You can begin your university studies at UFV and then transfer to many different arts, science, and professional degrees at other universities. In order to do so, you must choose courses that are fully transferable to the receiving institution. Obtain calendars from the university to which you wish to transfer, and consult with a UFV Advisor to assist with course planning.
If you plan to take UFV courses with the intention of transferring later, you may apply for one of the following (whichever suits your goals most closely):
In many arts, science, and applied subjects you can complete a four-year bachelor�s degree at UFV; for others you can complete one or two years at UFV and then transfer to finish the degree elsewhere.
The transferability of UFV courses to B.C. universities is listed in the B.C. Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) online transfer guide at BCCAT also publishes a booklet, 'Tips for Transfer' available online or from Student Services. This booklet includes a transfer planning checklist, answers questions about transfer, and provides many useful hints for transfer students.
The B.C. transfer guide does not include all upper-level transfer credit. For transfer of courses not found in the B.C. transfer guide, including transfer of courses outside B.C., consult the institution you wish to attend.
In order to do your UFV course planning, you must be familiar with the degree program at the university to which you wish to transfer. A UFV Advisor can assist you in understanding the university calendars, and planning your UFV courses.
University regulations vary with respect to transfer, but the following guidelines generally apply:
UFV offers programs in elementary teaching and nursing. You can also begin your studies toward a career in law, medicine, veterinary medicine, engineering, etc. at UFV. If you require assistance planning your program, make an appointment with an Advisor to discuss your program plan.
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