Academic Calendar Fall 2018


Theatre major

The Theatre major integrates performance studies and creative practice to ensure graduates have a strong foundation in theatre.

Students will investigate how creative practice informs, and is informed by, an understanding of the history and theory of performance, and will develop a high standard of competence in the practical, technical and collaborative aspects of theatre. Students will also have opportunities to study the interdisciplinary relationship of theatre to other media (i.e. film, video, digital media) and other forms of artistic and creative practice (i.e. visual arts, playwriting, fashion design).

The program prepares students to think critically, approach problems creatively, and work collaboratively to develop innovative solutions. These transferable skills are highly desired by employers, and will benefit students in finding meaningful employment opportunities. Program learning outcomes are available on the Theatre department website,

Fees and additional costs

See the Fees and Other Costs section. Books and additional supplies cost approximately $100-200 per course. THEA 101 includes a materials fee. Additional costs may include theatre tours, workshop fees, art supplies, makeup kits, exercise mats, and active wear suitable for acting classes.

Program requirements

This section specifies the major discipline requirements only. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Fine Arts section for information on additional requirements. Please check the Bachelor of Arts residency section of the calendar for how many upper-level credits must be completed at UFV in order to graduate with this program.

Lower-level requirements: 24 credits

Course Title Credits
Lower-level performance studies (9 credits)
THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies 3
THEA 203/ENGL 233 History of Theatre and Drama: Antiquity to 1642 3
THEA 204/ENGL 234 History of Theatre and Drama: 1642 to 1914 3
Lower-level creative practice (12 credits)
THEA 112 Acting I: Essentials of Acting 3
THEA 121 Stagecraft I 3
THEA 123 Stagecraft II 3
THEA 299 Theatre Production Practicum 3
Lower-level Theatre elective (3 credits)
One course Any lower-level THEA course 3

Upper-level requirements: 32 credits

Course Title Credits
Upper-level performance studies (4 credits)
One of:   4
THEA 301 History of Theatre and Drama: 1914 to the Present  
THEA 305 Theatre for Young Audiences  
THEA 306 History of Musical Theatre  
THEA 307 World Theatre  
THEA 360 Selected Topics in Theatre Studies  
Upper-level creative practice (4 credits)
One of:   4
THEA 311 Digital Performance  
THEA 312 Character and Scene Study II  
THEA 315 Voice and Body II  
THEA 316 Special Topics in Acting and Performance  
THEA 352 Devised Theatre I  
THEA 370 Design for the Theatre  
THEA 399 Intermediate Practicum in Theatre  
THEA 351 Directing I (formerly THEA 450)  
Theory requirement (4 credits)
THEA 401 Contemporary Theories of Theatre and Performance 4
Capstone requirement (4 credits)
One of:   4
THEA 451 Directing II  
THEA 452 Devised Theatre II  
THEA 490 Directed Studies in Theatre  
THEA 499 Advanced Practicum in Theatre  
Upper-level Theatre electives (16 credits)
Four courses Any 300-400 Theatre courses 16

Note 1: Students planning to take upper-level acting courses should review prerequisites for these courses when selecting lower-level Theatre electives.

Note 2: Students may use only six credits of lower-level practicum courses and eight credits of upper-level practicum courses toward meeting the requirements for the Theatre major. Students may use up to three additional lower-level practicum credits to meet BA electives.

Note 3: Most upper level performance studies and creative practice courses are offered in alternating years.

Theatre extended minor

This extended minor can be applied to any degree program at UFV. This section specifies the extended minor discipline requirements only. Please refer to the specific degree section for information on additional requirements, declaration eligibility, and residency requirements. Program learning outcomes are available on the Theatre department website,

The Theatre extended minor can be combined with another creative practice program only in the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. Creative practice programs are offered in Creative Writing, Graphic and Digital Design, Theatre, and Visual Arts.

Lower-level requirements: 15 credits

Course Title Credits
THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies 3
THEA 112 Acting I: Essentials of Acting 3
THEA 121 Stagecraft I 3
THEA 203/ENGL 233 History of Theatre and Drama: Antiquity to 1642 3
or THEA 204/ENGL 234 History of Theatre and Drama: 1642 to 1914  
One course Any lower-level Theatre course 3

Note 1: Students can use only three credits from THEA 299 to fulfill the lower-level requirements for the Theatre extended minor. Students may use a maximum of six additional practicum credits drawn from THEA 290 or 295 toward elective credits in any UFV degree program, including the BA or BFA.

Note 2: Students are advised to select lower-level theatre courses that are prerequisites for the upper-level theatre courses that are of interest to them. See the course description section of the calendar for more information.

Upper-level requirements: 20 credits

Course Title Credits
Upper-level performance studies (4 credits)
One of:   4
THEA 301 History of Theatre and Drama: 1914 to the Present  
THEA 305 Theatre for Young Audiences  
THEA 306 History of Musical Theatre  
THEA 307 World Theatre  
THEA 360 Selected Topics in Theatre Studies  
Upper-level creative practice (4 credits)
One of:   4
THEA 311 Digital Performance  
THEA 312 Character and Scene Study II  
THEA 315 Voice and Body II  
THEA 316 Special Topics in Acting and Performance  
THEA 352 Devised Theatre I  
THEA 370 Design for the Theatre  
THEA 399 Intermediate Practicum in Theatre  
THEA 351 Directing I (formerly THEA 450)  
Upper-level Theatre electives (12 credits)
Three courses Any 300-400 Theatre courses 12

Note 1: Students should note that most 300- and 400-level theatre courses are offered every other year. Please contact the Theatre department at for information on which courses are being offered.

Note 2: At least 50% of the upper-level credits must be completed at UFV.

Theatre minor

This minor can be applied to any degree program at UFV. This section specifies the minor discipline requirements only. Please refer to the specific degree section for information on additional requirements, declaration eligibility, and residency requirements. Program learning outcomes are available on the Theatre department website,

Lower-level requirements: 12 credits

Course Title Credits
THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre and Performance Studies 3
Three courses Any lower-level Theatre courses 9

Note: Students are advised to select lower-level theatre courses that are prerequisites for the upper-level theatre courses that are of interest to them. See the course descriptions section of the calendar for more information.

Upper-level requirements: 16 credits

Course Title Credits
Upper-level performance studies (4 credits)
One of:   4
THEA 301 History of Theatre and Drama: 1914 to the Present  
THEA 305 Theatre for Young Audiences  
THEA 306 History of Musical Theatre  
THEA 307 World Theatre  
THEA 360 Selected Topics in Theatre Studies  
Upper-level creative practice (4 credits)
One of:   4
THEA 311 Digital Performance  
THEA 312 Character and Scene Study II  
THEA 315 Voice and Body II  
THEA 316 Special Topics in Acting and Performance  
THEA 352 Devised Theatre I  
THEA 370 Design for the Theatre  
THEA 399 Intermediate Practicum in Theatre  
THEA 351 Directing I (formerly THEA 450)  
Upper-level Theatre electives (8 credits)
Two courses Any 300-400 Theatre courses 8

Note 1: Students should note that most 300- and 400-level theatre courses are offered every other year. Please contact the Theatre department at for information on which courses are being offered.

Note 2: At least 50% of the upper-level credits must be completed at UFV.

Course listings

For complete details on courses see course descriptions section.

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