credits). 6
One additional Sociology elective, STAT 104 (formerly MATH 104), STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106), or PSYC 110 3-4

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

At least 16 upper-level credits in Sociology (see Note).

Note: No more than nine credits may be in the internship courses SOC 396/GDS 310/GEOG 396 and SOC 398/GDS 311/GEOG 398.

Combined Anthropology and Sociology extended minors

Students taking more than one SCMS program (Anthropology, Latin American Studies, Media and Communication Studies, and Sociology) may satisfy overlapping requirements with a single course (e.g. SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 is required for more than one SCMS program). However, students must still complete the required number of lower- and upper-level credits for each major/extended minor/minor by taking additional courses in the specific discipline.

Sociology minor

This section specifies the minor discipline requirements only. Information on additional Bachelor of Arts requirements begins in this section and includes the requirements for declaring a minor. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 9 credits

Nine lower-level credits as follows:

Course Title Credits
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology 3
Three credits lower-level Sociology 3
Three credits lower-level Anthropology or Sociology 3

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

16 upper-level credits in Sociology (see Note).

Note: No more than nine credits may be in the internship courses SOC 396/GDS 310/GEOG 396 and SOC 398/GDS 311/GEOG 398.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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Current Students
