Academic Calendar Fall 2018

Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies major

This section specifies the Indigenous Studies major discipline requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts section for information on additional application requirements, including the requirements for declaring a major. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Note: Not all courses listed are offered every year. Courses may have prerequisites.

Lower-level requirements: 27 credits

Halq'eméylem Language

Course Title Credits
Two of: (or equivalent in another Indigenous language; see Note) 6
HALQ 101 Halq'eméylem Language I
HALQ 102 Halq'eméylem Language II
HALQ 201 Intermediate Halq'eméylem I
HALQ 202 Intermediate Halq'eméylem II

Note: With equivalent learning outcomes of HALQ 101 and 102 or as determined via the submission of a language portfolio or communication (letter, email, video, or visit) from the language teacher (post-secondary teacher or family/community member) verifying the student's work toward language revitalization.

Indigenous Peoples Knowledge

Course Title Credits
Two of: 6
IPK 100 Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow  
IPK 102 Introduction to Indigenous Studies  
IPK 202 Introduction to Indigenous Resurgence  
IPK 277 Indigenous Art: Stories and Protocols  
FNST 102 Stó:lõ Traditional Ways of Healing and Helping  
FNST 201 Stó:lõ Communications & World View  
FNST 202 Stó:lõ Social Structure  

Indigenous History

Course Credits
One lower-level course from list 1A 3

Social Relations and Governance

Course Credits
One lower-level course from list 2A 3

Land and Culture

Course Credits
One lower-level course from list 3A 3

Worldview and Spirituality

Course Credits
One lower-level course from list 4A 3

Applied Skills in Business, Management, and Communication

Course Credits
One lower-level course from list 5A 3

Upper-level requirements: 30-37 credits

Indigenous Peoples Knowledge

Course Title Credits
IPK 344/
ANTH 344/
SOC 344
Indigenous Research Methodologies 4
IPK 386 Indigenous Worldviews of Turtle Island 3

Indigenous History

Course Credits
One upper-level course from list 1B 3-4

Social Relations and Governance

Course Credits
One upper-level course from list 2B 3-4

Land and Culture

Course Credits
One upper-level course from list 3B 3-4

Worldview and Spirituality

Course Credits
One upper-level course from list 4B 3-4

Applied Skills in Business, Management, and Communication

Students must complete one of the following two options.

Option 1 (10-14 credits)

Course Title Credits
One of:   4-6
IPK 403 Indigenous Studies Capstone  
or IPK 404 Directed Studies in Indigenous Studies  
Two upper-level courses from list 5B 6-8

Note: If needed to reach the minimum 30 upper-level credits, students should select an additional course from list 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, or 5B.

Option 2 (12-13 credits)

Course Title Credits
IPK 402 Indigenous Studies Field Work Practicum 9
One upper-level course from list 5B 3-4

Note 1: The same course cannot count toward more than one requirement.

Note 2: At least two of the courses selected from lists 1b, 2b, 3b and 4b must be IPK courses.

Indigenous Studies minor

This section specifies the Indigenous Studies minor discipline requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts section for information on additional application requirements, including the requirements for declaring a minor. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Note: Not all courses listed are offered every year. Courses may have prerequisites.

Lower-level requirements: 12 credits

Halq'eméylem Language

Course Title Credits
Two of: (or equivalent in another Indigenous language; see Note) 6
HALQ 101 Halq'eméylem Language I
HALQ 102 Halq'eméylem Language II
HALQ 201 Intermediate Halq'eméylem I
HALQ 202 Intermediate Halq'eméylem II

Note: With equivalent learning outcomes of HALQ 101 and 102 or as determined via the submission of a language portfolio or communication (letter, email, video, or visit) from the language teacher (post-secondary teacher or family/community member) verifying the student's work toward language revitalization.

Indigenous Peoples Knowledge

Course Title Credits
Two of: 6
IPK 100 Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow  
IPK 102 Introduction to Indigenous Studies  
IPK 202 Introduction to Indigenous Resurgence  
IPK 277 Indigenous Art: Stories and Protocols  
FNST 102 Stó:lõ Traditional Ways of Healing and Helping  
FNST 201 Stó:lõ Communications & World View  
FNST 202 Stó:lõ Social Structure  

Upper-level requirements: 17-19 credits

Indigenous Peoples Knowledge

Course Title Credits
IPK 344/
ANTH 344/
SOC 344
Indigenous Research Methodologies 4
IPK 386 Indigenous Worldviews of Turtle Island 3
One of:   4
IPK 331 History of Indigenous Leadership  
IPK 332 Indigenous Governance and Leadership  
IPK 401 Indigenous Worldviews and Spirituality  
IPK 404 Directed Studies in Indigenous Studies  
IPK 477 Traditional Ecological Knowledges  


Course Credits
Two upper-level courses from list 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B, and/or 5B (below) 6-8

Note: The same course cannot count toward more than one requirement.


Indigenous Studies thematic lists

1A: Indigenous History (lower level)

Course Title Credits
ANTH 111 First Nations of British Columbia - Traditional Cultures 3
FNST 101 Stó:lõ Nation Development 3
HIST 103 Stó:lõ History 3
HIST 161 Aztecs, Mayas, and Spaniards 3

1B: Indigenous History (upper level)

Course Title Credits
ADED 365 Adult Education in Canada: Indigenous Peoples 3
AH 321 Canada Contact Zone 4
HIST 327 Settler-Indigenous Relations in New Zealand and Canada 4
HIST 396I Topics in North American History: Rights, Title, and Land 4
HIST 399E Special Topics in History I: Films, Histories, and Land 4
HIST 426 Canadian Indigenous Peoples and Warfare: Pre-contact to the 20th Century 4
HIST 458 History of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America 4
IPK 331 History of Indigenous Leadership 4
POSC 332 The Politics of Multiculturalism 3

2A: Social Relations and Governance (lower level)

Course Title Credits
ANTH 211 Aboriginal Peoples in BC: Contemporary Issues 3
ANTH 268 Culture and Environment 3
CRIM 211 Indigenous Peoples, Crime, and Criminal Justice 3
ENGL 240 An Introduction to Canadian Literature 3
FNST 202 Stó:lõ Social Structure 3
FNST 275 Contemporary Issues and Policies in Aboriginal Education 3
SOC 210 Social Problems of Canadian Society 3
SOC 270/
ANTH 270/
MACS 270
Dynamics of Racism in Canada 3
SOWK 110 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services 3
VA 143 Indigenous Art and Professional Practices 3

2B: Social Relations and Governance (upper level)

Course Title Credits
ADED 365 Adult Education in Canada: Indigenous Peoples 3
ANTH 388/
LAS 388/
SOC 388
Minority Indigenous Peoples of the World 4
GEOG 300F Special Topics in Geography 4
GEOG 312 Political Ecology 4
HIST 327 Settler-Indigenous Relations in New Zealand and Canada 4
IPK 332 Indigenous Governance and Leadership 4
POSC 301 The Canadian State and Indigenous Governance 3
POSC 309 Canadian Constitutional Politics 3
POSC 332 The Politics of Multiculturalism 3

3A: Land and Culture (lower level)

Course Title Credits
AH 100 History of Art and Culture in a Global Context 3
AH 204 Indigenous Art of the Northwest Coast 3
EDUC 290 Introduction to Aboriginal Culture and Language Education 4
EDUC 291 Intermediate Studies in Aboriginal Culture and Language Education 4
FNST 101 Stó:lõ Nation Development 3
FNST 102 Stó:lõ Traditional Ways of Healing and Helping 3
FNST 230 Aboriginal Culture and Language Practicum 6
HALQ 201 Intermediate Halq'eméylem I 3
HALQ 202 Intermediate Halq'eméylem II 3
IPK 277 Indigenous Art: Stories and Protocols 3
THEA 250 Introduction to Storytelling in Indigenous, Theatrical, and Global Communities 3
VA 140/
FD 140
Indigenous Design and Technology: Special Topics I 3
VA 141/
FD 141
Indigenous Design and Technology: Special Topics II 3
VA 142/
FD 142
Indigenous Art and Design in Context 3

3B: Land and Culture (upper level)

Course Title Credits
ANTH 387/
SOC 387
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada 4
FD 345 Textile Traditions of Indigenous Peoples in Canada 3
GEOG 447 Aboriginal Geography 4
HIST 396I Topics in North American History: Rights, Title, and Land 4
IPK 477 Traditional Ecological Knowledges 4
SOWK 392 Aboriginal Social Work 3

4A: Worldview and Spirituality (lower level)

Course Title Credits
ANTH 130 Anthropology of World Religions 3
CMNS 180 Introduction to Intercultural Communication 3
FNST 201 Stó:lõ Communications & World View 3
HSER 120 Introduction to Interpersonal Communications 3
PHIL 240 Faith and Reason: Philosophy of Religion 3
SOC 101 Introductory Sociology 3

4B: Worldview and Spirituality (upper level)

Course Title Credits
ANTH 368 Environment and Society 4
FREN 415 Myths, Tales, and Legends in Francophone Literatures 4
IPK 401 Indigenous Worldviews and Spirituality 4
PHIL 318 Environmental Ethics 3
PHIL 483D Selected Topics in Philosophy 3
RLST 380 Religion, Nature, and Science 3
SOWK 392 Aboriginal Social Work 3

5A: Applied Skills in Business, Management, and Communication (lower level)

Course Title Credits
BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3
BUS 201 Human Resource Management 3
BUS 202 Contemporary Management 3
BUS 203 Organizational Behaviour 3
BUS 204 Introduction to Nonprofit Management 3
CMNS 125 Communicating Professionally to Academic and Workplace Audiences 3
CMNS 212 Introduction to Media and Public Relations 3
CMNS 235 Public Speaking 3
CMNS 251 Professional Report Writing 3
CMNS 280 Team and Small Group Communication for the Workplace 3
HSER 200 Counselling Skills 3
HSER 250 Integration of Social Services Theory and Practice 3

5B: Applied Skills in Business, Management, and Communication (upper level)

Course Title Credits
BUS 370 Managerial Control (previously offered) 3
BUS 377 Management of Cooperatives 3
BUS 408 Teamwork in Organizations 3
BUS 430 Management of Innovation 3
BUS 478 Work Spaces, Built Places 3
CMNS 312 Public Relations Campaigns 3
CMNS 335 Advanced Public Speaking 4
CMNS 351 Professional Formal Research Report Writing 3
CMNS 353 The Responsibility of Using Research in the Workplace 3
CMNS 360 Advocacy Writing 3
CMNS 380 Communicating in the Cross-Generational Workplace 3
CMNS 420 Virtual Team Communication 4
CMNS 430 Project Management Communication in Action 3
CMNS 445 Facilitating Skills for the Workplace 4
CMNS 465 Grant and Proposal Writing 3

Course listings

For complete details on courses see the course descriptions section.

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