English Language Proficiency Requirement
English is the language of instruction at UFV. UFV recognizes that applicants
must have a level of English sufficient to participate and be successful in the
learning process. Applicants to all post-secondary level programs, and students
registering for post-secondary courses, are expected to be able to demonstrate
language proficiency. Meeting the English language proficiency requirement meets the language
requirements for most post-secondary courses, except for English and communications courses
which have specific requirements.
All applicants to post-secondary programs will be checked to ensure the English language
proficiency requirement has been met prior to being admitted. Applicants unable to
meet the English language entrance requirement will be given the opportunity to meet the English requirement through Adult Basic Education, English as a Second Language, and/or the University Foundation certificate.
For further details, see UFV's English Language Proficiency Requirement policy (99).
English language proficiency standards
Someone who meets one or more of the criteria listed here meets the UFV English language entrance requirement:
- Applicants whose first language is English.
- Applicants who have studied for at least two years in and have graduated from a secondary school in which English is the language of instruction.
- Graduation from a degree or two-year diploma program, or successful completion of two years of study at the university level with a 2.0 CGPA, at a post-secondary institution recognized by UFV in which English is the primary language of instruction.
- TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) – score of at least 570 (or 230 if computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (essay) score of 4.0, or IBT score of 88 with no section below 20.
- IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Academic format– score of at least 6.5., with no band score less than 6.0.
- UFV CPT (Composition Placement Test) – score of 48 or higher.
- MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery) – score of at least 85.
- CAEL (Canadian Academic English Language) – score of at least 70.
- CanTEST – overall score of 4.5 in Listening and Reading, and 4.0 in Writing.
- Cambridge Proficiency Examination – competence level of C.
- LPI (Language Proficiency Index) – essay score of 30 (level 5).
- UFV English as a Second Language Assessment results equivalent to completion of the 80-level, of UFVs ESL writing and grammar.
- English 12 (or equivalent course) with a minimum grade of C+. The following courses are considered equivalent to English 12: English Literature 12, English 12 First Peoples, International baccalaureate English A (standard level or higher level), Advanced Placement English.
- Completion of any course or test score with grades that meet the prerequisites for ENGL 105, ENGL 120, CMNS 125, or CMNS 155.
- A minimum grade of C- for a course transcripted at UFV as first-year English or Communications.
- ENGL 099 or CMNS 099 with a C or better.
- ENGL 081 or ENGL 091 with a C+ or better.
- ESL WG84 with a C+ or better.
- Accuplacer Reading comprehension score of 80 or better, together with Accuplacer WritePlacer score of 6 or better on the 8-point scale.
English language proficiency and a student's
To help students recognize their compliance with the UFV English Language
policies, UFV will determine and record an "English Language Policy value" in
"test scores" on the student's academic record. The ELP value should be
interpreted as follows:
- 100 or higher: Student has met prerequisite for ENGL 105.
- 080 or higher: Student has met English language proficiency
- 070: Student has met University Foundations Level 2 entrance
- 060: Student has met University Foundations Level 1 entrance
- Missing ELP values, or values less than 060, may mean that insufficient data
has been received from the student.