Some of the seats in these courses are reserved for students in the Adult Education program. If there is space, other students are welcome to register providing they receive permission from the Adult Education department. The department offers at least one course per semester via online media.
English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency. |
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): None
An introduction to the concept of prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) and its relationship to lifelong learning. Major emphasis will be placed on one of the methods used to assess prior learning -- the portfolio method. In the context of your educational goals, you will prepare a comprehensive written portfolio which identifies and documents your prior learning. The finished portfolio subsequently may be used to request PLA credit toward a post-secondary program. Because assessing institutions require portfolios to be well-written and well-organized, you should have strong writing and organization skills. We recommend Adult Education program students enrol in this course only after completing at least six Adult Education credits.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in an Adult Education program; students in other degree or diploma programs can contact the department for permission to enter.
Introduction to principles and practices of adult education. Provides a common foundation of knowledge to students in ADED and an introduction to adult education to students in other UFV programs.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
The purpose of this course is to reflect critically on individual conceptions of teaching and learning with respect to professional development. Students will be introduced to the process of portfolio development and will create their own portfolios. This is a required course for students applying for PLAR credit in the BA Adult Education program.
Note: Students with credit for ADED 330O cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30 university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
This course surveys the fundamental philosophical and historical roots of adult education, its methods and approaches, its organizations, and issues confronting contemporary adult education practice.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on examining adult learning through exploration of research-based theories of how people learn (science of learning) and evidence-based principles for helping people learn grounded in cognitive theories (science of instruction). Emphasis is on analysis in context of practice.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30 university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contac the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course offerings under this heading will supplement regular program offerings by examining selected emergent topics. Courses will be offered intermittently, based on availability of faculty, resources, and learner interest. Contact program or refer to published timetables for current offerings.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on examining responsible, reflective program planning practice through exploration of key concepts, principles, and issues in planning processes, and the diverse settings in which planning occurs. Emphasis is on critical thinking and analysis in context of practice.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on exploring theories and practices related to using stories for reflection-oriented attempts to make meaning, particularly as a method for reflecting on adult education practice. Participants will reflect on and learn from their experiences through stories.
Note: Students with credit for ADED 330H cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on exploring the practices, vocation, and trends of adult education within diverse educational perspectives and a complex public policy realm, amid historical, social, political, and economic influences. Emphasis is on examining how adult education practices shape and are shaped by this milieu.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in an Adult Education program; 30 credits including ADED 210, one of (ENGL 105, CMNS 125, or CMNS 155), and one of (CMNS 251, ENGL 120, ENGL 150, or ENGL 170); and one of ADED 310, ADED 320, or ADED 360.
Aboriginal, indigenous, status, non-status, and Metis adult learners often challenge the principles and practices of mainstream adult education in Canada. This course focuses on the history of aboriginal adult education in Canada. Beginning with an understanding of the holistic approaches to education practised by North American tribal peoples prior to 1400 ce, the course content includes educational policies and practices since the 1830s in Canada specifically, with relevant references to adult education practices in Australia, New Zealand, South America, and Finland; the development of the residential school systems in Canada; the government education policies of the mid and late 1900s; Indian Control of Indian Education as a social movement; the development of Indian Friendship Centres; the issues of 'Aboriginal learning styles'; and the emergence of indigenous adult and higher education institutions.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on supervised, research and/or field-based activity for students to diversify their experience base or refine and deepen their understanding of selected areas in adult education. Emphasis is on an opportunity to integrate and apply theories and practices. Requires a learning contract.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on selecting, implementing, and evaluating appropriate current learning technologies for use with adult learners in face-to-face, blended, and online learning environments. Emphasis is on application of learning theories and principles to educational technologies in global contexts.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the department for permission to register.
Course focus is on examination of adult education research, including research perspectives, methods of inquiry, research trends, and interests served. Emphasis is on identifying a researchable issue and conducting a literature review to build skills in summarizing and critiquing research reports.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on exploration of various dimensions of diversity and their effects on learning, and critical examination of dominant attitudes toward diversity in Canadian context. Emphasis is on implications for practice, creation of inclusive learning environments, and reflection on personal beliefs.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Examination of concepts of workplace learning and the learning organization, their meaning, and validity within students' professional and organizational contexts. Emphasis is on collaborative investigation of how concepts are applied within real workplaces, drawing upon students' experiences and case studies.
Note: Students with credit for ADED 330F cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on evaluating the adult teaching and learning process to inform teacher and learners about the quality of the adult learning experiences and possible corrective actions to enhance learning. Emphasis is on students designing relevant and appropriate assessments for their own practices.
Note: Students with credit for ADED 330N cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on social change, the creation of new areas of practice, new groups of learners, and effects on adult education. Emphasis is on examination of perspectives on the role of adult education in social change and the influence of those perspectives on practice.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on exploration of delivery and structure of adult education globally, including influences of international organizations and other interests. Emphasis is on comparative and international perspectives on history and philosophical, socio-economic, and political foundations of adult education.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30 university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Leadership in adult education: working with colleagues to influence positive change in institutions, community and not-for-profit agencies, workplaces, and private consulting, using appreciative inquiry to focus on critical thinking and analysis in the context of practice.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Nine upper-level ADED credits
This course engages the issues that arise when educators use literature outside the canon of English literature, especially what is referred to as diasporic or postcolonial literatures. Doing so without creating the spectre of the “Other” in Edward Said’s terms is difficult; defending the revisionist curriculum is also difficult. Participants will have the opportunity to read selected texts and determine how these texts might be used in an inter-cultural context, especially teaching English as an additional language, adult basic education, and lifelong learning.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Use an adult learning approach to explore creative, multi-media, and digital methods to work with community groups, non-profits, community education, etc. Emphasis is on practical application and exploration of non-traditional adult education methods as a means of community development.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Course focus is on an opportunity for learners near completion to integrate concepts, philosophies, and knowledge of adult education through preparation of a major paper or other approved project. Requires an approved individual learning contract prior to registration.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Pre- or corequisite(s): ADED 470
This course represents a concurrent or consecutive expansion/enhancement of work undertaken in ADED 470. This course would be undertaken subject to faculty availability.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Use UFV's ILOs and specified program outcomes to design an integrative summative self-assessment for professional identity formation and for professional recognition. Emphasis is on recognizing, applying, and reflecting on prior and concurrent learning represented in appropriate formats.
Note: Students with credit for ADED 330M cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education program) or (permission of the Adult Education department). Note: Students who do not have 30 university-level credits will need to contact the Adult Education program advisor for permission to register.
Opportunities to address emerging issues or areas of controversy in adult education practice and/or study in a seminar format. Offerings will depend on faculty availability, trends in the field, and learner interest. Contact program or published timetables for current availability.
Last extracted: November 09, 2015 11:30:04 AM