Many of the seats in these courses are normally reserved for students in a business administration program. Other students may take these courses if they meet the prerequisites and there is space.
Explanation of transferability symbols:
CA — Institute of Chartered Accountants of B.C.
CCUI — Canadian Credit Union Institute
CGA — Certified General Accountants Association of B.C.
CMA — Society of Management Accountants of B.C.
ICB — Institute of Canadian Bankers
MUN — Municipal Administrators’ Education Council
PMAC — Purchasing Management Association of Canada
WWU — Western Washington University
Students should obtain detailed information about the conditions under which courses are transferable to other institutions. Because receiving institutions determine transferability, the information provided in this section regarding transferable courses is subject to change without notice. Please refer to the B.C. Transfer Guide ( or contact the receiving institution for details about transferability.
Note: Most of the courses listed below are transferable to the OU Bachelor of Administrative Studies (BAS).
English Language Requirements Students registering in post-secondary level courses (numbered 100 to 499) will be required to meet the English language entrance proficiency requirements. Students in ESL or the University Foundations programs can register in those courses identified in the University Foundations program with lower levels of language proficiency. |
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): None
This course introduces students to basic business concepts and processes, and to the major issues involved in the management and administration of organizations. As such, it provides students with an overview of the major functional areas of business, including general management, human resources, industrial relations, marketing, production/operations, and finance. Students will gain experience in identifying concepts and analyzing problems in a real-life business context. In addition, this course will allow students to begin to develop essential business skills such as comprehensive research, effective presentations, working effectively in teams, writing for a business audience, and critical analysis. The course is designed for students with minimal experience in basic business terminology and practices. It is highly recommended that students take this course in their first semester of study as it is a pre-requisite for most subsequent business courses.
Students with credit for BUS 102 cannot take BUS 100 for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 or AGRI 142
An introductory survey course examining the business function of marketing. Students explore the fundamental principles of the marketing mix, starting with the role of market research, market segmentation, consumer behaviour, product development, and branding for both consumer and institutional products including goods and services. Students then examine pricing and distribution channel management in both traditional retail and on-line formats. Finally, students examine the techniques used in developing ethical marketing communication using the promotion mix elements. Students then develop a marketing plan. Case studies are used to emphasize fundamental principles.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the prerequisites for MATH 141
Business 143 introduces the basic principles, concepts, and applications of financial accounting. The course emphasizes the practical applications of accounting and includes the following topics: nature and purpose of accounting; the balance sheet; income and owner’s equity statements; the accounting cycle; internal control; accounting for assets including cash, receivables, inventories, and capital assets.
Note: Credit cannot be received for both BUS 143 and BUS 339.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 143
This course is a continuation of BUS 143. BUS 144 introduces the basic principles, concepts, and applications of financial accounting. Topics include current and long-term liabilities (including bonds and notes payable), partnerships, corporations and shareholders’ equity, earnings per share, dividends, retained earnings, investments (including cost and equity method of accounting), international accounting, statement of cash flows, and interpretations and analysis of financial statements.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the prerequisites for MATH 141
The course introduces the basic principles, concepts, and applications of financial accounting. The course emphasizes the practical application of accounting, and covers the: nature and purpose of accounting; the balance sheet; income and owner’s equity statements; the statement of cash flows; the accounting cycle; internal control; accounting for assets, (including cash, receivables, inventories, capital assets), current and long-term liabilities (including bonds and notes payable), partnerships, corporations and shareholders’ equity, earnings per share, dividends, retained earnings, investments (including cost and equity method of accounting), international accounting, and interpretations and analysis of financial statements.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): None. It is recommended that students are competent in computer skills.
This course covers understanding, application, and advanced skill development in spreadsheets, databases, presentation software, and word-processing, integrated with an introduction to Management Information Systems (MIS). Emphasis is on problem solving and integration of software applications within a MIS context.
Note: Students with credit for CIS 110 cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 203
This course involves the study of recruitment, selection, and placement; job descriptions and job evaluation; compensation and appraisal plans, employment benefit programs, and training and educational programs.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): None
This course involves detailed study of the functions of management, including planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Topics covered include the context of management, the planning process, decision-making, organizational structure, leadership, motivation, and the control process. Applications and problem solving in the real-life business context will be emphasized. This course is designed for working managers and for students who want exposure to management skills and practices.
Students with credit for BUS 102 cannot take BUS 202 for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 Students in a CIS program or CRIM degree can contact the School of Business for permission to register.
This course consists of a general overview of the behavior of individuals and groups, especially as this behavior relates to formal organizations. It is designed to familiarize students with basic theories and concepts from the social sciences. Students will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of structured learning experiences where these theories can be studied and the concepts applied.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): None
This survey course is designed to introduce students to the areas of responsibility of managers of nonprofit organizations, and is intended to provide a broad overview of the management challenges of the non-profit sector. Topics include scope and function of the nonprofit sector, an overview of financial management, human resources management, strategic planning, and marketing functions within the non-profit sector. Specific issues are emphasized, such as accountability, board selection, volunteer management, and fundraising.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): (BUS 100 or 102), BUS 120, (BUS 144 or 145), (BUS 160 or CIS 110)
Pre- or corequisite(s): BUS 201, BUS 247
An examination of how management set objectives of a business organization and the importance of planning and control to achieve these objectives. It includes an examination of long- and short-range goals and objectives, policy formation, rules and procedures, and decision-making using business simulation.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120
Every role in business requires some selling of a good, service, or an idea. Therefore, professional selling skills are essential. In this course students are introduced to the tools and techniques used by highly successful salespeople. Fundamental sales concepts are explored, using video critiques of student role plays and the preparation of sales plans.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120
This course covers several advertising-related topics including philosophy and purpose, organization, relationship to other business divisions, planning, management, the creative process, research, media, copy, layout, art, strategies and campaigns, production and communications, controls, and evaluation of results.
4 credits
Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115).
This course is an introduction to the use and interpretation of statistical analysis for economics and business purposes. Students apply statistical techniques, such as multiple regressions and time series analysis, to problems using industry standard software. Using real-world data, students complete a project applying techniques learned in the course.
Note: This course is offered as BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301) and ECON 226 (formerly ECON 301).Students may only take one of these for credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, (BUS 160 or CIS 110), (BUS 144 or BUS 145), BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162), BUS 100, and CMNS 125.
A comprehensive course in how to establish a small business. Topics include buying a business, franchises, starting your own business, sources of financing, forms of business, determining location, and the management strategies of marketing, finance, production, inventory control and human resources. This course concludes with the development of a business plan.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites for MATH 141
This course is intended for non-business students who are interested in learning how to apply personal financial planning knowledge into personal wealth creation. The course aims at providing students with a hands-on overview and understanding on personal financial planning concepts and process with a practical approach.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 144
This course is an introduction to management accounting. Topics include cost/volume/profit relationships and analysis; job order costing; budgeting and responsibility accounting; flexible budgets; standard costs; materials; labour; overhead; cost behavior; relevant costing; variable and absorption costing.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the prerequisites for MATH 141
This course focuses on the valuation of financial securities such as stocks, bonds, annuities, and options. Valuation of these instruments requires the use of discounting for time value, equity premiums, and premiums based on credit risk. Other topics include capital budgeting, business decisions, and real options embedded in investment decisions. This course serves as a valuable introduction to finance and will assist students in deciding whether to pursue a concentration in finance in their degree or a professional designation in finance such as becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst charter holder.
Note: Students may receive credit for only one of BUS 149, BUS 162, or BUS 249
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 100
Beginning with an overview of the sources of law and court procedures, this course explores torts and focuses on contract law. The material covered provides a sound definition of contract law as well as examining specific contractual arrangements, including securities, real estate transactions and general business transaction. Students will also be exposed to laws relating to business organizations, such as partnerships and corporations.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 203
This course consists of a survey of organizations and their environments, strategies, structures, systems, change and redesign from a mostly contingency perspective. Topics also include organization-level phenomena such as power, politics, decision making, culture, technology and information processing. Through cases, readings and life experiences, students will be given the opportunity to apply these concepts, and evaluate their use in interpreting and managing organizational problems and situations.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
The course is an introduction to labour relations and a basis for more specialized study. The course presents a critical analysis of labour-management relations in the workplace, its institutional and legal framework, and the organization and objectives of unions and management. The course should interest trade unionists and managers wanting to develop analytical skills relevant to and necessary for a career in labour relations, and those wanting to better understand and participate in the labour relations of their own workplace.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 203
The specific emphasis in this course may vary depending on the special interests of faculty. Normally, the course will consist of an in-depth review of specific organizational theories and problems.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 304
This course provides an in-depth examination of selected organization theory topics such as (but not restricted to) organizational learning, re-engineering, cultural change, institutional theory, bureaucracy, power, and enacted reality. Using course concepts, activities within and between contemporary organizations can be interpreted and form the basis of managerial analysis and action recommendations.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
The specific emphasis in this course will vary depending on the interests of the faculty and the contemporary issues in human resource management. Some of the human resource topics, each of which would form the basis for a special topics course, are: selection and recruitment, human resources planning, performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, and training and development. The course will be presented through readings, exercises, role plays, and case studies.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
This course is an intensive examination of the human resource management functions of recruitment and selection. The course material covers topics such as the laws that govern recruitment and selection, the construction of an accurate job description, the process of identifying and attracting qualified candidates, and developing reliable and valid techniques for screening and selection. Students will also be introduced to theoretical perspectives on these topics and to some of the contemporary research addressing these topics.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, and one of BUS 226 or BUS 301.
This course examines different research methodologies and their applicability to various business research problems. Emphasis is placed upon survey research design. Students complete a major research project which includes research design, questionnaire construction, conducting a focus group, data collection, data analysis, and report writing. Industry-standard computer software is used to conduct the survey data analysis.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 221
This course will expose students to managerial problems and challenges faced by organizations that are in the business of marketing industrial products, services, and commodities to other businesses. The specific focus will be on the nature of the firms’ offerings and the specialized channels of distribution.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 221
This is an advanced course in professional selling with emphasis placed on the development of skills in qualifying sales opportunities, self-management, negotiation, and the preparation of professional sales proposals and presentations. Students will be assigned a sales project with a not-for-profit organization and will participate in the organization’s sales process.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 390K may not take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120
When people think of marketing they think of advertising and this introductory course explores the science and creative technical skills required to design effective advertising. Students start with the science skills of creating buyer profiles, product category segmentation, and product differentiation. Once students are masters of their product and buyers, the design and production processes of advertising are examined. Students learn the technical layout, art, copy, typography, and colour selections strategies used to create print media campaigns and then learn the techniques used to translate these skills into a variety of advertising media formats. Once students master the design, they then explore media selection management, including placement and performance metrics and the role of ethics in designing advertising for sensitive audiences.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 223 cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, one of BUS 221, BUS 223, BUS 323, BUS 328 (formerly BUS 224)
This course examines the concept of customer relationship management as a corporate philosophy and then offers a practical application of how a customer database plays an integral part in establishing and maintaining customer relationships. Customer identification, differentiation, interaction, and customization techniques will be reviewed. This course focuses on planning, designing, and managing a marketing database, as well as an introduction to analytical techniques used for analyzing transactional and promotional data to improve customer interactions.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120; one of BUS 221, BUS 223, BUS 323, BUS 328 (formerly BUS 224), or CIS 145, or CIS 146.
This course prepares students within the role of marketing management to leverage the power of the internet and digital marketing to make intelligent strategic and tactical e-marketing and traditional marketing decisions. This course examines the most current theories and techniques in the field on digital marketing including such topics as Internet revenue models, privacy and permission marketing, digital advertising, search engine marketing, e-mail marketing, web analytics, and social media.
Note: Students with BUS 390G cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162), and BUS 247.
Managing the effectiveness of company resources spent on advertising is a main focus of senior marketing managers. In this course, students explore the principles used in developing accountability measures for marketing activities. Performance metrics cover a broad range of marketing related activities including: measuring customer value; mapping the behaviour of production and overhead costs and their influence on break-even revenue and unit sales; customer, product, and segment profitability; and setting performance targets for each of the promotion mix elements used by a company in its media strategy.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 390H cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 320
This course is all about shopping to understand the behaviours, attitudes, desires, and motivations of shoppers to explain why you buy what you do. Consumer behaviour is an interdisciplinary subject; it is based on concepts and theories developed by researchers from psychology, sociology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, and economics and then applied in marketing to compile the data necessary to become an expert in your buyers. This course explores a variety of tools and data collected by marketers to develop comprehensive Buyer Profiles used to create effective marketing strategy. Students also explore the impact of the purchase environment, culture, and the people who influence buyers and their impact on a buyer’s purchase choice and satisfaction.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120
Retail is big business; it is the second largest industry sector in the Canadian economy, and getting the product from the production floor to the buyer is critical to the financial success of all manufacturers. In this course students explore the complex world of retail and e-tail channel management strategies from the perspective of starting a retail store from the ground up to develop a comprehensive, competitive retail strategy including defining its buyer; product mix strategy; competition; the physical and e-tail appearance; and inventory style, assortment, and selection. Students then examine the implementation steps necessary to bring their retail concept to life: site selection; inventory purchasing and pricing; staffing including sales and administrative staff; branding; advertising and promotion; and customer loyalty programs.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 224 cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 323 or BUS 223
Pre- or corequisite(s): BUS 327
Brand promotion management for single- and multi-product firms is explored using industry standard graphic art technology tools. Students examine the basics of corporate brand development and use graphic design skills to create a company brand identity including naming, logo, slogan, colour palette, and typography. Students then explore brand management across traditional promotion mix tools using industry standard software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and In-Design. Online brand development and management are explored using industry standard web design software, such as Dreamweaver and Flash. Students explore the creation of company websites, banner ads, and social media sites including Facebook Fan Pages.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 160 or CIS 110.
Pre- or corequisite(s): BUS 343
The emphasis of this course is the controllership and public practice role of accountants. It will include a comprehensive computerized accounting simulation that will involve the design of the accounting system, designing reports to monitor short-term liquidity and capital projects, entry of data to test the system, and reporting financial analysis of the results to management. In the public practice portion of the course, a client’s business will be created in CaseWare where a year-end file will be prepared, including the preparation of financial statements. Students will also use software to complete a simulated personal tax return.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites for MATH 140
This course will focus on helping students to analyze real company financial statement information and will explain the relationships between the income statement, balance sheet, and cash-flow statement. This will be an introductory guide to understanding the language of financial statements and provide reference for students to utilize the appropriate methods for analyzing, interpreting, and understanding financial data. That data will then be used to take full advantage of opportunities while understanding some of the risks and limitations of financial data.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 143 cannot take BUS 339 for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 247
This course, together with BUS 344, further develops the concepts, practices, and techniques, presented in BUS 143 and BUS 144. Topics include theoretical foundations of accounting, measurement and reporting of financial information, cash, receivables, inventories, investments and financial assets, capital assets, intangible assets, revenue and expense recognition, financial reporting, and application of fair value.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 343
This course represents a continuation of the financial accounting subject matter presented in BUS 343. Topics include liabilities, retained earnings, shareholders equity, earnings per share, accounting for taxes, pensions, leases, changes in financial position, financial statement analysis, and disclosure requirements.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 247
This course provides an introduction to the Canadian system of income taxation. Specific study concentrates on the rules and procedures in the Canadian Income Tax Act and includes such topics as employment income, income from business, income from property, net income for tax purposes, eligible deductions such as RRSPs, capital cost allowances, capital gains and losses, and the calculation of taxable income and taxes payable for individuals.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 345
This course provides a continuation of BUS 345. This course covers the fundamental principles and concepts of Canadian federal income tax legislation as it applies to corporations, trusts, and partnerships; international taxation for individuals and corporations; tax planning for individuals in relation to corporations; and GST/HST. The course emphasizes the understanding of the conceptual structure of the Income Tax Act and equips students with skills in the application of its rules to practical cases including the use of tax return software.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 344
This course is an introduction to the principles of auditing. Topics include: the nature and purpose of the audit function, an overview of the auditing profession, audit methodology, planning, and standards (including audit objectives, types of evidence and documentation, materiality and risk, internal controls and audit sampling and testing); audit reports, and coverage of current auditing controversies.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 247
This course covers cost behaviour, relevance and the decision process, pricing decision, management control systems, cost allocation, profit planning in uncertainty and the use of decision models, specifically inventory models, product mix, models in capital budgeting, cost behaviour analysis, and variance analysis mix and yield.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 143, BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162), and BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301).
This course will explore the principles of successful corporate financial management, and will therefore target various aspects of managing an organization financially. As a result, the focus of the course is theory and application to the areas (among others) of financial analysis, valuation, capital budgeting, and risk.
Note: This course is offered as BUS 349 and ECON 349. Students may take only one of these for credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115)
A survey of the production function in business with emphasis on inventory management, project management, and quality control. Emphasis will
be placed on how managers can use computers in manufacturing operations to help them in decision-making. Field trips may be required.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 100
An overview of the development of international air transportation systems and the contexts within which they operate. The course will examine key national and international regulatory and industry bodies, reasons for their development, current roles, and emerging air transportation trends. In addition to regulatory issues, students will be introduced to the major political, social, cultural, economic, and technological forces affecting international air transportation.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201 or BUS 203
This course is a study of the non profit/public sector with specific attention to the measures that act as substitutes for profit as indicators of achievement. Topics include: control functions, key indicators, outcome measures, costing, budgeting, best practices, accountability, service, strategic planning, managerial behaviour and reporting and evaluating.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including one of BUS 203, ECON 100, or ECON 101
This course explores cooperatives as a viable model of economic development and introduces the student to the challenges involved in their management. The course covers cooperative values and principles, history of the cooperative movement, and types of cooperatives, and focuses on how managerial methods can be adapted to fit the cooperative model.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits.
This course reviews why organizational culture matters; provides tools for assessing and understanding it; describes the cultures of various organizations; and develops strategies for leading and managing culture change. Students apply intervention strategies about organizational culture change to specific organizations.
Note: Students are encouraged to take BUS 304 prior to or along with this course.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits.
This course presents an overview of cross-cultural management practices and issues, examining the behaviour of people in international organizations, cross-cultural work teams, with multi-cultural customers, and inter-cultural stakeholders. It emphasizes the development of competencies for managing cultural diversity in the workplace.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites dependent on topic
This course investigates a special topic related to the management of businesses or other organizations. Normally this will consist of an in-depth consideration of an issue or problem faced by a specific type of organization or by organizations in general. This course will be offered only when funding is available and student interest is evident.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 261
This course examines the moral and ethical issues facing contemporary business. Perspectives on ethics and justice are explored and used to assess moral and ethical obligations of stakeholders such as employees, the public, government, owners, and managers, in a wide range of situations faced by organizations. Such situations may include, among others, corporate social responsibility, employee and shareholder rights, environmental obligations, and fair business practices.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 349
This is a capstone course that provides students with the opportunity to integrate and apply knowledge gained in earlier undergraduate courses. Students will learn how to formulate business strategy and gain an understanding of the principles of good strategy execution.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including STAT 106.
This course covers the application of basic mathematical and statistical techniques to aid managerial decision making, to help solve a wide variety of problems from a broad range of areas in the business environment. This is a practical course in which there will be extensive use of spreadsheets.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the BBA degree or BBA (Aviation) degree
Pre- or corequisite(s): Business 403 – Strategic Management
Strategic Management Simulation is a capstone course that enables the student to understand the process of formulating a competitive business strategy and putting it into practice through participating in a business simulation. Students take on the role of a practicing manager charged with running a company, developing and executing a business strategy, and making a set of wide ranging decisions. Students learn to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in previous courses in a challenging, competitive, problem-solving environment. Students experience cooperative learning and teamwork while actively managing a close-to-real-life company where they can practice and hone their decisionmaking skills.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
The purpose of this course is to a) develop an understanding of the complex role that reward and compensation systems play in organizational success and b) develop the ability to actually design a compensation system that will promote organizational success.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 304
This course examines the ways in which gender, personal characteristics, and organizational structure interact in determining individuals’ experiences in organizations. Among the topics discussed will be how and why individual experiences differ, how different individuals behave in managerial positions, differences in labour market experiences, and the effects of organizational and societal socialization.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 307A may not take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 203
Pre- or corequisite(s): BUS 304
The ability to work effectively in groups is an important skill in the modern organization. This course will introduce students to theoretical concepts in group development and performance, and also explore practical applications of teamwork in existing organizations in the class itself.
Credit will not be given to students who previously completed BUS 307B.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 261
This course will emphasize the nature of government-enterprise interaction in Canada and North America with special attention paid to competition policy, public regulation, public enterprise, and international trade agreements. Both theoretical and practical applications of the following topics will be examined: industrial strategy, macro-economic planning, energy and natural resource policies.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 227
An examination of the key factors affecting venture initiation including completion of a venture opportunity analysis, market research, approaches to and location of funding, tax planning, cash-flow projections, and the mechanics of startup.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
In order to remain competitive and attract/retain qualified employees, organizations must have training and development systems and programs in place for continuous learning and performance improvement. It is Human Resources’ responsibility to ensure that all training and development activities are integrated and aligned with the organization’s strategic direction as well as linked with functional area mandates. This course addresses the cost/benefit and utility analysis of training and development as well as current practices in management development.
Note: Students who have taken BUS 309E cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
An organization’s performance management process must be integrated with its strategic objectives and planning. Defining, measuring, and evaluating employee performance enables management to meet both employee development needs and individual/team performance objectives. Students will learn to use appraisal tools, conduct performance review meetings, and understand the role of reward systems in the performance management process.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
It is the organization’s responsibility and the function of the human resources role to eliminate or reduce workplace injuries and illnesses, and to provide a safe place for employees to work. Students will learn to recognize what these hazards are and how to assess them, keeping in mind the procedures and requirements of the Workers’ Compensation Board. They will learn to conduct a safety needs analysis and accident investigation, and develop a safety training program.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 201
Students will learn to align Human Resource (HR) activities with corporate strategy, environmental scanning sources and methods, HR forecasting techniques, environmental factors impacting on HR roles, job analysis, information technology for HR planning, ascertaining HR supply, succession planning, downsizing and restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, strategic international Human Resource Management, outsourcing of HR functions, and evaluation of HR programs and policies.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): ECON 100 and ECON 101; 90 credits of university-level course work recommended
This course begins the study of the international business environment with a survey of cultural, social, and economic factors influencing decision making. Major functions of international commerce are reviewed including export and import trade, investment transfers, international production and marketing operations and global monetary control systems. A major emphasis of this course will be how business may gain from Asian-Pacific trade in the 21st century.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 120
This course examines the issues related to the marketing of products and services in the international context. Studnets will explore the challenges companies face trying to implement the marketing mix principles in foreign countries. Emphasis will be placed upon the development and implementation of policy and strategy for a firm’s resources to meet the international marketing objectives. The international marketing issues related to a country or a geographic location will also be examined.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 221; BUS 322 and BUS 326 recommended.
This comprehensive course explores the principles of sales force management. Topics include planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling the work of the sales force. Students will be given the opportunity to apply these concepts through case study assignments and an experiential learning project.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 222 or BUS 461 cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 320
Services permeate every aspect of our lives. Services are so pervasive that only when they start to fail do we realize our dependence on them. World economies are becoming increasingly services dominated, and virtually all companies view services as critical to customer retention. With the rapid infusion of technology into various industries, customers' demands have changed. Customers now expect to interact with service providers in a multitude of ways in different channels posing new challenges on service marketing and management. This course explores the distinct needs and problems business managers face when marketing and delivering services. Hence, the course will build and expand on theories and concepts relating to the marketing of goods by tailoring them to specifically apply to service industry settings.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 320
As businesses become more and more competitive, it has become paramount for marketing executives to make their marketing decisions based on facts, rather than conceptual content alone. Most businesses collect customer data and maintain an “in house” corporate data warehouse which contains all their customer data. To understand their customers better and to create effective marketing initiatives, analytical-driven companies tend to profile their customers using data mining techniques on their customer data. Using customer profiling, the company may initiate customized marketing campaigns to reach out to the target group by tailoring products and services to individual customer needs. This, in turn, leads to enhanced customer experiences with the company. It is has become integral for marketing students to familiarize themselves with quantitative methods and analytical tools to analyze volumes of customer data. This course focuses on solving and analyzing marketing problems using analytics. The course examines the analysis of data for the purpose of making better management decisions.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 470 or BUS 390I cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 321 and BUS 327
This capstone marketing course integrates all the marketing skills students have acquired to-date in formulaitng a client driven strategic marketing plan. Students will apply the marketing mix elements to define the marketplace, target market, product positioning strategy, and marketing communication strategy. In addition, students will be required to develop profitability forecasts, an implementation schedule, and a comprehensive set of marketing metrics to track the company's success in achieving thier marketing objective.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 223 or BUS 323; BUS 327; One of BUS 329 or CMNS 375.
Student understanding of the fundamental skills from prior courses are put to the test to develop an integrated marketing communication program for a real world client. In creative teams of six, students complete four advertising agency simulation assignments driven by a client based Creative Brief. All elements of the promotion mix including print ads, sales promotions, public relations, direct marketing pieces, social media (Facebook and Twitter), banner ads, Google ad words, SEO, and corporate websites are potentially part of the media mix deliverables used to meet client needs. In addition to developing their own communication concepts, students complete the artwork and then sell their ideas to a panel of executive members from the client.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 463 cannot take this course for further credit
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 223 or BUS 323, BUS 327, and department permission. Note that students who have pursued this topic under BUS 492 will not be permitted to register.
In this course students apply the marketing promotion mix elements to implement client driven corporate events for both customer and community stakeholders. Students will explore the many steps of public relations using corporate event management. From start to finish, students will plan a series of client driven events that includes all materials sourcing, budgeting, promoting, and staffing designed to build the client company name in the community.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 261
This course will explore the principles for the management of innovation across several industries. The focus will be on issues such as: leadership; strategy; resources; performance metrics measurement and incentive rewards; and how they are impacted by the organization’s structure and culture. This course should only be taken in the final two semesters of the business degree.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 349
This course is designed to develop the student’s ability to value securities. Various methods of investment analysis will be studied. Stocks, bonds, and derivative products are used in a case setting to enable students to learn the appropriateness of using these tools and methods. All of these financial instruments are viewed from an individual, institutional, and portfolio perspective.
Note: This course is offered as BUS 433 and ECON 433. Students may take only one of these for credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 349
This course deals with the ways in which risks are quantified and managed in a portfolio that includes equities, fixed income instruments, and derivatives. The course begins by reviewing the Black-Scholes model of option pricing. The Black-Scholes model is then extended to examine how institutions hedge themselves when they sell non-standard derivatives securities. In particular, we examine the hedging of bonds, stocks and options against movements in share prices, curvature, interest rates, and volatilities.
Note: This course is offered as BUS 434 and ECON 434. Students may take only one of these for credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 349
This course is a study of international financial markets and institutions, and introduces the student to the management of assets and liabilities in an international and multinational setting. Topics to be covered include: exchange rate determination, foreign exchange risk, interest rate swaps, international portfolio management, comparative markets, and country risks.
Note: This course is offered as BUS 435 and ECON 435. Students may take only one of these for credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 343
Pre- or corequisite(s): BUS 344
This course examines advanced financial accounting issues including long-term investments, business combinations and consolidations, intercorporate investments, foreign currency translation and transactions, and accounting for the not-for-profit sector
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 160 or CIS 110; 60 credits of university-level course work recommended
Rapidly changing information technology is one of the key factors in organizations achieving a competitive advantage today. In this course, students will learn how to think strategically about information systems. Prior to joining the course students understand the functions of business so that this course can examine how these functions are enhanced with the strategic use of technology. The ultimate goal is for students to be able to understand how organizations determine and implement information systems to yield a competitive advantage and will explore advancing technologies capable of adding to that competitive advantage. The course will include an introduction to various types of MIS software with an emphasis on hands-on application.
Students must have a basic understanding of technology (including spreadsheets, personal databases, computer components, and networking) and a strong understanding of business processes and concepts before taking this course.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 344 and BUS 349
This course is an overview and discussion of theoretical and empirical research in various key financial accounting topics. We will visit many of the highly important research papers of the past thirty years in financial accounting, learn the insight and argument in modern financial accounting theories, and study their application to capital markets and business enterprises.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 348.
This advanced-level course provides an overview of the role of management accounting in creating and evaluating corporate strategy, and its decision-making matrix is outlined within a framework of how managers make decisions. Various cost structures and behaviours, with statistical uncertainty models, are introduced.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 349
This course will focus on helping students to interpret financial data for effective business analysis and decision making by analysts, investors, managers, and other stakeholders of a company. The course goes beyond just assessing the financial health and performance of a firm and introduces students to managing growth, financing operations, and evaluating investment opportunities based on financial statement analysis.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 349
This course looks at various models of asset pricing. These models are then used to price securities such as stocks, bonds, and options, and the empirical implications of these theories are examined. Other topics include capital budgeting under uncertainty, optimal capital structure, dividend policy, mergers and acquisitions, and foreign exchange risk.
Note: This course is offered as BUS 449 and ECON 449. Students may take only one of these for credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106)
This course deals with the calculation techniques required for time and cost estimation and scheduling when undertaking complex multitask projects. Managerial and implementation issues will also be covered.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 360, ECON 101 recommended
An examination of current operational, management, and marketing issues faced by the airline industry. Topics will include issues related to Airline planning, forecasting, scheduling, fleet planning, and financing. The course will also examine the application of marketing concepts to the airline industry focusing on product planning, pricing, distribution and promotion.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the Bachelor of Business Administration Aviation degree or general BBA degree, BUS 360.
This course provides a broad understanding of on-demand air transportation. The focus will be on the process of establishing and managing the Business and Corporate Aviation segment of the General Aviation industry. This course will also provide knowledge of business plan development specifically suitable for airlines of all sizes.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): BUS 360, BUS 349, or instructor's permission
This is a comprehensive course in airport management and planning which explores current trends in policies and practices. The course covers planning and managing techniques, new technologies, and regulatory issues. Students will learn about site selection, access, regulations, security, technological advances, and other critical issues involved in the development, planning, and management of airports.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 75 university-level credits.
This course examines the history and practices of fair trade and ethical consumption movements and how they differ from traditional practices of trade. It explores development and solidarity roots; creation of market-driven social justice; and relationships to cooperatives, retailers, producers, and consumers.
Note: Students with credit for BUS 308E cannot take this course for further credit.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): 75 university-level credits
This course studies how people experience built environmental conditions (built places) at work (workspaces). It examines the role of workspaces and built places on employee productivity and performance. Topics include person-place relationships; place-design experiences; territoriality-belonging; privacy; crowding-density; biophilia; servicescape, sportscape; wayfinding; and universal design.
3 credits
Prerequisite(s): None
Independent reading and research on topics selected in consultation with the supervising instructor, and approved by the program head. See program chair for details.
6 credits
Prerequisite(s): Completion of 30 upper-level credits in Business and Economics courses, and instructor’s permission.
This course is focused on the completion and presentation of an applied project or consultancy project in business for senior business degree students. It provides the opportunity to develop and demonstrate applied research and business consultancy skills. Students will be expected to complete a Statement of Work (SOW) – project scope, work to be done, and timelines; conduct that work – situational analyses, option generation, and recommendations; and prepare a comprehensive report. Upon completion of the written work, students will be required to present their report in a public forum. This course is offered in an independent studies format.
Note: This course can be repeated once for additional credit, provided a different project is undertaken.
Last extracted: November 09, 2015 11:30:19 AM