Academic Calendar Fall 2018


Liberal Arts diploma

A UFV Liberal Arts Diploma (LAD) will equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to be a reflective, articulate, and informed citizen within the Fraser Valley and beyond. A LAD offers foundational skills, learning, and engagement in communication, critical thinking, quantitative literacy, and scientific literacy, as well as the opportunity to begin concentrated study in a specific field or discipline. The diploma may serve as an educational goal or as an intermediate qualification for those who plan to transfer or who plan to ladder into a degree program at UFV. Students successfully completing a LAD will have met most of the lower-level requirements for the Bachelor of Arts as well as courses which can be used towards minors, extended minors, and/or majors.

Entrance requirements

Option 1: High school (for students with high school graduation only)

B.C. applicants

  1. B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent.
  2. A minimum of a C+ in English 12 or equivalent (see Note) and a minimum of a C+ in one additional Approved Grade 12 course.

    Note: English 12 equivalent courses include English 12 First Peoples, English Literature 12, AP English, and IB English A (standard level or higher level).

Out-of-province applicants

Students will be considered on the basis of courses equivalent to Approved B.C. Grade 12 courses. See the Admissions section of the calendar for more information on equivalents to B.C. secondary school graduation.

Out-of-country applicants

Students must have B.C. secondary school graduation equivalency, meet the prerequisite for ENGL 105 or CMNS 125, and have completed an equivalent of C+ (equated to the UFV grading system) in one course equivalent to an Approved Grade 12 course.

Alternatives to high school graduation

Students who have completed the International Baccalaureate diploma program, the B.C. Graduation diploma (B.C. Adult Dogwood), or the General Educational Development (GED) certificate may be considered to have the equivalent of B.C. secondary school graduation for admission purposes.

Option 2: University entrance (for students who have attended some post-secondary school)

  1. Completion of a minimum of nine credits at the 100 level and above, with a CGPA of 2.00 on all credits attempted.
  2. Prerequisite for ENGL 105 or CMNS 125.

Students who do not meet these requirements might consider Qualifying Studies and/or a meeting with an Academic Advisor.

When to apply

Applications are accepted for entrance to the Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters. For application deadlines, see Specific intake application process.

How to apply

  1. Apply online at

    Additional documents required for a complete application:

    • Official transcripts (or interim transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions attended (other than UFV) showing grade/course achievement as per entrance requirements. To be considered official, transcripts must be sent directly to UFV from the originating institution; see the Transfer Credit section for details. To retain their original application date, students should order early so transcripts arrive within two weeks of the date the application is mailed or submitted.
    • For high school entrance, a final official transcript (if graduated). For students currently in Grade 12, final grades are due August 3.

  2. Applicants will be advised of an admission decision and, if accepted, will be provided with registration information. A deposit is required prior to registration (see the Fees and Other Costs section). This money will be applied toward tuition fees. Final payment of all course fees is due by the end of the second week of classes.
  3. In cases where course work is in progress, an admission decision may be made conditional upon completion of academic requirements. Proof of completion of entrance requirements is due by the end of the first week in August for the September intake.

Basis for admission decision

Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be admitted in order of their application date. This date is set when an application, all required documentation, and the application fee have been submitted.

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100 per course.

Program requirements

There are two sets of requirements to note:

  1. Program requirements
  2. Foundational skills

Program requirements

  1. 60 university-level credits, of which 30 must be completed at UFV
  2. Of the 60 credits:
    • 33 credits must be in Arts subjects (Social Sciences, Humanities, or Creative Arts)
    • 27 credits can be in any subject at the university level (100 level and above)
    • At least 24 credits must be 200 level or above

Foundational skills (4-5 courses)

Foundational skill Requirement Must be completed

Writing foundation

One of CMNS 125, ENGL 105, an A in English 12 or equivalent, an A in ENGL 091, or an A in ENGL 099

Within the first 30 credits

Written, oral, or visual communication

One of AH 100, AH 101, AH 102, AH 204, CMNS 235, CMNS 251, ENGL 210, FREN 101, FREN 102, GD 101, GD 102, GD 157, GERM 101, GERM 102, JAPN 101, JAPN 102, RUSS 101, RUSS 102, SPAN 101, SPAN 102, SPAN 201, SPAN 202, THEA 111, THEA 112, VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116

Within the first 60 credits

Critical thinking

PHIL 100

Within the first 30 credits

Quantitative literacy

One of ECON 100, ECON 101, GEOG 253, MATH 105, MATH 110, MATH 111, MATH 123, MATH 140, MATH 141, PSYC 110, STAT 104, or STAT 106

Within the first 60 credits

Scientific literacy

One of BIO 105, BIO 106, GEOG 103, GEOG 105, GEOG 111, or GEOG 116

Within the first 60 credits

Note: Students may not use the same course to meet more than one foundational skill requirement.

Each foundational skill course aligns with specific outcomes.

Foundational skill Successful students will be able to:

Writing foundation

  • Demonstrate knowledge of how audience, purpose, and situation shape written communication
  • Employ conventions of organization, presentation, formatting, and style in a range of genres
  • Use source material ethically and critically in written communication
  • Engage in processes of reading, summarizing, critiquing, and citing relevant and credible sources

Written, oral, or visual communication

Oral communication option:

  • Demonstrate confidence and clarity of purpose when speaking in a public context
  • Employ delivery and organization techniques that strengthen reception of the central idea
  • Respond effectively to audience's verbal and non-verbal feedback in the moment of one's speaking
  • Critique one's own and other's oral presentation skills constructively

Visual communication option:

  • Identify the formal elements of a variety of visual media
  • Analyze visual media within a critical, contextual framework
  • Source and use images ethically
  • Communicate capably with and about images

Written communication option:

  • Write for different audiences, purposes, and situations
  • Consistently use conventions particular to a specific discipline and/or writing task, including organization, presentation, format, and style
  • Consistently use credible, relevant sources to support ideas or arguments
  • Complete all steps in the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and submission

Critical thinking

  • Evaluate arguments and their supporting evidence
  • Examine context, perspective, and assumptions when evaluating and making arguments in various disciplines
  • Construct rational arguments
  • Identify and assess counter-arguments to one’s position

Quantitative literacy

  • Explain and interpret information presented in quantitative forms
  • Convert relevant information into quantitative forms
  • Draw conclusions from an analysis of quantitative data
  • Use quantitative evidence in support of an argument

Scientific literacy

  • Express positions that are scientifically informed
  • Evaluate the quality of scientific information based on its source and the methods used to generate it
  • Articulate the role of observation and experimentation in the development of scientific theories
  • Identify ethical issues involved in the practice and application of science
  • Discuss the relevance of science in their lives and how it may affect them in their public and private roles

Students planning to apply to the Bachelor of Arts after completion of the LAD should familiarize themselves with additional BA requirements, particularly the second language competency requirement, as well as the requirements for specific majors, extended minors, and minors.

LAD graduates who ladder into the BA will need to complete ARTS 101 within 15 credits of admission to the degree. They will not be required to complete ARTS 201. ARTS 301 will need to be completed before 90 credits and ARTS 401 will need to be completed between 91 and 120 credits.

Courses at other institutions

UFV students who wish to take course at another institution for credit toward the LAD must obtain permission in advance from an Academic Advisor. A Letter of Permission request is available at or can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. Students must be in good standing (CGPA > 2.0) to receive a Letter of Permission. When approval has been granted, the Office of the Registrar will issue a Letter of Permission to the student. Residency and transfer credit policies apply.

Policies relevant to the LAD

Course Repeat policy (86): Students may not register for a course more than twice without the permission of the department head/director for the discipline or their designate. All attempts will be recorded on the transcript, but only the highest grade will be included in the GPA. Transfer courses are considered in the number of attempts. A “W” or “AU” course is not counted as a duplication. Multiple repeats of the same course count as a single duplication.

Undergraduate Continuance policy (92): Students must have a CGPA of at least 2.00 to remain in good academic standing. Failure to meet or maintain a 2.00 will result in restrictions on registration and may lead to academic suspension.

Transfer Credit policy (107) and Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) policy (94): Students who successfully complete academic course work at another post-secondary institution can transfer this credit to UFV to satisfy Liberal Arts diploma requirements. They can also earn academic credit through an assessment of prior learning.


To meet the residency requirement of the LAD, 30 credits must be completed at UFV.


Students are responsible for ensuring they are eligible to graduate, and should regularly consult with an Academic Advisor. To be eligible to graduate, students must have completed the LAD program with a minimum CGPA of 2.00.

Students must apply for graduation by completing the Graduation Request form available at, or from the Office of the Registrar. This should be done in the first month of the final semester. The final deadline for students who wish to attend the June Convocation ceremony is April 1 of each year, with all program requirements completed by the Winter semester grade deadline (see Important Registration Dates) of each year.

Course listings

For complete details on courses, please consult the appropriate category in the course descriptions section.

Current Students